14 research outputs found

    Determining the Antibiotic Resistance of Bacterial Pathogens in Sexually Transmitted Diseases

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    Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are among the most common infections worldwide. These bacterial infections have spread predominantly in the developing/underdeveloped countries, the most common being syphilis, gonorrhea and those induced by Chlamydia trachomatis, Ureaplasma urealyticum or Mycoplasma spp. Due to extensive usage of antibiotics in the recent past, these bacteria developed resistance to those commonly used for treatment, such resistant strains becoming a public health problem in a number of countries. It is well documented that bacterial STD agents are difficult to detect using standard culture media because these methods require special conditions and adequate nutrients. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is, therefore, difficult to obtain in such cases. In recent years, genetic tests have been frequently employed in STD diagnosis. The study of genes that induce resistance to antibiotics using DNA isolated from these bacteria may prove to be a viable alternative. Genetic methods enable the DNA extraction from different biological samples, and both the presence of the bacteria and their resistance to one or more antibiotics can be determined from a single DNA sample. By studying the genes that induce antibiotic resistance and the plasmids that transfer such genes, the mechanism that leads to antibiotic resistance can be elucidated

    Sexual behaviour, attitudes and knowledge about sexually transmitted infections: A cross-sectional study in Romania

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are serious public health problems. Little is known about sex knowledge, attitudes, and sexual behaviors among young adults in Romania; an effective preventive campaigns should be based on an appropriate understanding of these factors. The aim of the present study was to obtain data about sexual behavior, attitudes, and knowledge about STIs among university students aged 18-25 in Romania. 3872 persons completed an internet-based questionnaire, advertised on Facebook, regarding sexual behavior, attitudes, and knowledge about STIs from January 28 to February 28, 2016. 6.01% of the respondents had no sexual experience; of the remaining (N=3639, 945 men and 2694 women) 94% were heterosexual, 1.5% homosexual, and 4.6% bisexual. 53.7% of the respondents started their sexual activity between 14 and 18 years of age; only 2.3% become sexually active before 14 years of age. 30% of both sexes reported multiple sexual partners during the previous year. 25.9% of men and 23.3% of women used no contraception at sexual onset, the proportion being higher among those with an early sexual debut. 98% of the respondents knew that HIV could be contracted sexually, 75.8% knew that gonorrhea and 61.1% that Chlamydia trachomatis were sexually transmitted, and approximately one third knew that trichomoniasis and hepatitis B or C were STIs. We found a relatively high proportion of students engaged in risky sexual behaviors and insufficient knowledge about STIs. The results are important in planning future sexual education campaigns and they call for new preventive strategies.</p

    Sexual behaviour, attitudes and knowledge about sexually transmitted infections: A cross-sectional study in Romania

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are serious public health problems. Little is known about sex knowledge, attitudes, and sexual behaviors among young adults in Romania; an effective preventive campaigns should be based on an appropriate understanding of these factors. The aim of the present study was to obtain data about sexual behavior, attitudes, and knowledge about STIs among university students aged 18-25 in Romania. 3872 persons completed an internet-based questionnaire, advertised on Facebook, regarding sexual behavior, attitudes, and knowledge about STIs from January 28 to February 28, 2016. 6.01% of the respondents had no sexual experience; of the remaining (N=3639, 945 men and 2694 women) 94% were heterosexual, 1.5% homosexual, and 4.6% bisexual. 53.7% of the respondents started their sexual activity between 14 and 18 years of age; only 2.3% become sexually active before 14 years of age. 30% of both sexes reported multiple sexual partners during the previous year. 25.9% of men and 23.3% of women used no contraception at sexual onset, the proportion being higher among those with an early sexual debut. 98% of the respondents knew that HIV could be contracted sexually, 75.8% knew that gonorrhea and 61.1% that Chlamydia trachomatis were sexually transmitted, and approximately one third knew that trichomoniasis and hepatitis B or C were STIs. We found a relatively high proportion of students engaged in risky sexual behaviors and insufficient knowledge about STIs. The results are important in planning future sexual education campaigns and they call for new preventive strategies.</p

