4,774 research outputs found

    Freely-Decaying, Homogeneous Turbulence Generated by Multi-scale Grids

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    We investigate wind tunnel turbulence generated by both conventional and multi-scale grids. Measurements were made in a tunnel which has a large test-section, so that possible side wall effects are very small and the length assures that the turbulence has time to settle down to a homogeneous shear-free state. The conventional and multi-scale grids were all designed to produce turbulence with the same integral scale, so that a direct comparison could be made between the different flows. Our primary finding is that the behavior of the turbulence behind our multi-scale grids is virtually identical to that behind the equivalent conventional grid. In particular, all flows exhibit a power-law decay of energy, u2∌t−nu^2 \sim t^{-n}, where nn is very close to the classical Saffman exponent of n=6/5n = 6/5. Moreover, all spectra exhibit classical Kolmogorov scaling, with the spectra collapsing on the integral scales at small kk, and on the Kolmogorov micro-scales at large kk. Our results are at odds with some other experiments performed on similar multi-scale grids, where significantly higher energy decay exponents and turbulence levels have been reported.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Does the 8−N8-N bonding rule break down in As2_2Se3_3 glass?

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    The local coordination numbers of As2_2Se3_3 glass were determined by a combination of anomalous x-ray scattering experiments, reverse Monte Carlo calculations, and {\it ab initio} molecular dynamics simulations. The well-known `8-NN bonding rule' proposed by Mott breaks down around the As atoms, exceeding the rule by 7--26%. An experimental prediction based on mean-field theory agrees with the present experimental and theoretical results. The fourfold coordinated As atoms likely form As-As wrong bond chains rather than ethan-like configurations, which is identified as the origin for the breakdown of the `8-NN bonding rule'.Comment: 6 pages, 6figures, 1table, submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Episodic excursions of low-mass protostars on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram

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    Following our recent work devoted to the effect of accretion on the pre-main-sequence evolution of low-mass stars, we perform a detailed analysis of episodic excursions of low-mass protostars in the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram triggered by strong mass accretion bursts typical of FU Orionis-type objects (FUors). These excursions reveal themselves as sharp increases in the stellar total luminosity and/or effective temperature of the protostar and can last from hundreds to a few thousands of years, depending on the burst strength and characteristics of the protostar. During the excursions, low-mass protostars occupy the same part of the H-R diagram as young intermediate-mass protostars in the quiescent phase of accretion. Moreover, the time spent by low-mass protostars in these regions is on average a factor of several longer than that spent by the intermediate-mass stars in quiescence. During the excursions, low-mass protostars pass close to the position of most known FUors in the H-R diagram, but owing to intrinsic ambiguity the model stellar evolutionary tracks are unreliable in determining the FUor properties. We find that the photospheric luminosity in the outburst state may dominate the accretion luminosity already after a few years after the onset of the outburst, meaning that the mass accretion rates of known FUors inferred from the bolometric luminosity may be systematically overestimated, especially in the fading phase.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and analytic radial velocity curves for transiting extrasolar planetary systems

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    A transiting extrasolar planet sequentially blocks off the light coming from the different parts of the disk of the host star in a time dependent manner. Due to the spin of the star, this produces an asymmetric distortion in the line profiles of the stellar spectrum, leading to an apparent anomaly of the radial velocity curves, known as the Rossiter - McLaughlin effect. Here, we derive approximate but accurate analytic formulae for the anomaly of radial velocity curves taking account of the stellar limb darkening. The formulae are particularly useful in extracting information of the projected angle between the planetary orbit axis and the stellar spin axis, \lambda, and the projected stellar spin velocity, V sin I_s. We create mock samples for the radial curves for the transiting extrasolar system HD209458, and demonstrate that constraints on the spin parameters (V sin I_s, \lambda) may be significantly improved by combining our analytic template formulae and the precision velocity curves from high-resolution spectroscopic observations with 8-10 m class telescopes. Thus future observational exploration of transiting systems using the Rossiter - McLaughlin effect is one of the most important probes to better understanding of the origin of extrasolar planetary systems, especially the origin of their angular momentum.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figures, Accepted to ApJ. To match the published version (ApJ 623, April 10 issue

    Cosmological Growth History of Supermassive Black Holes and Demographics in the High-z Universe : Do Lyman-Break Galaxies Have Supermassive Black Holes?

