11 research outputs found
Depression and impact of OPD sentences at T1 and T2.
<p>A: BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) scores, B and C: rating of OPD sentences with respect to adequacy (B) and emotional arousal (C). Error bars show +/− 1 SD.</p
Interaction effect CONDITION × GROUP at T2.
<p>Interaction plots are given for the active cluster based on beta values for OPD and traffic sentences, p<.001, cluster threshold 16 voxels.</p
Neuroimaging results.
<p>Statistical maps of the interaction between contrast ‘relevant’ vs. ‘neutral’, group, and time, overlaid on a template T1-weighted brain in Talairach space. A: frontal slice showing the interaction in the amygdala/anterior hippocampus (red circle), and B: in the subgenual cingulus (blue) and in the anteromedial prefrontal cortex (yellow circle). For display purposes, the <i>F</i> map of the interaction was thresholded at <i>p</i> = 0.01, uncorrected.</p
<p>Prototypical presentation with personally relevant sentences from the AAP Picture System.</p
Association between neuroimaging data and improvement.
<p>The regression of the interaction effect on BDI (blue circles) and GSI (red stars) improvement is shown for the subgenual cingulus (A) and the medial prefrontal cortex cluster (B).</p
ROI-Analysis; GROUP × CONDITION × TIMEPOINT interaction.
<p>Clusters were defined by GROUP × CONDTION interaction at T1. The diagram depicts beta values at T1 and T2. p<.05 FDR corrected, Cluster-threshold 16 voxels.</p
Areas significant for the Main Effect CONDITION and interaction CONDITION x GROUP.
<p>Legend: Areas which are significant for the Main Effect CONDITION are reported at the level of p<.001 (FDR, cluster-threshold 16 voxels) and areas for the interaction CONDITION x GROUP at the level of p<.001 (cluster-threshold 16 voxels). X,Y, Z values indicate center of gravity of the cluster in Talairach-space. Number of voxels gives the number of active voxels in this specific region and/or in this Brodmann area. Column “t or F” represents maximal t-value or F-Value (indicated by *) for the given cluster. See also <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0015712#pone-0015712-g002" target="_blank">Figures 2</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0015712#pone-0015712-g003" target="_blank">3</a>.</p><p>Abbreviations: 1: BA = Areas according to Brodmann, 2: G. = Gyrus, 3: SPL = Superior Parietal Lobule, 4: Superior Frontal Gyrus, 5: MFG = Medial Frontal Gyrus, 6: ACC = Anterior Cingulate Cortex, 7: SFG = Superior Frontal Gyrus, 8: MiFG = Middle Frontal Gyrus, 9: IFG = Inferior Frontal Gyrus.</p
Depression and impact of OPD sentences.
<p>A: BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) scores for all subjects and group data. B and C: Scales display whether the OPD sentences were adequate for the participant (B) and whether participants where emotionally aroused by the OPD sentences (C). Error bars show +/− 1 SE.</p
Participant demographics and behavioral data.
<p>Abbreviations: 1: BDI = Beck Depression Inventory, 2: SCL-90-R = Symptom Check List Revised, 3: GSI = Global Severity Index, 4: PANAS = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule.</p
Interaction effect <i>CONDITION</i> x GROUP.
<p>A: Brain slices depict coronar view of the active clusters, p<.001, cluster threshold 16 voxels. B: Interaction plots for active clusters, based on beta values for OPD and traffic sentences. C: all active areas are projected into the brain. Error bars show +/− 1 SE; coordinates are provided in Talairach space, abbreviations as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0015712#pone-0015712-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>.</p