7 research outputs found

    Proline accumulation and metabolism-related genes expression profiles in Kosteletzkya virginica seedlings under salt stress

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    Proline accumulation is a common response to salt stress in many plants. Salt stress also increased proline concentration in roots, stems and leaves of Kosteletzkya virginica seedling treated with 300mM NaCl for 24h and reached 3.75, 4.76 and 6.83 fold higher than controls. Further study on proline content in leaves under salt stress showed that proline content increased with increasing NaCl concentrations or time. The proline level peaked at 300 mM NaCl for 24h and reached more than 6-fold higher than control, but at 400mM NaCl for 24h proline content fell back slightly along with wilting symptom. To explore the cause behind proline accumulation, we first cloned full length genes related to proline metabolism including KvP5CS1, KvOAT, KvPDH, KvProT from Kosteletzkya virginica and investigated their expression profiles. The results revealed that the expressions of KvP5CS1 and KvProT were sharply up-regulated by salt stress and the expression of KvOAT showed a slight increase with increasing salt concentrations or time, while the expression of KvPDH was not changed much and slightly decreased before 12h and then returned to the original level. As the key enzyme genes for proline biosynthesis, the up-regulated expression of KvP5CS1 played a more important role than KvOAT for proline accumulation in leaves under salt stress. The low expression of KvPDH for proline catabolism also made a contribution to proline accumulation before 12h

    NAC transcription factors in plant multiple abiotic stress responses:progress and prospects

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    Abiotic stresses adversely affect plant growth and agricultural productivity. According to the current climate prediction models, crop plants will face a greater number of environmental stresses, which are likely to occur simultaneously in the future. So it is very urgent to breed broad-spectrum tolerant crops in order to meet an increasing demand for food productivity due to global population increase. As one of the largest families of transcription factors in plants, NAC transcription factors play vital roles in regulating plant growth and development processes including abiotic stress responses. Lots of studies indicated that many stress-responsive NAC transcription factors had been used to improve stress tolerance in crop plants by genetic engineering. In this review, the recent progress in NAC transcription factors was summarized, and the potential utilization of NAC transcription factors in breeding abiotic stress tolerant transgenic crops was also be discussed. In view of the complexity of field conditions and the specificity in multiple stress responses, we suggest that the NAC TFs commonly induced by multiple stresses should be promising candidates to produce plants with enhanced multiple stress tolerance. Furthermore, the field evaluation of transgenic crops harboring NAC genes, as well as the suitable promoters for minimizing the negative effects caused by over-expressing some NAC genes, should be considered

    Recent advances in utilizing transcription factors to improve plant abiotic stress tolerance by transgenic technology

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    Agricultural production and quality are adversely affected by various abiotic stresses worldwide and this will be exacerbated by the deterioration of global climate. To feed a growing world population, it is very urgent to breed stress-tolerant crops with higher yields and improved qualities against multiple environmental stresses. Since conventional breeding approaches had marginal success due to the complexity of stress tolerance traits, the transgenic approach is now being popularly used to breed stress-tolerant crops. So identifying and characterizing the the critical genes involved in plant stress responses is an essential prerequisite for engineering stress-tolerant crops. Far beyond the manipulation of single functional gene, engineering certain regulatory genes has emerged as an effective strategy now for controlling the expression of many stress-responsive genes. Transcription factors (TFs) are good candidates for genetic engineering to breed stress-tolerant crop because of their role as master regulators of many stress-responsive genes. Many TFs belonging to families AP2/EREBP, MYB, WRKY, NAC, bZIP have been found to be involved in various abiotic stresses and some TF genes have also been engineered to improve stress tolerance in model and crop plants. In this review, we take five large families of TFs as examples and review the recent progress of TFs involved in plant abiotic stress responses and their potential utilization to improve multiple stress tolerance of crops in the field conditions

    An auxin responsive CLE gene regulates shoot apical meristem development in Arabidopsis

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    Plant hormone auxin regulates most, if not all aspects of plant growth and development, including lateral root formation, organ pattering, apical dominance and tropisms. Peptide hormones are peptides with hormone activities. Some of the functions of peptide hormones in regulating plant growth and development are similar to that of auxin, however, the relationship between auxin and peptide hormones remains largely unknown. Here we report the identification of OsCLE48, a rice (Oryza sativa) CLE (CLAVATA3/ENDOSPERM SURROUNDING REGION) gene, as an auxin response gene, and the functional characterization of OsCLE48 in Arabidopsis and rice. OsCLE48 encodes a CLE peptide hormone that is similar to Arabidopsis CLEs. RT-PCR analysis showed that OsCLE48 was induced by exogenously application of IAA (indole-3-acetic acid), a naturally occurred auxin. Expression of integrated OsCLE48p:GUS reporter gene in transgenic Arabidopsis plants was also induced by exogenously IAA treatment. These results indicate that OsCLE48 is an auxin responsive gene. Histochemical staining showed that GUS activity was detected in all the tissue and organs of the OsCLE48p:GUS transgenic Arabidopsis plants. Expression of OsCLE48 under the control of the 35S promoter in Arabidopsis inhibited shoot apical meristem development. Expression of OsCLE48 under the control of the CLV3 native regulatory elements almost completely complemented clv3-2 mutant phenotypes, suggesting that OsCLE48 is functionally similar to CLV3. On the other hand, expression of OsCLE48 under the control of the 35S promoter in Arabidopsis has little, if any effects on root apical meristem development, and transgenic rice plants overexpressing OsCLE48 are morphologically indistinguishable from wild type plants, suggesting that the functions of some CLE peptides may not be fully conserved in Arabidopsis and rice

