51 research outputs found

    Joint incremental disfluency detection and dependency parsing

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    We present an incremental dependency parsing model that jointly performs disfluency detection. The model handles speech repairs using a novel non-monotonic transition system, and includes several novel classes of features. For comparison, we evaluated two pipeline systems, using state-of-the-art disfluency detectors. The joint model performed better on both tasks, with a parse accuracy of 90.5% and 84.0% accuracy at disfluency detection. The model runs in expected linear time, and processes over 550 tokens a second.12 page(s

    An Improved Non-monotonic Transition System for Dependency Parsing

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    Transition-based dependency parsers usually use transition systems that monotonically extend partial parse states until they identify a complete parse tree. Honnibal et al. (2013) showed that greedy onebest parsing accuracy can be improved by adding additional non-monotonic transitions that permit the parser to "repair" earlier parsing mistakes by "over-writing" earlier parsing decisions. This increases the size of the set of complete parse trees that each partial parse state can derive, enabling such a parser to escape the "garden paths" that can trap monotonic greedy transition-based dependency parsers. We describe a new set of non-monotonic transitions that permits a partial parse state to derive a larger set of completed parse trees than previous work, which allows our parser to escape from a larger set of garden paths. A parser with our new nonmonotonic transition system has 91.85% directed attachment accuracy, an improvement of 0.6% over a comparable parser using the standard monotonic arc-eager transitions.6 page(s

    A Non-Monotonic Arc-Eager Transition System for Dependency Parsing

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    Previous incremental parsers have used monotonic state transitions. However, transitions can be made to revise previous decisions quite naturally, based on further information. We show that a simple adjustment to the Arc-Eager transition system to relax its monotonicity constraints can improve accuracy, so long as the training data includes examples of mistakes for the nonmonotonic transitions to repair. We evaluate the change in the context of a stateof-the-art system, and obtain a statistically significant improvement (p < 0.001) on the English evaluation and 5/10 of the CoNLL languages.
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