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    We study the demographics of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the local and high-z universe with hard X-ray luminosity functions (HXLFs) of AGNs. First, we compare the mass accretion history at z>0 with optical luminosity functions (OLFs) and that with HXLFs. We consider the constraints on parameters of mass accretion (energy conversion efficiency and Eddington ratio) and conclude that the constraints based on HXLFs are more adequate rather than that based on OLFs. The sub-Eddington case is allowed only when we use HXLFs. Next, we estimate the upper limit of the cumulative mass density of SMBHs at any redshifts. For an application, we examine if Lyman-Break galaxies (LBGs) at z=3 already have SMBHs in their centers which is suggested by recent observations. If most of LBGs already has massive SMBHs at z=3, the resultant mass density of SMBHs at z=0 should exceed the observational estimate because such SMBHs should further grow by accretion. We show that the special conditions should be met in order that a large part of LBGs have SMBHs (for example, large energy conversion efficiency and frequent mergers and/or direct formations at z>3). The possibility that nearly all LBGs have SMBHs with large mass ratio, such as M_BH/M_stellar > 0.005, is reliably ruled out.(abridged)Comment: 30 pages including 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Occurrence Distribution of Polar Cap Patches: Dependences on UT, Season and Hemisphere

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    Polar cap patches are islands of enhanced electron density in the polar cap F region ionosphere, which sometimes affect the propagation of trans-ionospheric radio waves. Considering the intake of daytime sunlit plasma by the high-latitude convection as the primary cause of patches, the spatial overlap between the convection and the daytime sunlit plasma should be one of the critical factors controlling the generation of patches. To confirm this hypothesis, we statistically investigated the UT and seasonal distributions of patch occurrence frequency in both the hemispheres by using in situ plasma density data from the Swarm satellite. As a result, it was found that the occurrence distribution of patches is a complex function of UT, season and hemisphere, but it can be mostly interpreted by the spatial overlap between the high-latitude convection and the solar terminator. This suggests that polar cap patches are not necessarily phenomena that occur only during winter months. That is, patches can often be observed even in periods away from the winter solstice if the location of solar terminator in the magnetic coordinate system is appropriate for the generation of patches. For example, in the southern hemisphere, where the offset between the geographic and magnetic poles is larger than that in the northern hemisphere, the highest patch occurrence rate is obtained around the equinoctial periods. These results indicate that it is needed to take these dependences into account when we discuss and predict the space weather impacts of patches on the trans-ionospheric radio propagation

    Structural and dynamical properties of liquid Si. An orbital-free molecular dynamics study

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    Several static and dynamic properties of liquid silicon near melting have been determined from an orbital free {\em ab-initio} molecular dynamics simulation. The calculated static structure is in good agreement with the available X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The dynamical structure shows collective density excitations with an associated dispersion relation which closely follows recent experimental data. It is found that liquid silicon can not sustain the propagation of shear waves which can be related to the power spectrum of the velocity autocorrelation function. Accurate estimates have also been obtained for several transport coefficients. The overall picture is that the dynamic properties have many characteristics of the simple liquid metals although some conspicuous differences have been found.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Statistical Description of Hydrodynamic Processes in Ionic Melts with taking into account Polarization Effects

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    Statistical description of hydrodynamic processes for ionic melts is proposed with taking into account polarization effects caused by the deformation of external ionic shells. This description is carried out by means of the Zubarev nonequilibrium statistical operator method, appropriate for investigations of both strong and weak nonequilibrium processes. The nonequilibrium statistical operator and the generalized hydrodynamic equations that take into account polarization processes are received for ionic-polarization model of ionic molten salts when the nonequilibrium averaged values of densities of ions number, their momentum, dipole momentum and total energy are chosen for the reduced description parameters. A spectrum of collective excitations is investigated within the viscoelastic approximation for ion-polarization model of ionic melts.Comment: 24 pages, RevTex4.1-format, no figure

    Dynamical Expansion of Ionization and Dissociation Front around a Massive Star. II. On the Generality of Triggered Star Formation

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    We analyze the dynamical expansion of the HII region, photodissociation region, and the swept-up shell, solving the UV- and FUV-radiative transfer, the thermal and chemical processes in the time-dependent hydrodynamics code. Following our previous paper, we investigate the time evolutions with various ambient number densities and central stars. Our calculations show that basic evolution is qualitatively similar among our models with different parameters. The molecular gas is finally accumulated in the shell, and the gravitational fragmentation of the shell is generally expected. The quantitative differences among models are well understood with analytic scaling relations. The detailed physical and chemical structure of the shell is mainly determined by the incident FUV flux and the column density of the shell, which also follow the scaling relations. The time of shell-fragmentation, and the mass of the gathered molecular gas are sensitive tothe ambient number density. In the case of the lower number density, the shell-fragmentation occurs over a longer timescale, and the accumulated molecular gas is more massive. The variations with different central stars are more moderate. The time of the shell-fragmentation differs by a factor of several with the various stars of M_* = 12-101 M_sun. According to our numerical results, we conclude that the expanding HII region should be an efficient trigger for star formation in molecular clouds if the mass of the ambient molecular material is large enough.Comment: 49 pages, including 17 figures ; Accepted for publication in Ap
