8 research outputs found

    Putting our money where our mouth is? The degree of women-centred family planning in the era of FP2020

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    The 1994 International Conference on Population and Development was a landmark moment for the international family planning community, who committed to adopt a women-centred approach to programming—one that would prioritise the reproductive and contraceptive intentions, or autonomy, of individuals over population-level demographic concerns. The FP2020 partnership, established in 2012 and lasting until 2020, also described itself using women-centred language. However, throughout the period of FP2020, critics questioned the extent to which women-centred principles truly defined why family planning programmes were funded and how they were implemented. In this study, we use thematic discourse analysis to examine six major international donors' rationale(s) for funding family planning and the measurements they used to articulate successful programming. We present an overview of the rationales and measurements used by all six donors before offering four case studies to demonstrate divergences in their approaches. Our analysis demonstrates that, although donors described the importance of family planning for fostering women's autonomy and empowerment, they also justified family planning on the basis of demographic concerns. In addition, we identified a misalignment between how donors described family planning programmes—using the language of voluntarism and choice—and how they measured their success—through increased uptake and use of contraceptive methods. We call on the international family planning community to reflect on their true motives for funding and implementing family planning and engage in radically rethinking how they capture programme success, in order to better align their rhetoric with their practice

    Abstinence versus harm reduction approaches to sexual health education: views of key stakeholders in Saudi Arabia

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    This study elicited views of key stakeholders on the need for adolescent sex eudcation and the appropriate model to adopt in Saudi Arabia. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with 28 stakeholders: policy-makers; social and healthcare providers; teachers and school staff; and religious scholars. Interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was conducted to identify emerging themes. Stakeholders saw the need to provide sex education. Opinions fell across a spectrum of model preference: abstinence-only or harm reduction. The conceptualisation of harm incorporated social risks. Silences and avoidance marked the boundaries between what was permitted and what was prohibited. In determining the form of any sex education curriculum in Saudi Arabia, caution is needed in assuming the ready transferability of Western-based models of sex education since in Saudi Arabia harm is conceptualised as damaging personal reputation, social structure and physical health. Religious doctrine and scientific evidence are perceived as non-conflicting sources for formulating a culturally sensitive programme. Local idiom characterised by indirectness and ambiguity offers challenges and possibilities for conveying sensitive messages. Findings from this study can be useful for communities with similar religious beliefs or social traditions intending to formulate an acceptable sex education programme

    Understanding ethical challenges of family planning interventions in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review.

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    BACKGROUND: Improving the design of family planning (FP) interventions is essential to advancing gender equality, maternal health outcomes, and reproductive autonomy for both men and women. While progress has been made towards applying a rights-based approach to FP interventions in sub-Saharan Africa, the ethical implications of FP interventions has been underreported and underexplored. Several ethical challenges persist related to measuring success, choice, and target population. METHODS: We conducted a scoping review to understand if and how FP interventions published between 2000 and 2020 within sub-Saharan Africa address the ethical challenges raised within the literature. We identified a total of 1,652 papers, of which 40 were included in the review. RESULTS: Our review demonstrated that the majority of family planning interventions in sub-Saharan Africa place a strong emphasis, on measuring success through quantitative indicators such as uptake of modern contraception methods among women, specifically those that are married and visiting healthcare centres. They also tend to bias the provision of family planning by promoting long-acting reversible contraception over other forms of contraception methods potentially undermining individuals' autonomy and choice. The interventions in our review also found most interventions exclusively target women, not recognising the importance of gender norms and social networks on women's choice in using contraception and the need for more equitable FP services. CONCLUSION: The results of this review highlight how FP interventions measured success through quantitative indicators that focus on uptake of modern contraception methods among women. Utilising these measures makes it difficult to break away from the legacy of FP as a tool for population control as they limit the ability to incorporate autonomy, choice, and rights. Our results are meant to encourage members of the global family planning community to think critically about the ethical implications of their existing interventions and how they may be improved. More public health and policy research is required to assess the effect of applying the new indicators with the FP community as well as explicitly outlining monitoring and evaluation strategies for new interventions to allow for programme improvement and the dissemination of lessons learned

    "Ten years of war! You expect people to fear a 'germ'?": A qualitative study of initial perceptions and responses to the COVID-19 pandemic among displaced communities in opposition-controlled northwest Syria.

