14 research outputs found

    Cell-based delivery of interleukin-13 directs alternative activation of macrophages resulting in improved functional outcome after spinal cord injury

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    The therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplantation following spinal cord injury (SCI) to date have been limited. Therefore, we aimed to enhance the immunomodulatory properties of MSCs via continuous secretion of the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-13 (IL-13). By using MSCs as carriers of IL-13 (MSC/IL-13), we investigated their therapeutic potential, compared with non-engineered MSCs, in a mouse model of SCI. We show that transplanted MSC/IL-13 significantly improve functional recovery following SCI, and also decrease lesion size and demyelinated area by more than 40%. Further histological analyses in CX(3)CR1(EGFP/+) CCR2(RFP/+) transgenic mice indicated that MSC/IL-13 significantly decrease the number of resident microglia and increase the number of alternatively activated macrophages. In addition, the number of macrophage-axon contacts in MSC/IL-13-treated mice was decreased by 50%, suggesting a reduction in axonal dieback. Our data provide evidence that transplantation of MSC/IL-13 leads to improved functional and histopathological recovery in a mouse model of SCI

    Early inflammatory responses following cell grafting in the CNS trigger activation of the subventricular zone : a proposed model of sequential cellular events

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    While multiple rodent pre-clinical studies, and to a lesser extent human clinical trials, claim the feasibility, safety and potential clinical benefit of cell grafting in the central nervous system (CNS), currently only little convincing knowledge exists regarding the actual fate of the grafted cells and their effect on the surrounding environment (or vice versa). Our preceding studies already indicated that only a minor fraction of the initially grafted cell population survives the grafting process, while the surviving cell population becomes invaded by highly activated microglia/macrophages and surrounded by reactive astrogliosis. In the current study, we further elaborate on early cellular and inflammatory events following syngeneic grafting of eGFP+ mouse embryonic fibroblasts (mEFs) in the CNS of immune-competent mice. Based on obtained quantitative histological data, we here propose a detailed mathematically-derived working model that sequentially comprises hypoxia-induced apoptosis of grafted mEFs, neutrophil invasion, neo-angiogenesis, microglia/macrophage recruitment, astrogliosis and eventually survival of a limited number of grafted mEFs. Simultaneously, we observed that the cellular events following mEF grafting activates the sub-ventricular zone neural stem and progenitor cell compartment. This proposed model therefore further contributes to our understanding of cell graft-induced cellular responses, and will eventually allow for successful manipulation of this intervention

    Tackling the physiological barriers for successful mesenchymal stem cell transplantation into the central nervous system

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    Over the past decade a lot of research has been performed towards the therapeutic use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in neurodegenerative and neuroinflammatory diseases. MSCs have shown to be beneficial in different preclinical studies of central nervous system (CNS) disorders due to their immunomodulatory properties and their capacity to secrete various growth factors. Nevertheless, most of the transplanted cells die within the first hours after transplantation and induce a neuroinflammatory response. In order to increase the efficacy of MSC transplantation, it is thus imperative to completely characterise the mechanisms mediating neuroinflammation and cell death following MSC transplantation into the CNS. Consequently, different components of these cell death- and neuroinflammation-inducing pathways can be targeted in an attempt to improve the therapeutic potential of MSCs for CNS disorders

    Multimodal imaging of stem cell implantation in the central nervous system of mice

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    During the past decade, stem cell transplantation has gained increasing interest as primary or secondary therapeutic modality for a variety of diseases, both in preclinical and clinical studies. However, to date results regarding functional outcome and/or tissue regeneration following stem cell transplantation are quite diverse. Generally, a clinical benefit is observed without profound understanding of the underlying mechanism(s)(1). Therefore, multiple efforts have led to the development of different molecular imaging modalities to monitor stem cell grafting with the ultimate aim to accurately evaluate survival, fate and physiology of grafted stem cells and/or their micro-environment. Changes observed in one or more parameters determined by molecular imaging might be related to the observed clinical effect. In this context, our studies focus on the combined use of bioluminescence imaging (BLI), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and histological analysis to evaluate stem cell grafting. BLI is commonly used to non-invasively perform cell tracking and monitor cell survival in time following transplantation(2-7), based on a biochemical reaction where cells expressing the Luciferase-reporter gene are able to emit light following interaction with its substrate (e.g. D-luciferin)(8, 9). MRI on the other hand is a non-invasive technique which is clinically applicable(10) and can be used to precisely locate cellular grafts with very high resolution(11-15), although its sensitivity highly depends on the contrast generated after cell labeling with an MRI contrast agent. Finally, post-mortem histological analysis is the method of choice to validate research results obtained with non-invasive techniques with highest resolution and sensitivity. Moreover end-point histological analysis allows us to perform detailed phenotypic analysis of grafted cells and/or the surrounding tissue, based on the use of fluorescent reporter proteins and/or direct cell labeling with specific antibodies. In summary, we here visually demonstrate the complementarities of BLI, MRI and histology to unravel different stem cell- and/or environment-associated characteristics following stem cell grafting in the CNS of mice. As an example, bone marrow-derived stromal cells, genetically engineered to express the enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) and firefly Luciferase (fLuc), and labeled with blue fluorescent micron-sized iron oxide particles (MPIOs), will be grafted in the CNS of immune-competent mice and outcome will be monitored by BLI, MRI and histology (Figure 1)