58 research outputs found

    Groups of symplectic involutions on symplectic varieties of Kummer type and their fixed loci

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    We describe the Galois action on the middle β„“\ell-adic cohomology of smooth, projective fourfolds KA(v)K_A(v) that occur as a fiber of the Albanese morphism on moduli spaces of sheaves on an abelian surface AA with Mukai vector vv. We show this action is determined by the action on Heˊt2(AkΛ‰,Qβ„“(1))H^2_{\'et}(A_{\bar{k}},\mathbb{Q}_\ell(1)) and on a subgroup GA(v)β©½(AΓ—A^)[3]G_A(v) \leqslant (A\times \hat{A})[3], which depends on vv. This generalizes the analysis carried out by Hassett and Tschinkel [HT13] over C\mathbb{C}. As a consequence, we prove that over number fields, K2(A)K_2(A) and K2(A^)K_2(\hat{A}) are not in general derived equivalent. The points of GA(v)G_A(v) correspond to involutions of KA(v)K_A(v). Over C\mathbb{C}, they are known to be symplectic and contained in the kernel of the map Aut(KA(v))β†’O(H2(KA(v),Z))\mathrm{Aut}(K_A(v))\to \mathrm{O}(H^2(K_A(v),\mathbb{Z})). We describe this kernel for all varieties KA(v)K_A(v) of dimension at least 44. When KA(v)K_A(v) is a fourfold over a field of characteristic 0, the fixed-point loci of the involutions contain K3 surfaces whose cycle classes span a large portion of the middle cohomology. We examine the fixed loci in fourfolds KA(0,l,s)K_A(0,l,s) over C\mathbb{C} where ll is a (1,3)(1,3)-polarization, finding the K3 surface to be elliptically fibered under a Lagrangian fibration of KA(0,l,s)K_A(0,l,s).Comment: 44 pages. v2: added results in positive characteristic and removed a hypothesis from the main result

    Theta characteristics and the fixed locus of [-1] on some varieties of Kummer type

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    We study some combinatorial aspects of the fixed loci of symplectic involutions acting on hyperk\"ahler varieties of Kummer type. Given an abelian surface AA with a (1,d)(1,d)-polarization LL, there is an isomorphism Kdβˆ’1Aβ‰…KA^(0,l^,βˆ’1)K_{d-1}A\cong K_{\hat{A}}(0,\hat{l},-1) between a hyperk\"ahler of Kummer type that parametrizes length dd points on AA and one that parametrizes degree dβˆ’1d-1 line bundles supported on curves in ∣L^∣|\hat{L}|, where L^\hat{L} is a (1,d)(1,d)-polarization on A^\hat{A}. We examine the bijection this isomorphism gives between isolated points in the fixed loci of [βˆ’1A][-1_A] when dd is odd, which has a combinatorics related to theta characteristics. Along the way, we give numerical values for a formula of \cite{KMO} counting the number of components of a symplectic involution acting on a Kummer-type variety.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    On abelian varieties whose torsion is not self-dual

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    We construct infinitely many abelian surfaces AA defined over the rational numbers such that, for β„“β©½7\ell\leqslant 7 prime, the β„“\ell-torsion subgroup of AA is not isomorphic as a Galois module to the β„“\ell-torsion subgroup of the dual abelian surface. We do this by analyzing the action of the Galois group on the β„“\ell-adic Tate module and its reduction modulo β„“\ell.Comment: 22 page

    A transcendental Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation on a Calabi-Yau threefold

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    In this paper we investigate the Q\mathbb{Q}-rational points of a class of simply connected Calabi-Yau threefolds, originally studied by Hosono and Takagi in the context of mirror symmetry. These varieties are defined as a linear section of a double quintic symmetroid; their points correspond to rulings on quadric hypersurfaces. They come equipped with a natural 2-torsion Brauer class. Our main result shows that under certain conditions, this Brauer class gives rise to a transcendental Brauer-Manin obstruction to weak approximation. Hosono and Takagi also showed that over C\mathbb{C} each of these Calabi-Yau threefolds YY is derived equivalent to a Reye congruence Calabi-Yau threefold XX. We show that these derived equivalences may also be constructed over Q\mathbb{Q} and give sufficient conditions for XX to not satisfy weak approximation. In the appendix, N. Addington exhibits the Brauer groups of each class of Calabi-Yau variety over C\mathbb{C}
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