3,498 research outputs found

    Interference and complementarity for two-photon hybrid entangled states

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    In this work we generate two-photon hybrid entangled states (HES), where the polarization of one photon is entangled with the transverse spatial degree of freedom of the second photon. The photon pair is created by parametric down-conversion in a polarization-entangled state. A birefringent double-slit couples the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of these photons and finally, suitable spatial and polarization projections generate the HES. We investigate some interesting aspects of the two-photon hybrid interference, and present this study in the context of the complementarity relation that exists between the visibilities of the one- and two-photon interference patterns.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in Physical Review

    High spectral resolution time-resolved optical spectroscopy of V893 Sco

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    We present high resolution time-resolved optical spectra of the high inclination short orbital period dwarf nova V893 Sco. We performed spectral analysis through radial velocity measurements, Doppler mapping, and ratioed Doppler maps. Our results indicate that V893 Sco's accretion disk is dissimilar to WZ Sge's accretion disk, and does not fit any of the current accretion disk models. We derive the system parameters M1 and i, and present evidence for V893 Sco as a very young cataclysmic variable and an ER UMa star. We advance the hypothesis that all ER UMa stars may be newly formed cataclysmic variables.Comment: 23 pages (total), 8 figures, accepted by Ap

    Continuous Self-Similarity and SS-Duality

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    We study the spherically symmetric collapse of the axion/dilaton system coupled to gravity. We show numerically that the critical solution at the threshold of black hole formation is continuously self-similar. Numerical and analytical arguments both demonstrate that the mass scaling away from criticality has a critical exponent of γ=0.264\gamma = 0.264.Comment: 17 pages, harvmac, six figures uuencoded in separate fil

    Using the <i>aa</i> index over the last 14 solar cycles to characterize extreme geomagnetic activity

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    Geomagnetic indices are routinely used to characterize space weather event intensity. The DST index is well resolved, but is only available over 5 solar cycles. The aa index extends over 14 cycles but is highly discretized with poorly resolved extremes. We parameterize extreme aa activity by the annual averaged top few % of observed values, show these are exponentially distributed and they track annual DST index minima. This gives a 14 cycle average of ~ 4% chance of at least one great (DST nT) storm and ~ 28% chance of at least one severe (DST nT) storm per year. At least one DST=‐809 [‐663,‐955] nT event in a given year would be a 1:151 year event. Carrington event estimate DST ~ ‐850 nT is within the same distribution as other extreme activity seen in aa since 1868 so that its likelihood can be deduced from that of more moderate events. Events with DST ≲ ‐1000 nT are in a distinct class, requiring special conditions

    Perturbations in the Kerr-Newman Dilatonic Black Hole Background: Maxwell Waves, the Dilaton Background and Gravitational Lensing

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    In this paper we continue the analysis of our previous papers and study the affect of the existence of a non-trivial dilaton background on the propagation of electromagnetic waves in the Kerr-Newman dilatonic black hole space-time. For this purpose we again employ the double expansion in both the background electric charge and the wave parameters of the relevant quantities in the Newman-Penrose formalism and then identify the first order at which the dilaton background enters the Maxwell equations. We then assume that gravitational and dilatonic waves are negligible (at that order in the charge parameter) with respect to electromagnetic waves and argue that this condition is consistent with the solutions already found in the previous paper. Explicit expressions are given for the asymptotic behavior of scattered waves, and a simple physical model is proposed in order to test the effects. An expression for the relative intensity is obtained for Reissner-Nordstrom dilaton black holes using geometrical optics. A comparison with the approximation of geometrical optics for Kerr-Newman dilaton black holes shows that at the order to which the calculations are carried out gravitational lensing of optical images cannot probe the dilaton background.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Semiclassical Extremal Blackholes

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    Extremal black holes are studied in a two dimensional model motivated by a dimensional reduction from four dimensions. Their quantum corrected geometry is calculated semiclassically and a mild singularity is shown to appear at the horizon. Extensions of the geometry past the horizon are not unique but there are continuations free from malevolent singularities. A few comments are made about the relevance of these results to four dimensions and to the study of black hole entropy and information loss.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures upon request, CALT-68-1833 - (new version corrects omissions in previous list of references

    Dyonic dilaton black holes

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    The properties of static spherically symmetric black holes, which are both electrically and magnetically charged, and which are coupled to the dilaton in the presence of a cosmological constant, Lambda, are considered. It is shown that apart from the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter solution with constant dilaton, such solutions do not exist if Lambda > 0 (in arbitrary spacetime dimension >=4 ). However, asymptotically anti-de Sitter dyonic black hole solutions with a non-trivial dilaton do exist if Lambda < 0. Both these solutions and the asymptotically flat (Lambda = 0) solutions are studied numerically for arbitrary values of the dilaton coupling parameter, g_0, in four dimensions. The asymptotically flat solutions are found to exhibit two horizons if g_0 = 0, 1, \sqrt{3}, \sqrt{6}, ..., \sqrt{n(n+1)/2},..., and one horizon otherwise. For asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions the result is similar, but the corresponding values of g_0 are altered in a non-linear fashion which depends on Lambda and the mass and charges of the black holes. All dyonic solutions with Lambda <= 0 are found to have zero Hawking temperature in the extreme limit, however, regardless of the value of g_0.Comment: 24 pages, phyzzx, epsf, 7 in-text figures. Small addition to introduction, and a few extra reference

    A Self-Occulting Accretion Disk in the SW Sex Star DW UMa

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    We present the ultraviolet spectrum of the SW Sex star and nova-like variable DW UMa in an optical low state, as observed with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The data are well described by a synthetic white dwarf (WD) spectrum with T_eff = 46,000 +/- 1000 K, log g = 7.60 +/- 0.15, v*sin(i) = 370 +/- 100 km/s and Z/Z_solar = 0.47 +/- 0.15. For this combination of T_eff and log g, WD models predict M_WD = 0.48 +/- 0.06 M_solar and R_WD = (1.27 +/- 0.18) * 10^9 cm. Combining the radius estimate with the normalization of the spectral fit, we obtain a distance estimate of d = 830 +/-150 pc. During our observations, DW UMa was approximately 3 magnitudes fainter in V than in the high state. A comparison of our low-state HST spectrum to a high-state spectrum obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer shows that the former is much bluer and has a higher continuum level shortward of 1450 A. Since DW UMa is an eclipsing system, this suggests that an optically thick accretion disk rim blocks our view of the WD primary in the high state. If self-occulting accretion disks are common among the SW Sex stars, we can account for (i) the preference for high-inclination systems within the class and (ii) their V-shaped continuum eclipses. Moreover, even though the emission lines produced by a self-obscured disk are generally still double-peaked, they are weaker and narrower than those produced by an unobscured disk. This may allow a secondary line emission mechanism to dominate and produce the single-peaked, optical lines that are a distinguishing characteristic of the SW Sex stars.Comment: 9 pages, including 2 figures; accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters; New version matches version in press (footnote added to discussion section; figures now use color

    HST/STIS UV Spectroscopy of Two Quiescent X-ray Novae: A0620-00 and Centaurus X-4

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    In 1998 we made UV spectroscopic observations with HST/STIS of A0620-00 and Cen X-4, which are two X-ray novae (aka soft X-ray transients). These binary systems are similar in all respects except that the former contains a black hole and the latter contains a neutron star. A UV spectrum (1700-3100A) is presented for the quiescent state of each system in the context of previously published UV/optical and X-ray data. The non-stellar, continuum spectrum of black hole A0620-00 has a prominent UV/optical peak centered at about 3500A. In contrast the spectrum of neutron-star Cen X-4 lacks a peak and rises steadily with frequency over the entire UV/optical band. In the optical, the two systems are comparably luminous. However, black hole A0620-00 is about 6 times less luminous at 1700A, and about 40 times less luminous in the X-ray band. The broadband spectrum of A0620-00 is discussed in terms of the advection-dominated accretion flow model.Comment: 18 pages including 4 figures; tentatively scheduled for the March 10, 2000 issue of ApJ; minor revision

    Non-Singular Charged Black Hole Solution for Non-Linear Source

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    A non-singular exact black hole solution in General Relativity is presented. The source is a non-linear electromagnetic field, which reduces to the Maxwell theory for weak field. The solution corresponds to a charged black hole with |q| \leq 2s_c m \approx 0.6 m, having metric, curvature invariants, and electric field bounded everywhere.Comment: 3 pages, RevTe