    Molecular diagnostic of Ureaplasma urealyticum presence and tetracycline resistance in urine samples

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    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are among the most common infections in Romania. Infection with Ureaplasma urelyticum is one of the major causes of STIs and can cause serious complications. Although tetracycline is the drug commonly used to treat infections caused by U. urealyticum, several studies indicate the emergence and rapid development of strains resistant to these antibiotics in the United States or Europe. Tetracycline resistance in bacteria is encoded by a number of different genetic determinants but in mycoplasmas the only tetracycline resistance determinant that has been reported is the tetM gene. Tetracycline resistance among Ureaplasma spp. is associated with the presence of the horizontally acquired tetM resistance gene. Our study on bacterial DNA aimed to determine the presence of tetracycline-resistant U. urealyticum strains, by identifying the presence of the tetM gene. We used first void urine samples from 622 STI-suspected subjects. DNA was extracted, purified and amplified via PCR for the simultaneous detection of 6 STIs. 68 patients were diagnosed with U. urealyticum. DNA obtained from these samples was amplified using the tetM gene and U. urealyticum - specific urease gene primers. The urease gene was amplified in all samples, confirming the presence of U. urealyticum. The tetM gene was amplified in 2 samples considered tetracycline-resistant strains. The study confirmed the presence of U. urealyticum strains resistant to tetracycline in Romania. The employed technique can produce quick results both for U. urealyticum detection and determination of its resistance to tetracycline using a single easy-to-collect biological sample

    Distribution of sexually transmitted diseases in a group of symptomatic male patients using urine samples and PCR technique / Distribuția bolilor cu transmitere sexuală într-un grup de barbați simptomatici utilizand probe de urina si tehnica PCR

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    Bolile cu transmitere sexuală (BTS) reprezintă o cauză foarte importantă a îmbolnăvirilor în lume, iar infecţiile prelungite şi netratate cu agenţii patogeni care provoacă BTS pot avea consecinţe serioase. Scopul studiului nostru a fost să evalueze distribuția a şase tipuri diferite de BTS (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma hominis şi Mycoplasma genitalium) în probe de urină recoltate de la bărbaţi. Intre aprilie 2014 şi aprilie 2015 s-a colectat primul jet de urină de la 52 de pacienţi simptomatici. S-a extras ADN-ul, s-a purificat şi s-a amplificat prin tehnica polymerase chain reaction (PCR) pentru detecţia simultană a agenţilor patogeni menţionaţi, iar pentru identificare s-a utilizat electoforeza în gel de agaroză 2% cu bromură de etidiu ca agent de colorare. Frecvența BTS în grupul luat în studiu a fost de 53.84% (28 de pacienţi), cei mai mulţi în grupa de vârstă 20-29 ani. Dintre pacienţii pozitivi, şase au prezentat infecţii multiple. S-au detectat 35 probe de ADN pozitive: 17 de C. trachomatis, 9 de U. urealyticum, 7 de N. gonorrhoeae şi 2 de M. genitalium. Aplicarea pe scară largă a sistemului bazat pe detecţia simultană a acestor şase agenţi patogeni care induc BTS poate să faciliteze diagnosticul, în special în infecţiile multiple

    Qualitative Characterization and Antifungal Activity of Romanian Honey and Propolis

