189 research outputs found

    A 3+1 Dimensional Light-Front Model with Spontaneous Breaking of Chiral Symmetry

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    We investigate a 3+1 dimensional toy model that exhibits spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry, both in a light-front (LF) Hamiltonian and in a Euclidean Schwinger-Dyson (SD) formulation. We show that both formulations are completely equivalent --- provided the renormalization is properly done. For the model considered, this means that if one uses the same transverse momentum cutoff on the SD and LF formulations then the vertex mass in the LF calculation must be taken to be the same as the current quark mass in the SD calculation. The kinetic mass term in the LF calculation is renormalized non-trivially, which is eventually responsible for the mass generation of the physical fermion of the model.Comment: 6 pages, REVTE

    High-Precision c and b Masses, and QCD Coupling from Current-Current Correlators in Lattice and Continuum QCD

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    We extend our earlier lattice-QCD analysis of heavy-quark correlators to smaller lattice spacings and larger masses to obtain new values for the c mass and QCD coupling, and, for the first time, values for the b mass: m_c(3GeV,n_f=4)=0.986(6)GeV, alpha_msb(M_Z,n_f=5)=0.1183(7), and m_b(10GeV,n_f=5)=3.617(25)GeV. These are among the most accurate determinations by any method. We check our results using a nonperturbative determination of the mass ratio m_b(mu,n_f)/m_c(mu,n_f); the two methods agree to within our 1% errors and taken together imply m_b/m_c=4.51(4). We also update our previous analysis of alpha_msb from Wilson loops to account for revised values for r_1 and r_1/a, finding a new value alpha_\msb(M_Z,n_f=5)=0.1184(6); and we update our recent values for light-quark masses from the ratio m_c/m_s. Finally, in the Appendix, we derive a procedure for simplifying and accelerating complicated least-squares fits.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, 3 table

    Decoupling of Zero-Modes and Covariance in the Light-Front Formulation of Supersymmetric Theories

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    We show under suitable assumptions that zero-modes decouple from the dynamics of non-zero modes in the light-front formulation of some supersymmetric field theories. The implications for Lorentz invariance are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, 3 figure

    String Spectrum of 1+1-Dimensional Large N QCD with Adjoint Matter

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    We propose gauging matrix models of string theory to eliminate unwanted non-singlet states. To this end we perform a discretised light-cone quantisation of large N gauge theory in 1+1 dimensions, with scalar or fermionic matter fields transforming in the adjoint representation of SU(N). The entire spectrum consists of bosonic and fermionic closed-string excitations, which are free as N tends to infinity. We analyze the general features of such bound states as a function of the cut-off and the gauge coupling, obtaining good convergence for the case of adjoint fermions. We discuss possible extensions of the model and the search for new non-critical string theories.Comment: 20 pages (7 figures available from authors as postscipt files), PUPT-134

    Zero Mode and Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front

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    We study the zero mode and the spontaneous symmetry breaking on the light front (LF). We use the discretized light-cone quantization (DLCQ) of Maskawa-Yamawaki to treat the zero mode in a clean separation from all other modes. It is then shown that the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) phase can be realized on the trivial LF vacuum only when an explicit symmetry-breaking mass of the NG boson mπm_{\pi} is introduced. The NG-boson zero mode integrated over the LF must exhibit singular behavior ∼1/mπ2 \sim 1/m_{\pi}^2 in the symmetric limit mπ→0m_{\pi}\to 0, which implies that current conservation is violated at zero mode, or equivalently the LF charge is not conserved even in the symmetric limit. We demonstrate this peculiarity in a concrete model, the linear sigma model, where the role of zero-mode constraint is clarified. We further compare our result with the continuum theory. It is shown that in the continuum theory it is difficult to remove the zero mode which is not a single mode with measure zero but the accumulating point causing uncontrollable infrared singularity. A possible way out within the continuum theory is also suggested based on the ``ν\nu theory''. We finally discuss another problem of the zero mode in the continuum theory, i.e., no-go theorem of Nakanishi-Yamawaki on the non-existence of LF quantum field theory within the framework of Wightman axioms, which remains to be a challenge for DLCQ, ``ν\nu theory'' or any other framework of LF theory.Comment: 60 pages, the final section has been expanded. A few minor corrections; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    The Role of Zero-Modes in the Canonical Quantization of Heavy-Fermion QED in Light-Cone Coordinates