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    BACKGROUND: Response to the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged even robust healthcare systems in high-income countries. Syria, a country experiencing protracted conflict, has the largest internally-displaced population globally with most displaced settlements in opposition-controlled areas governed by local and international NGOs. This study aimed to explore community perspectives on challenges and potential solutions to reduce COVID-19 transmission among displaced communities in opposition-controlled Northwest Syria. METHODS: We used a qualitative study design, conducting 20 interviews with displaced Syrians in opposition-controlled camps in Northwest Syria between April-May 2020 and ensuring over half our interviewees were women. We analysed data thematically. RESULTS: Participants described already difficult camp conditions that would be detrimental to an effective COVID-19 response, including household crowding, inadequate sewerage and waste management, insufficient and poor-quality water, and lack of cleaning supplies. Participants most frequently mentioned internet as their COVID-19 information source, followed by NGO awareness campaigns. Men had access to more accurate and comprehensive COVID-19 information than women did. Isolating (shielding) high-risk people within households did not appear feasible, but participants suggested 'house-swapping' approaches might work. While most participants had sufficient knowledge about COVID-19, they lacked practical tools to prevent transmission. CONCLUSION: This study is the first to explore perspectives and lived experiences of internally-displaced Syrians in the weeks prior to the COVID-19 epidemic in Northwest Syria. The challenging living conditions of internally-displaced people in Syria are further threatened by the spread of COVID-19. Tailored control measures are urgently needed to reduce COVID-19 transmission in camps

    Conceptualizing "agency" within child marriage: Implications for research and practice.

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    BACKGROUND: The concept of child 'agency' has become increasingly important for international child-centric organizations, non-government organizations (NGOs) and United Nations (UN) agencies, particularly those responding to the issue of child marriage. Interventions to prevent child marriage often include awareness-raising activities focused on sharing information with children on the dangers of child marriage. Such interventions are often based on, and perpetuate, a belief that increased knowledge can lead to an increase in girls' agency. In this framing, agency is presumed to result in a 'good' decision and is positioned as a natural consequence of increased knowledge. This agency is said to enable girls to resist marriages forced upon them by their parents. OBJECTIVE: This discussion paper aims to interrogate dominant conceptualizations of child agency through an exploration of child agency narratives on child marriage. METHODS: This discussion paper is based on critical analysis of existing academic and grey (NGO and UN) literature that explores children's agency in the context of child marriage prevention. RESULTS: This discussion paper suggests that academics, NGOs and UN actors use varied definitions to describe agency. While academic analysis shows that children's agency might be contested, contradictory and fraught, NGO and UN agencies tend to narrowly frame agency. CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that adopting a broader definition of children's agency in research and implementation enables a more nuanced, complex understanding of the drivers of child marriage and the interventions required to address this practice

    Gender Norms and Gender Equality in Full-Time Employment and Health: A 97-Country Analysis of the World Values Survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Almost nowhere in the world do women participate as much as men in the labor force. Despite differences in countries' economic, social and cultural contexts, gender norms-unwritten rules of acceptable actions for men and women-have been found to affect women's labor participation across contexts. Gender norms include those regulating who takes care of children, who is expected to earn more, and in which sectors men and women should work. Importantly, norms affect access to labor markets at times of scarcity: when there's only work for one, gender norms can dictate whether a woman or man gets the job. Advocates of equal labor force participation point to evidence that employment can contribute to people's health and well-being; yet the evidence is mixed and contradictory, and mostly comes from high-income countries. In restrictive normative contexts in which women are assigned the role of family caretaker, full time employment (FTE) might be particularly burdensome. At the same time, the literature lacks a cross-country analysis of how gender norms affect women's FTE and their health when employed full time, despite qualitative research providing clear evidence of the influence of gender norms on labor participation. AIMS: In this paper we examine: (1) how gender norms affect women's access to FTE across 97 countries; (2) associations between FTE and women's self-reported health self-rated (SRH) across different normative contexts (i.e., countries where it is common vs. uncommon for women to stay home); and (3) how women's FTE and gender norms changed over time in four countries. DATA: We used time-series data from the World Values Survey and European Values Survey conducted in over 100 countries between 1981 and 2014. Both surveys attempt to capture norms, beliefs and values in addition to sociodemographic information among a nationally representative adult population in each country. The sample for the cross-sectional analyses (aims 1 and 2) included 97 countries and 131,132 respondents. The sample for aim 3 included data from Argentina, Egypt, Finland and Japan. VARIABLES: Our outcome of interest was pro-equality norms in the context of access to the labor market for women. Respondents were asked "if jobs are scarce, men should have more right to a job than women do?". Response options included no, neither or yes. We created a binary variable to represent pro-equality norms. We included employment status and SRH as exposures of interest. ANALYSIS: We used individual-level data to generate on-average and sex-stratified estimates of the outcome and exposures for each country, at each time point. We estimated the percentage of all respondents, of women, and of men who held pro-equality norms (believe that men should not have more right to a job than women), the percentage who were employed full time, and the average level of SRH. To measure gender inequality in FTE, we also estimated the absolute difference in FTE between women and men for each country at each time point. First, we conducted descriptive, cross-sectional ecological analyses using one survey per country from wave 5 or 6 (whichever was most recent) to examine associations between pro-equality norms and employment status as a proxy for associations between norms and the context of employment in each country. We also examined associations between pro-equality norms and SRH. We then specified adjusted logistic regression models with controls for age, sex and education to examine associations between pro-equality norms and employment status. To examine if the relationship between FTE and SRH varied by normative context, we grouped countries in quartiles of pro-equality norms. Finally, we conducted descriptive ecological analyses of the relationship between pro-equality norms and employment status over time in four countries. RESULTS: Objective 1: Gender norms intersect with socio-cultural contexts in determining women's FTE. While in some countries gender norms aligned positively with women's access to employment (i.e., more equal norms matched more equality in FTE), in Eastern Europe and South America we observed a mismatch. In Eastern Europe we found strong norms against equal access but small sex differences in FTE. In South America, we observed a stark difference in FTE favoring men, despite positive gender norms promoting women's paid employment. Objective 2: We found the association between SRH and FTE to vary across normative contexts. For instance, while in Scandinavian countries it was protective to be a woman in FTE and harmful not to work full-time, we found the opposite effect in Middle Eastern countries. Objective 3: We found a general tendency to move toward greater equality in norms and FTE over time everywhere in the world. However, political and economic events can generate variations over time and setbacks in progress toward equality.We specifically looked at 4 countries: Argentina, Egypt, Finland and Japan and assessed the effects of economic, political and national legislative changes on FTE over time. IMPLICATIONS: This paper contributes to the conversation on tensions between universal justice and contextual factors affecting one's health. To achieve purposeful and global universal health and justice, policy makers and global health practitioners must design effective, context-relevant interventions that are deeply and transparently informed by the values they embody. As we strive to achieve global gender equality, its meanings and purposes will vary across contexts in ways that demand people-led conversations and interventions

    Poor asthma education and medication compliance are associated with increased emergency department visits by asthmatic children

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    BACKGROUND: Acute exacerbations of bronchial asthma remain a major cause of frequent Emergency Department (ED) visits by pediatric patients. However, other factors including psychosocial, behavioural and educational, are also reportedly associated with repetitive ED visits. Therefore, it is necessary to determine whether such visits are justifiable. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this cross-sectional study was to identify risk factors associated with visits to ED by asthmatic children. METHODS: Asthmatic children (n = 297) between 1-17 years old were recruited and information collected at the time of visiting an ED facility at two major hospitals. RESULTS: Asthmatic patients visited the ED 3.9 ΁ 3.2 times-per-year, on average. Inadequately controlled asthma was perceived in 60.3% of patients. The majority of patients (56.4%) reported not receiving education about asthma. Patients reflected misconceptions about the ED department, including the belief that more effective treatments are available (40.9%), or that the ED staff is better qualified (27.8%). About half of patients (48.2%) visited the ED because of the convenience of being open 24 hours, or because they are received immediately (38.4%). Uncontrolled asthma was associated with poor education about asthma and/or medication use. Patients educated about asthma, were less likely to stop corticosteroid therapy when their symptoms get better (OR:0.55; 95% CI:0.3-0.9; P = 0.04). CONCLUSION: This study reports that most patients had poor knowledge about asthma and were using medications improperly, thus suggesting inefficient application of management action plan. Unnecessary and frequent visits to the ED for asthma care was associated with poor education about asthma and medication use. Potential deficiencies of the health system at directing patients to the proper medical facility were uncovered and underline the necessity to improve education about the disease and medication compliance of patients and their parents/guardians