3 research outputs found

    An Analysis of the Relationship between Study Styles and Demographics across Multiple Accounting Class Levels

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    Approaches to learning are elemental to a student’s learning outcomes. Prior research indicates that accounting students with a deep learning approach have a more successful student learning outcome than do accounting students with a surface learning approach. Accounting accreditation and regulatory agencies have recommended that coursework be directed towards more critical thinking and real-life preparation of students. These characteristics are indicative of the deep learning approach. After ascertaining the learning approach adopted by introductory, intermediate, and advance accounting students at a public university with a main and satellite campus, this paper reports on demographic characteristics that may impact a student’s selection of learning approaches

    The Clinical Phenotype of Binge Eating Disorder among Postmenopausal Women: A Pilot Study

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    Binge eating disorder (BED), a form of overnutrition, may impact healthy aging for postmenopausal women. In community samples, 12–26% of older women (ages 60+) engage in binge eating. In younger adults, BED is comorbid with physical and psychological morbidities. However, little is known regarding the clinical phenotype, including medical and psychiatric comorbidities, of BED in postmenopausal women. This pilot study sought to identify psychosomatic, cardiometabolic, body composition, and physical function characteristics of postmenopausal, older adult (age ≥60 years) women with BED. Participants (N = 21, ages 60–75) completed a battery of physical assessments and surveys assessing psychosomatic health. Overall, 62% of women reported BE onset during peri- or post-menopause. Rates of comorbid depression, anxiety, sleep problems, and a history of severe menopausal symptoms were high. Cardiometabolic health was poor, and 42.9% met the criteria for metabolic syndrome. Additionally, 71.4% met the BMI criteria for obesity, and 40% of this sample met the criteria for sarcopenic obesity. Almost half of the sample presented with at least one mobility limitation; 85.7% had poor endurance. Evidence suggests that BED is highly comorbid with other chronic health conditions and may complicate treatment of these conditions, warranting further investigation and increased attention from healthcare providers serving postmenopausal women