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    The purpose of this study was to review the physicochemical characterization of Romanian honey and propolis and their antifungal effect on different strains. As an indicator of environmental pollution, lead exceeded the allowed limits in two study areas. The relationship between the acidity and electrical conductivity of polyfloral honey and the antioxidant activity with the total content of phenolics and flavonoids was investigated. The antifungal activity of 13 polyfloral honey and propolis samples from North-West and Central Romania and 12 samples from Alba County was investigated against six fungal strains: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans, Penicillium chrysogenum, Rhizopus stolonifer, Fusarium oxysporum. All honey and propolis samples exhibited an antifungal effect. The most sensitive strains were P. chrysogenum and R. stolonifer for honey and P. chrysogenum and F. oxisporumn for propolis. A two-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate the correlations between the diameter of the inhibition zones for the strains and the propolis extracts. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the diameter of the inhibition zone was influenced by the strain type and the geographical origin of honey and propolis. Pearson&rsquo;s correlation coefficient shows a significant positive linear relationship between the diameter of the inhibition zone and the flavonoid and phenol concentration of honey and propolis, respectively

    Dyadic Adjustment of Couples and State Anxiety in Patients Tested for Sexually Transmitted Infections

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    Background: While existing literature addresses the psychological impact of HIV, there is a notable gap in data regarding other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This study aims to fill this gap by evaluating the association between STIs, the psychological profile of patients as measured by anxiety levels, and the impact on couple adaptability. Methods: A prospective investigation was conducted in Romania, from November 2021, including individuals with high suspicion of STI and healthy controls. Data collection comprised a questionnaire, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI Y-1). Statistical methods, including multivariate logistic and linear regressions, were used to carry out the analyses. Results: The participant cohort consisted of 441 individuals. STI participants exhibited consistently lower DAS scores, notably in dyadic adaptability (DA) (p = 0.031), dyadic satisfaction (DS) (p = 0.006), and affectional expression (AE) (p = 0.016). Multivariate logistic regression with adjustment for confounders confirmed a significant association between STIs and atypical DAS responses (2.56-fold increase). STAI T scores were significantly higher in the STI suspected group (p Conclusions: Our prospectively designed study highlights the mental health repercussions associated with STIs. This is evident through the diminished DAS scores and heightened STAI Y-1 scores observed in individuals with suspected STIs

    Potential Effects of Romanian Propolis Extracts against Pathogen Strains

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    The impact of globalization on beekeeping brings new economic, scientific, ecological and social dimensions to this field The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical compositions of eight propolis extracts from Romania, and their antioxidant action and antimicrobial activity against seven species of bacteria, including pathogenic ones: Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. The phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant activity of propolis extracts were quantified; the presence of flavones and aromatic acids was determined. Quercetin and rutin were identified by HPLC analysis and characterized using molecular descriptors. All propolis samples exhibited antibacterial effects, especially against P. aeruginosa and L. monocytogenes. A two-way analysis of variance was used to evaluate correlations among the diameters of the inhibition zones, the bacteria used and propolis extracts used. Statistical analysis demonstrated that the diameter of the inhibition zone was influenced by the strain type, but no association between the propolis origin and the microbial activity was found

    Post-Traumatic Cilia Remaining Inert in the Posterior Chamber for 50 Years

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    Intraocular foreign body injuries (IOFB) can lead to a number of intraocular pathologies; the visual results depend on the mechanism of the injury, the type of foreign body and the subsequent complications. The presence of intraocular cilia (eye lashes) following penetrating injury or surgical intervention is uncommon. In the present paper, we present a case of a 58-year-old woman with a history of eye trauma and a perforated corneal wound in the left eye that occurred 50 years ago. On the ophthalmological exam we noticed in the anterior chamber a straight linear extension, resembling cilia, extending behind the iris. The patient reports that it appeared during COVID-19 infection, after repeated episodes of coughing. After a follow-up period, we decided to remove the eyelash; 24 h after surgery, the patient complained of severe eye pain. Intraocular pressure (IOP) in LE was 54 mmHg. The slit-lamp examination showed perikeratic congestion, corneal edema and mydriasis. Eye hypotensive treatment was started immediately and the patient’s general condition slightly improved. Intraocular cilia can be tolerated for many years without causing any ocular reaction. The decision for surgical intervention must be taken according to the individual needs of the patient and his ocular characteristics with careful pre- and post-operative follow up