20 research outputs found

    Mucociliary dysfunction in HIV and smoked substance abuse

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    Impaired mucociliary clearance (MCC) is a hallmark of acquired chronic airway diseases like chronic bronchitis associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. This manifests as microbial colonization of the lung consequently leading to recurrent respiratory infections. People living with HIV demonstrate increased incidence of these chronic airway diseases. Bacterial pneumonia continues to be an important comorbidity in people living with HIV even though anti-retroviral therapy has succeeded in restoring CD4+ cell counts. People living with HIV demonstrate increased microbial colonization of the lower airways. The microbial flora is similar to that observed in diseases like cystic fibrosis and COPD suggesting that mucociliary dysfunction could be a contributing factor to the increased incidence of chronic airway diseases in people living with HIV. The three principal components of the MCC apparatus are, a mucus layer, ciliary beating, and a periciliary airway surface liquid (ASL) layer that facilitates ciliary beating. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) plays a pivotal role in regulating the periciliary ASL. HIV proteins can suppress all the components of the MCC apparatus by increasing mucus secretion and suppressing CFTR function. This can decrease ASL height leading to suppressed ciliary beating. The effects of HIV on MCC are exacerbated when combined with other aggravating factors like smoking or inhaled substance abuse, which by themselves can suppress one or more components of the MCC system. This review discusses the pathophysiological mechanisms that lead to MCC suppression in people living with HIV who also smoke tobacco or abuse illicit drugs

    Soluble adenylyl cyclase mediates hydrogen peroxide-induced changes in epithelial barrier function

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    BACKGROUND: Elevated H(2)O(2) levels are associated with inflammatory diseases and H(2)O(2) exposure is known to disrupt epithelial barrier function, leading to increased permeability and decreased electrical resistance. In normal human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells, fully differentiated at the air liquid interface (ALI), H(2)O(2) activates an autocrine prostaglandin pathway that stimulates transmembrane adenylyl cyclase (tmAC) as well as soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC), but the role of this autocrine pathway in H(2)O(2)-mediated barrier disruption is not entirely clear. METHODS: To further characterize the mechanism of H(2)O(2)-induced barrier disruption, NHBE cultures were treated with H(2)O(2) and evaluated for changes in transepithelial resistance and mannitol permeability using agonist and inhibitors to dissect the pathway. RESULTS: A short (<10 min) H(2)O(2) treatment was sufficient to induce resistance and permeability changes that occurred 40 min to 1 h later and the changes were partially sensitive to EP1 but not EP4 receptor antagonists. EP1 receptors were localized to the apical compartment of NHBE. Resistance and permeability changes were sensitive to inhibition of sAC but not tmAC and were partially blocked by PKA inhibition. Pretreatment with a PLC inhibitor or an IP3 receptor antagonist reduced changes in resistance and permeability suggesting activation of sAC occurred through increased intracellular calcium. CONCLUSION: The data support an important role for prostaglandin activation of sAC and PKA in H(2)O(2)-induced barrier disruption. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12931-016-0329-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Targeted cleavage of HIV-1 envelope gene by a DNA enzyme and inhibition of HIV-1 envelope-CD4 mediated cell fusion

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    AbstractWith the ultimate aim of developing an effective antiviral strategy against HIV-1, a mono-DNA enzyme possessing the 10–23 catalytic motif [Santoro and Joyce (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94, 4264–4266] was synthesized against the HIV-1 envelope gene. We tested the in vitro cleavage efficiency of the 178 bp long truncated HIV-1 Env transcript by DNA enzyme 6339. Protein independent and Mg2+ dependent specific cleavage products were obtained. As soon as 5 min after mixing equimolar concentrations of DNA enzyme and substrate RNA, more than 50% cleavage was observed which increased steadily over a period of 4 h. Very little cleavage was obtained at 1 mM MgCl2 concentration which improved significantly when the concentration of MgCl2 was increased up to 20 mM. Specific inhibition of cell membrane fusion caused by the interaction of gp160 and CD4 in HeLa cells was observed when the above DNA enzyme was used. Thus, these chemically synthesized DNA enzymes could prove to be very useful for in vivo application

    Cellular stress responses and dysfunctional Mitochondrial–cellular senescence, and therapeutics in chronic respiratory diseases

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    The abnormal inflammatory responses due to the lung tissue damage and ineffective repair/resolution in response to the inhaled toxicants result in the pathological changes associated with chronic respiratory diseases. Investigation of such pathophysiological mechanisms provides the opportunity to develop the molecular phenotype-specific diagnostic assays and could help in designing the personalized medicine-based therapeutic approaches against these prevalent diseases. As the central hubs of cell metabolism and energetics, mitochondria integrate cellular responses and interorganellar signaling pathways to maintain cellular and extracellular redox status and the cellular senescence that dictate the lung tissue responses. Specifically, as observed in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and pulmonary fibrosis, the mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) crosstalk is disrupted by the inhaled toxicants such as the combustible and emerging electronic nicotine-delivery system (ENDS) tobacco products. Thus, the recent research efforts have focused on understanding how the mitochondria-ER dysfunctions and oxidative stress responses can be targeted to improve inflammatory and cellular dysfunctions associated with these pathologic illnesses that are exacerbated by viral infections. The present review assesses the importance of these redox signaling and cellular senescence pathways that describe the role of mitochondria and ER on the development and function of lung epithelial responses, highlighting the cause and effect associations that reflect the disease pathogenesis and possible intervention strategies

    A dual function TAR Decoy serves as an anti-HIV siRNA delivery vehicle

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    The TAR RNA of HIV was engineered as an siRNA delivery vehicle to develop a combinatorial therapeutic approach. The TAR backbone was found to be a versatile backbone for expressing siRNAs. Upon expression in human cells, pronounced and specific inhibition of reporter gene expression was observed with TARmiR. The resulting TARmiR construct retained its ability to bind Tat and mediate RNAi. TARmiR was able to inhibit HIV gene expression as a TAR decoy and by RNA interference when challenged with infectious proviral DNA. The implications of this dual function therapeutic would be discussed

    RNA interference as a potential antiviral

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    Albuterol Modulates Its Own Transepithelial Flux via Changes in Paracellular Permeability

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    Although inhaled bronchodilators are commonly used in the treatment of airway disease to dilate airway smooth muscle, little is known regarding the mechanisms that regulate albuterol movement across the epithelium to reach its target, the airway smooth muscle. Because the rate of onset depends on the transepithelial transport of albuterol, to determine the mechanisms that regulate the transepithelial movement of albuterol is essential. Human bronchial epithelial cells, fully redifferentiated in culture at the air–liquid interface, were used to study the cellular uptake and total transepithelial flux of 3 H-albuterol from the apical to the basolateral surfaces. 3 H-mannitol and transepithelial electrical resistance were used to quantify changes in paracellular permeability. The majority of albuterol flux across the epithelium occurred via the paracellular route. The cellular uptake of albuterol was found to be saturable, whereas transepithelial flux was not. Cellular uptake could be inhibited by the amino acids lysine and histidine, with no effect on net transepithelial flux. Transepithelial flux was altered by maneuvers that collapsed or disrupted intercellular junctions. Acidification, usually seen in exacerbations of airway disease, decreased albuterol flux. In addition, albuterol increased its own paracellular permeability. The ability of albuterol to modulate paracellular permeability was blocked by the β 2 -adrenergic receptor–selective antagonist ICI 118551. Albuterol mainly crosses the epithelium via the paracellular pathway, but has the ability to modulate its own permeability through changes in the leakiness of tight junctions, which is modulated through the signaling of the β 2 -adrenergic receptor