13 research outputs found

    The proximal C-terminus of alpha(1C) subunits is necessary for junctional membrane targeting of cardiac L-type calcium channels

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    In cardiac myocytes, LTCCs (L-type calcium channels) form a functional signalling complex with ryanodine receptors at the JM (junctional membrane). Although the specific localization of LTCCs to the JM is critical for excitation-contraction coupling. their targeting mechanism is unclear. Transient transfection of GFP (green fluorescent protein)-alpha(1S) or GFP-alpha(1C) but not P/Q-type calcium channel alpha(1A), in dysgenic (alpha(1S)-null) GLT myotubes results in correct targeting of these LTCCs to the JMs and restoration of action-potential-induced Ca2+ transients. To identify the sequences of alpha(1C) responsible for JM targeting, we generated a range of alpha(1C)-alpha(1A) chimaeras, deletion mutants and alanine substitution mutants and studied their targeting properties in GLT myotubes. The results revealed that amino acids L-1681 QAGLRTL(1688) and P(1693)EIRRAIS(1700), predicted to form two adjacent alpha-helices in the proximal C-terminus, are necessary for the JM targeting of alpha(1C). The efficiency of restoration of action-potential-induced Ca2+ transients in GLT myotubes was significantly decreased by mutations in the targeting motif. JM targeting was not disrupted by the distal C-terminus of alpha(1C) which binds to the second alpha-helix. Therefore we have identified a new structural motif in the C-terminus of alpha(1C) that mediates the targeting of cardiac LTCCs to JMs independently of the interaction between proximal and distal C-termini of alpha(1C).ArticleBIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL. 448:221-231 (2012)journal articl

    Two mechanistically distinct effects of dihydropyridine nifedipine on Ca(V)1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels revealed by Timothy syndrome mutation

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    Dihydropyridine Ca2+ channel antagonists (DHPs) block Ca(V)1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels (LTCCs) by stabilizing their voltage-dependent inactivation (VDI); however, it is still not clear how DHPs allosterically interact with the kinetically distinct (fast and slow) VDI. Thus, we analyzed the effect of a prototypical DHP, nifedipine on LTCCs with or without the Timothy syndrome mutation that resides in the I-II linker (LI-II) of Ca(V)1.2 subunits and impairs VDI. Whole-cell Ba2+ currents mediated by rabbit Ca(V)1.2 with or without the Timothy mutation (G436R) (analogous to the human G406R mutation) were analyzed in the presence and absence of nifedipine. In the absence of nifedipine, the mutation significantly impaired fast closed-and open-state VDI (CSI and OSI) at -40 and 0 mV, respectively, but did not affect channels' kinetics at -100 mV. Nifedipine equipotently blocked these channels at -80 mV. In wild-type LTCCs, nifedipine promoted fast CSI and OSI at -40 and 0 mV and promoted or stabilized slow CSI at -40 and -100 mV, respectively. In LTCCs with the mutation, nifedipine resumed the impaired fast CSI and OSI at -40 and 0 mV, respectively, and had the same effect on slow CSI as in wild-type LTCCs. Therefore, nifedipine has two mechanistically distinct effects on LTCCs: the promotion of fast CSI/OSI caused by LI-II at potentials positive to the sub-threshold potential and the promotion or stabilization of slow CSI caused by different mechanisms at potentials negative to the subthreshold potential.ArticleEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY. 685(1-3):15-23 (2012)journal articl

    Integration of anatomy and physiology into nursing practice as perceived by undergraduate students and registered nurses: a scoping review

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    Abstract Objective The current study aimed to determine perceptions of registered and student nurses regarding the integration of anatomy and physiology into nursing practice. Methods This scoping review was conducted following the checklist provided in the Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for scoping reviews. Articles published in PubMed, ERIC, and CINAL from January 1, 2002 to September 30, 2022 were included. Results A literature review of 20 articles that matched the indicative criteria revealed that both undergraduate student and registered nurses recognized knowledge of anatomy and physiology as important to nursing practice. Student nurses recognized that such knowledge is related to understanding patient pathophysiology, patient observation, treatment selection, and patient safety and forms the basis for nursing practice. Registered nurses who were confident in their knowledge of anatomy and physiology also reported that they were able to explain the rationale for their nursing practice. They also reported that this knowledge is necessary for communication with multiple professions, which promotes patient/family trust in nurses and is the basis for building trusting relationships with patients and their families. Conclusions Although undergraduate student and registered nurses recognized the importance of learning anatomy and physiology, the integration of anatomy and physiology into nursing practice was not the same for all student and registered nurses. This suggests the need to investigate the overall perceptions of nurses regarding the integration of anatomy and physiology into nursing practice and for faculty to discuss how to facilitate critical thinking among students

    Male prevalent enhancement of leftward asymmetric development of the cerebellar cortex in ferrets (Mustela putorius).

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    The present study was conducted in MRI-based volumetry to characterize the sexual dimorphism of the cerebellum in young adult ferrets. High spatial resolution 3D anatomical MRI at 7-tesla were acquired ex vivo from fixed cerebella of 90-day-old male and female ferrets. The 3D morphology and topology of cerebellar structures were reproduced well by volume-rendered images obtained from MRI. Volume of the whole cerebellum was significantly larger in males than in females. The cerebellar cortex was further divided into five transverse domains: the anterior zone (AZ; lobules I-V), central zone anterior (lobule VI), central zone posterior (CZp; lobule VII), posterior zone (PZ; lobules VIII-IXa) and nodular zone (NZ; lobules IXb -X). Significantly greater volumes in males than in females were detected bilaterally in the AZ, CZp, and NZ, and leftward in PZ. Notably, the significant volume asymmetry was detected leftward in the CZp of males. By asymmetry quotient analysis, the counterclockwise torque asymmetry of the cerebellum was revealed, and it was more striking in males than in females. The present results suggest that sexual dimorphism of the ferret cerebellum is characterized by enhancing the leftward laterality in the CZp in males, forming the distinctive counterclockwise torque asymmetry

    Regional hypoplasia of somatosensory cortex in growth-retarded mice (grt/grt).

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    Growth-retarded mouse (grt/grt) is a spontaneous mutant that is known as an animal model for primary congenital hypothyroidism caused by resistance to TSH signaling. The regional pattern of cerebral cortical hypoplasia was characterized in grt/grt mice. Ex vivo computed tomography (CT)-based volumetry was examined in four regions of the cerebral cortex, i.e., prefrontal, frontal, parietal and occipito-temporal regions, which were demarcated by structural landmarks on coronal CT images. A region-specific reduced volume of the parietal cortical region covering most of the somatosensory cortex was noted in grt/grt mice rather than in both heterozygous (grt/+) and wild-type (+/+) mice. We concluded that the cortical hypoplasia in grt/grt was seen in identical cortical regions corresponding to human congenital hypothyroidism. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved