3 research outputs found

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Programa de ReducciĂłn del EstrĂ©s Basado en la AtenciĂłn Plena: Un estudio exploratorio de su aplicaciĂłn en un Hospital PĂșblico semi-rural del Sur de Chile

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    Originating in the Buddhist tradition, mindfulness meditation has been applied as a preventative and therapeutic tool in hospitals and clinics over the past 30 years in the western world.  Nevertheless, it is practically unknown in Chile.  This article outlines the experience of the first Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR) implemented in Chile, which has at its core the practice of mindfulness meditation, as a tool to reduce depressive and anxious symptoms in patients and workers of a hospital.  Described here is a pilot program that was implemented at the Hospital of Santa Barbara in southern Chile.  Preliminary results from the evaluations of depressive and anxious symptoms among participants are presented, finding a significant diminishing in both.  Qualitative aspects of the impact of the intervention are also included through the thematic analyses of a semi-structured interview with one of the workshops participants. Finally, the potential for reproducing this program in public health environments across the country is discussed.    La MeditaciĂłn de AtenciĂłn Plena proveniente de la tradiciĂłn budista ha sido aplicada como herramienta preventiva y terapĂ©utica en hospitales y clĂ­nicas por 30 años en occidente, siendo aun prĂĄcticamente desconocida en nuestro paĂ­s. Este artĂ­culo presenta el Programa de ReducciĂłn del EstrĂ©s Basado en la AtenciĂłn Plena como alternativa preventiva y terapĂ©utica para el incremento del bienestar psicolĂłgico, alivio del estrĂ©s, y disminuciĂłn de sĂ­ntomas depresivos y ansiosos. Se describe la implementaciĂłn de un programa piloto en el Hospital de Santa BĂĄrbara (8va RegiĂłn, Chile) y se presentarĂĄn los resultados de las evaluaciones pre-post de sĂ­ntomas depresivos y ansiosos de los participantes. Finalmente se discuten las potencialidades de la rĂ©plica del programa en establecimientos de salud pĂșblica del paĂ­s

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain.

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    To analyse the characteristics and predictors of death in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Spain. A retrospective observational study was performed of the first consecutive patients hospitalized with COVID-19 confirmed by real-time PCR assay in 127 Spanish centres until 17 March 2020. The follow-up censoring date was 17 April 2020. We collected demographic, clinical, laboratory, treatment and complications data. The primary endpoint was all-cause mortality. Univariable and multivariable Cox regression analyses were performed to identify factors associated with death. Of the 4035 patients, male subjects accounted for 2433 (61.0%) of 3987, the median age was 70 years and 2539 (73.8%) of 3439 had one or more comorbidity. The most common symptoms were a history of fever, cough, malaise and dyspnoea. During hospitalization, 1255 (31.5%) of 3979 patients developed acute respiratory distress syndrome, 736 (18.5%) of 3988 were admitted to intensive care units and 619 (15.5%) of 3992 underwent mechanical ventilation. Virus- or host-targeted medications included lopinavir/ritonavir (2820/4005, 70.4%), hydroxychloroquine (2618/3995, 65.5%), interferon beta (1153/3950, 29.2%), corticosteroids (1109/3965, 28.0%) and tocilizumab (373/3951, 9.4%). Overall, 1131 (28%) of 4035 patients died. Mortality increased with age (85.6% occurring in older than 65 years). Seventeen factors were independently associated with an increased hazard of death, the strongest among them including advanced age, liver cirrhosis, low age-adjusted oxygen saturation, higher concentrations of C-reactive protein and lower estimated glomerular filtration rate. Our findings provide comprehensive information about characteristics and complications of severe COVID-19, and may help clinicians identify patients at a higher risk of death