267 research outputs found

    Testing Partial Instrument Monotonicity

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    When multi-dimensional instruments are used to identify and estimate causal effects, the monotonicity condition may not hold due to heterogeneity in the population. Under a partial monotonicity condition, which only requires the monotonicity to hold for each instrument separately holding all the other instruments fixed, the 2SLS estimand can still be a positively weighted average of LATEs. In this paper, we provide a simple nonparametric test for partial instrument monotonicity. We demonstrate the good finite sample properties of the test through Monte Carlo simulations. We then apply the test to monetary incentives and distance from results centers as instruments for the knowledge of HIV status

    Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Assignment with Budget Constraints and Applications in Transportation Systems

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    In this article, we propose algorithms to address two critical transportation system problems: the Generalized Real-Time Line Planning Problem (GRLPP) and the Generalized Budgeted Multi-Visit Team Orienteering Problem (GBMTOP). The GRLPP aims to optimize high-capacity line plans for multimodal transportation networks to enhance connectivity between passengers and lines. The GBMTOP focuses on finding optimal routes for a team of heterogeneous vehicles within budget constraints to maximize the reward collected. We present two randomized approximation algorithms for the generalized budgeted multi-assignment problem (GBMAP), which arises when items need to be assigned to bins subject to capacity constraints, budget constraints, and other feasibility constraints. Each item can be assigned to at most a specified number of bins, and the goal is to maximize the total reward. GBMAP serves as the foundation for solving GRLPP and GBMTOP. In addition to these two algorithms, our contributions include the application of our framework to GRLPP and GBMTOP, along with corresponding models, numerical experiments, and improvements on prior work

    DeepPOSE: Detecting GPS Spoofing Attack Via Deep Recurrent Neural Network

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    The Global Positioning System (GPS) has become a foundation for most location-based services and navigation systems, such as autonomous vehicles, drones, ships, and wearable devices. However, it is a challenge to verify if the reported geographic locations are valid due to various GPS spoofing tools. Pervasive tools, such as Fake GPS, Lockito, and software-defined radio, enable ordinary users to hijack and report fake GPS coordinates and cheat the monitoring server without being detected. Furthermore, it is also a challenge to get accurate sensor readings on mobile devices because of the high noise level introduced by commercial motion sensors. To this end, we propose DeepPOSE, a deep learning model, to address the noise introduced in sensor readings and detect GPS spoofing attacks on mobile platforms. Our design uses a convolutional and recurrent neural network to reduce the noise, to recover a vehicle\u27s real-time trajectory from multiple sensor inputs. We further propose a novel scheme to map the constructed trajectory from sensor readings onto the Google map, to smartly eliminate the accumulation of errors on the trajectory estimation. The reconstructed trajectory from sensors is then used to detect the GPS spoofing attack. Compared with the existing method, the proposed approach demonstrates a significantly higher degree of accuracy for detecting GPS spoofing attacks

    A Channel State Information Based Virtual MAC Spoofing Detector

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    Physical layer security has attracted lots of attention with the expansion of wireless devices to the edge networks in recent years. Due to limited authentication mechanisms, MAC spoofing attack, also known as the identity attack, threatens wireless systems. In this paper, we study a new type of MAC spoofing attack, the virtual MAC spoofing attack, in a tight environment with strong spatial similarities, which can create multiple counterfeits entities powered by the virtualization technologies to interrupt regular services. We develop a system to effectively detect such virtual MAC spoofing attacks via the deep learning method as a countermeasure. A deep convolutional neural network is constructed to analyze signal level information extracted from Channel State Information (CSI) between the communication peers to provide additional authentication protection at the physical layer. A significant merit of the proposed detection system is that this system can distinguish two different devices even at the same location, which was not well addressed by the existing approaches. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the system with an average detection accuracy of 95%, even when devices are co-located

    Camouflaged Poisoning Attack on Graph Neural Networks

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have enabled the automation of many web applications that entail node classification on graphs, such as scam detection in social media and event prediction in service networks. Nevertheless, recent studies revealed that the GNNs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where feeding GNNs with poisoned data at training time can lead them to yield catastrophically devastative test accuracy. This finding heats up the frontier of attacks and defenses against GNNs. However, the prior studies mainly posit that the adversaries can enjoy free access to manipulate the original graph, while obtaining such access could be too costly in practice. To fill this gap, we propose a novel attacking paradigm, named Generative Adversarial Fake Node Camouflaging (GAFNC), with its crux lying in crafting a set of fake nodes in a generative-adversarial regime. These nodes carry camouflaged malicious features and can poison the victim GNN by passing their malicious messages to the original graph via learned topological structures, such that they 1) maximize the devastation of classification accuracy (i.e., global attack) or 2) enforce the victim GNN to misclassify a targeted node set into prescribed classes (i.e., target attack). We benchmark our experiments on four real-world graph datasets, and the results substantiate the viability, effectiveness, and stealthiness of our proposed poisoning attack approach. Code is released in github.com/chao92/GAFNC

    Information Complexity of Mixed-integer Convex Optimization

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    We investigate the information complexity of mixed-integer convex optimization under different types of oracles. We establish new lower bounds for the standard first-order oracle, improving upon the previous best known lower bound. This leaves only a lower order linear term (in the dimension) as the gap between the lower and upper bounds. This is derived as a corollary of a more fundamental ``transfer" result that shows how lower bounds on information complexity of continuous convex optimization under different oracles can be transferred to the mixed-integer setting in a black-box manner. Further, we (to the best of our knowledge) initiate the study of, and obtain the first set of results on, information complexity under oracles that only reveal \emph{partial} first-order information, e.g., where one can only make a binary query over the function value or subgradient at a given point. We give algorithms for (mixed-integer) convex optimization that work under these less informative oracles. We also give lower bounds showing that, for some of these oracles, every algorithm requires more iterations to achieve a target error compared to when complete first-order information is available. That is, these oracles are provably less informative than full first-order oracles for the purpose of optimization.Comment: 35 pages, 4 figure

    View Synthesis With Scene Recognition for Cross-View Image Localization

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    Image-based localization has been widely used for autonomous vehicles, robotics, augmented reality, etc., and this is carried out by matching a query image taken from a cell phone or vehicle dashcam to a large scale of geo-tagged reference images, such as satellite/aerial images or Google Street Views. However, the problem remains challenging due to the inconsistency between the query images and the large-scale reference datasets regarding various light and weather conditions. To tackle this issue, this work proposes a novel view synthesis framework equipped with deep generative models, which can merge the unique features from the outdated reference dataset with features from the images containing seasonal changes. Our design features a unique scheme to ensure that the synthesized images contain the important features from both reference and patch images, covering seasonable features and minimizing the gap for the image-based localization tasks. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed framework can synthesize the views in various weather and lighting conditions
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