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    Four-dimensional heavy-fermion QED is studied in light-cone coordinates with (anti-)periodic field boundary conditions. We carry out a consistent light-cone canonical quantization of this model using the Dirac algorithm for a system with first- and second-class constraints. To examine the role of the zero modes, we consider the quantization procedure in {the }zero-mode {and the non-zero-mode} sectors separately. In both sectors we obtain the physical variables and their canonical commutation relations. The physical Hamiltonian is constructed via a step-by-step exclusion of the unphysical degrees of freedom. An example using this Hamiltonian in which the zero modes play a role is the verification of the correct Coulomb potential between two heavy fermions.Comment: 22 pages, CWRUTH-93-5 (Latex

    Improved Nonrelativistic QCD for Heavy Quark Physics

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    We construct an improved version of nonrelativistic QCD for use in lattice simulations of heavy quark physics, with the goal of reducing systematic errors from all sources to below 10\%. We develop power counting rules to assess the importance of the various operators in the action and compute all leading order corrections required by relativity and finite lattice spacing. We discuss radiative corrections to tree level coupling constants, presenting a procedure that effectively resums the largest such corrections to all orders in perturbation theory. Finally, we comment on the size of nonperturbative contributions to the coupling constants.Comment: 40 pages, 2 figures (not included), in LaTe

    Tube Model for Light-Front QCD

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    We propose the tube model as a first step in solving the bound state problem in light-front QCD. In this approach we neglect transverse variations of the fields, producing a model with 1+1 dimensional dynamics. We then solve the two, three, and four particle sectors of the model for the case of pure glue SU(3). We study convergence to the continuum limit and various properties of the spectrum.Comment: 29 page

    Body Fixed Frame, Rigid Gauge Rotations and Large N Random Fields in QCD

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    The "body fixed frame" with respect to local gauge transformations is introduced. Rigid gauge "rotations" in QCD and their \Sch equation are studied for static and dynamic quarks. Possible choices of the rigid gauge field configuration corresponding to a nonvanishing static colormagnetic field in the "body fixed" frame are discussed. A gauge invariant variational equation is derived in this frame. For large number N of colors the rigid gauge field configuration is regarded as random with maximally random probability distribution under constraints on macroscopic--like quantities. For the uniform magnetic field the joint probability distribution of the field components is determined by maximizing the appropriate entropy under the area law constraint for the Wilson loop. In the quark sector the gauge invariance requires the rigid gauge field configuration to appear not only as a background but also as inducing an instantaneous quark-quark interaction. Both are random in the large N limit.Comment: 29 pages LATEX, Weizmann Institute preprint WIS-93/40/Apr -P

    Application of heavy-quark effective theory to lattice QCD: III. Radiative corrections to heavy-heavy currents

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    We apply heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) to separate long- and short-distance effects of heavy quarks in lattice gauge theory. In this paper we focus on flavor-changing currents that mediate transitions from one heavy flavor to another. We stress differences in the formalism for heavy-light currents, which are discussed in a companion paper, showing how HQET provides a systematic matching procedure. We obtain one-loop results for the matching factors of lattice currents, needed for heavy-quark phenomenology, such as the calculation of zero-recoil form factors for the semileptonic decays B→D(∗)lνB\to D^{(*)}l\nu. Results for the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie scale q∗q^* are also given.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures. Program LatHQ2QCD to compute matching one-loop coefficients available at http://theory.fnal.gov/people/kronfeld/LatHQ2QCD
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