3 research outputs found

    The magmatic system beneath Torfajökull volcano, Iceland, throughradar and seismic interferometric analysis

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    Torfajökull is the largest silicic volcanic centre in Iceland lying at the intersection of the rift zone (MidAtlantic Ridge) and the transform zone that connects to Reykjanes peninsula. It erupts infrequently,with only two eruptions in the last 1200 years, the latest of which was over 5 centuries ago. Yet, itsactive tectonic setting, persistent high and low frequency seismicity, deformation and geothermalactivity within its large caldera (18x12 km diameter) indicate the continued presence of a long-lasting magma chamber. Here we speculate on possible geometry, size and depth of the Torfajökullmagma chamber by using radar interferometry (InSAR) and seismic interferometry (SI).Using InSAR time series analysis we detect a surface subsidence pattern at rates of up to ~13 mm yr-1in the SW region of Torfajökull ́s caldera, on-going since at least 1993. The subsidence rate isconstant in time, and perhaps due to a cooling magma chamber. The data can be fit reasonably wellusing a model of a NE-SW oriented spheroidal body at ~5 km depth. As the deflating area correlatesspatially with the area of geothermal activity, deflation may also be the surface response due to anactive hydrothermal circulation.To gain more insight into the geometry of Torfajökull’s magmatic system and rock properties of thesubsurface, we apply ambient noise seismic interferometry (SI) by cross-correlation of ambient noise.With this technique we can detect velocity variations, which can correspond to the edges of dikes ormolten magma bodies. Our tomographic results give reliable results of velocity variations within adepth range of 2 km to 7.5 km. We find high velocity zones that we interpret as old dike intrusions.Low velocity anomalies (>5%), which usually indicate the presence of warmer material, are locatedon the southeast and southwest part of the volcano, outside the volcano caldera.Finally we compare both InSAR and SI results. The hypothesis of a magma chamber under thesubsidence area detected by InSAR does not seem to fit the tomographic results, as the expectededges of a magma body modelled by InSAR are not clearly identified by the SI results. If there is anestablished magma chamber within Torfajökull caldera this is likely to be bellow 7km depth.Mathematical Geodesy and PositioningApplied Geophysics and Petrophysic

    Inflation at Askja, Iceland. New and revisited relative microgravity data

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    In August 2021 Askja caldera in Iceland started to show uplift after decades of subsidence. The uplift signal is centered at the northwestern edge of lake Ӧskjuvatn and an order of magnitude larger than the subsidence in the last decade. In September 2021 a geodesy campaign was carried out at Askja, including relative microgravity measurements acquired with the use of two Scintrex CG-5 instruments. Relative microgravity campaigns at Askja are not straightforward due to the long walking distances between sites, which makes a “double loop” procedure impossible. We revisit existing Scintrex relative microgravity data sets (2015 onward) and analyse data using the same joint weighted least squares inversion routine. We define recommendations for future relative microgravity campaigns at Askja which will be important to establish the cause of the ongoing uplift. The density of subsurface magma is only identifiable with microgravity data. Knowledge of the type of magma accumulating under Askja is vital to assess possible hazard implications.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin

    The Harmony mission: applications and preliminary performance

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    This paper provides a compact overview of Harmony, an Earth Explorer 10 mission candidate dedicated to the observation of dynamic deformations of ice, solid earth and ocean surfaces. Harmony consists of two receive-only small Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites using Sentinel-1 as illuminator, which will alternate close formation phases, dedicated to single-pass cross-track interferometry, with StereoSAR phases dedicated to the study of ocean surface motion and 3-D land surface deformations. In addition the payload includes a compact Thermal Infrared (TIR) camera.Mathematical Geodesy and Positionin