    High-density genetic mapping identifies new major loci for tolerance to low-phosphorus stress in soybean

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    Phosphorus (P) is essential for all living cells and organisms, and low-P stress represents a major constraint on plant growth and yield worldwide. Soybean is an important economical resource of protein and oil for human and animals, and soybean is also a high-P demand species that is sensitive to low-P stress, which is considered a major constraint on soybean production. However, P efficiency is an important complex quantitative trait involving multiple genes, and the mechanisms underlying soybean P efficiency are largely unknown. Here, we reported the construction of a high-density genetic map using a specific-locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) strategy in soybean. This map, spanning 3020.59 cM in length, contained 6,159 markers on 20 chromosomes, with an average distance of 0.49 cM between adjacent markers. Based on this map, 20 loci, including eight novel loci, associated with P efficiency-related traits were identified across multiple years and treatments. The confidence intervals of almost all QTLs were refined significantly, and the accuracy of this map was evidenced by coincident detections of the previously identified P efficiency-related genes GmACP1 and GmPT1. Notably, a highly significant novel QTL located on chromosome 4, q4-2, was identified across traits, years and treatments. Several candidate genes, such as a pectin methylesterase-encoding gene (Glyma.04G214000) and a protein kinase gene (Glyma.13G161900), with significantly differential expression upon low-P stress were considered as promising candidates involved in regulating soybean P efficiency. Markers that tightly associated with P efficiency could be used for marker-assisted selection in a soybean P efficient breeding program. Further dissection of these QTLs will facilitate gene cloning underlying P efficiency in soybean, and increase our understanding of efficient use of P in enhancing crop yield

    Co-transforming bar and CsALDH genes enhanced resistance to herbicide and drought and salt stress in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)

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    Drought and high salinity are two major abiotic factors that restrict the productivity of alfalfa. By application of the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method, an oxidative responsive gene, CsALDH12A1, from the desert grass Cleistogenes songorica together with the bar gene associated with herbicide resistance, were co-transformed into alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). From the all 90 transformants, 16 were positive as screened by spraying 1 mL L-1 10% Basta solution and molecularly diagnosis using PCR. Real-time PCR analysis indicated that drought and salt stress induced high CsALDH expression in the leaves of the transgenic plants. The CsALDH expression levels under drought (15 d) and salt stress (200 mM NaCl) were 6.11 and 6.87 times higher than in the control plants, respectively. In comparison to the WT plants, no abnormal phenotypes were observed among the transgenic plants, which showed significant enhancement of tolerance to 15 d of drought and 10 d of salinity treatment. Evaluation of the physiological and biochemical indices during drought and salt stress of the transgenic plants revealed relatively lower Na+ content and higher K+ content in the leaves relative to the WT plants, a reduction of toxic on effects and maintenance of osmotic adjustment. In addition, the transgenic plants could maintain a higher relative water content (RWC) level, higher shoot biomass, fewer changes in the photosystem, decreased membrane injury, and a lower level of osmotic stress. These results indicate that the co-expression of the introduced bar and CsALDH genes enhanced the herbicide, drought and salt tolerance of alfalfa and therefore can potentially be used as a novel genetic resource for the future breeding programs to develop new cultivars

    MeioBase: a comprehensive database for meiosis

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    Meiosis is a special type of cell division process necessary for the sexual reproduction of all eukaryotes. The ever expanding meiosis research calls for an effective and specialized database that is not readily available yet. To fill this gap, we have developed a knowledge database MeioBase (http://meiosis.ibcas.ac.cn), which is comprised of two core parts, Resources and Tools. In the Resources part, a wealth of meiosis data collected by curation and manual review from published literatures and biological databases are integrated and organized into various sections, such as Cytology, Pathway, Species, Interaction, and Expression. In the Tools part, some commonly used tools have been integrated into MeioBase, such as Search, Download, Blast, Comparison, My Favorites, Submission, and Advice. With a simplified and efficient web interface, users are able to search against the database with gene model IDs or keywords, and batch download the data for local investigation. We believe that MeioBase can greatly facilitate the researches related to meiosis