1,898 research outputs found

    Developing Cloud Chambers with High School Students

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    The result and outcome of the \textit{cloud chamber project}, which aims to develop a cloud chamber useful for science education is reported in detail. A project includes both three high school students and a teacher as a part of Super Science High School (SSH) program in our school. We develop a dry-ice-free cloud chamber using salt and ice (or snow). Technical details of the chamber are described. We also argue how the project have affected student's cognition, motivation, academic skills and behavior. The research project has taken steps of professional researchers, i.e., in planning research, applying fund, writing a paper and giving a talk in conferences. From interviews with students, we have learnt that such style of scientific activity is very effective in promoting student's motivation for learning science.Comment: 9 pages, accepted to the proceedings of APPC12 - the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conferenc

    Modern Dynamical Coupled-Channels Calculations for Extracting and Understanding the Nucleon Spectrum

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    We give an overview of recent progress in the spectroscopic study of nucleon resonances within the dynamical coupled-channels analysis of meson-production reactions. The important role of multichannel reaction dynamics in understanding various properties of nucleon resonances is emphasized.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Plenary talk at The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016), Kyoto, Japan, July 25-30, 201

    Negative Parity Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule

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    Masses and couplings of the negative parity excited baryons are studied in the QCD sum rule. Separation of the negative-parity spectrum is proposed and is applied to the flavor octet and singlet baryons. We find that the quark condensate is responsible for the mass splitting of the ground and the negative-parity excited states. This is expected from the chiral symmetry and supports the idea that the negative-parity baryon forms a parity doublet with the ground state. The meson-baryon coupling constants are also computed for the excited states in the QCD sum rule. It is found that the \pi NN^* coupling vanishes in the chiral limit.Comment: 13pp, LaTeX, 1 EPS figure, uses epsf.sty, Talk given by M.O. at CEBAF/INT workshop "N* physics", Seattle, September (1996), to appear in the proceeding

    Chiral symmetry aspects of positive and negative parity baryons

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    Chiral symmetry aspects for baryon properties are studied. After a brief discussion on general framework, we introduce two distinctive chiral group representations for baryons: the naive and mirror assignments. Using linear sigma models, nucleon properties are studied in both representations. Finally, we propose an experiment to distinguish the two assignments in the reactions of pion and eta productions.Comment: PTPTeX 12 pages, Proceedings for the YITP-RCNP workshop Chiral Restoration in Nuclear Medium, Kyoto, October 200

    Determination of the axial coupling constant gAg_{A} in the linear representations of chiral symmetry

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    If a baryon field belongs to a certain linear representation of chiral symmetry of SU(2)⊗SU(2)SU(2) \otimes SU(2), the axial coupling constant gAg_{A} can be determined algebraically from the commutation relations derived from the superconvergence property of pion-nucleon scattering amplitudes. This establishes an algebraic explanation for the values of gAg_{A} of such as the non-relativistic quark model, large-NcN_{c} limit and the mirror assignment for two chiral partner nucleons. For the mirror assignment, the axial charges of the positive and negative parity nucleons have opposite signs. Experiments of eta and pion productions are proposed in which the sign difference of the axial charges can be observed.Comment: 7 pages, proceedings for EMI int. conf. at RCNP, Dec. 200

    Relation between the separable and one-boson-exchange potential for the covariant Bethe-Salpeter equation

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    We investigate the relation between the rank I separable potential for the covariant Bethe-Salpeter equation and the one-boson-exchange potential. After several trials of the parameter choices, it turns out that it is not always possible to reproduce the phase-shifts calculated from a single term of the one-boson-exchange potential especially of the σ\sigma-exchange term, separately by the rank I separable potential. Instead, it is shown that the separable potential is useful to parameterize the total nucleon-nucleon interaction.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in J.Phys.

    Nuclear G-Matrix Elements from Nonlocal Potentials

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    We study effects of nonlocality in the nuclear force on the G-matrix elements for finite nuclei. Nuclear G-matrix elements for \O16 are calculated in the harmonic oscillator basis from a nonlocal potential which models quark exchange effects between two nucleons. We employ a simple form of potential that gives the same phase shifts as a realistic local nucleon potential. The G-matrix elements calculated from the nonlocal potential show moderate increase in repulsion from those derived from the local potential.Comment: 11 page, LaTeX, 2 PS figures, uses epsf.st

    Determining the Θ+\Theta^+ quantum numbers through a Kaon induced reaction

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    We study the K+p→π+KNK^+p\to \pi^+KN reaction with kinematical condition suited to the production of the Θ+\Theta^+ resonance. It is shown that in this reaction with the polarization experiment, a combined consideration of the strength at the peak and the angular dependence of cross section can help determine the Θ+\Theta^+ quantum numbers.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Talk given at International Workshop PENTAQUARK04 at SPring-8, Japan, July 20-23, 200
