35 research outputs found

    The effect of healthy human capital improvement on savings and growth: An empirical study based on China’s inter-provincial panel data

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    Tradicionalna hipoteza životnog ciklusa vjeruje da starenje stanovništva ne samo da smanjuje razinu društvene štednje, već negativno utječe i na gospodarski rast. Međutim, čimbenik ljudskih kapitala može promijeniti mehanizam utjecaja na promjene strukture stanovništva. Ova studija pokušava se usredotočiti na specifičan čimbenik poboljšanja zdravih ljudskih kapitala (HHC), endogenim tretmanom stope plodnosti i stope preživljavanja, s obzirom na očekivanu starosnu dob racionalnog pojedinca, kako bi se, de facto, istražio njegov utjecaj na stopu štednje i gospodarski rast uz primjenu panel podataka među-provincija Kine od 1996. do 2012. godine u cilju provjere inherente logičke veze između brzog poboljšanja HHC-a i modela “visokog rasta s visokim uštedama”. Rezultati ovog istraživanja su sljedeći: poboljšanje HHC-a važan je čimbenik koji utječe na povećanje stope štednje i gospodarski rast Kine u odgovarajućem razdoblju. To znači da je poboljšanje HHC-a dovoljno da promijeni mehanizam makro-učinaka demografskih promjena, te stoga pruža ključna sredstva za dugoročnu regulaciju i kontrolu koja su izvan okvira natalitetne politike. Među njima značajnu pozornost zaslužuju promicanje javnog upravljanja zaštitom okoliša, poboljšanje sustava socijalne sigurnosti, jačanje individualnih očekivanja u svezi zdravlja i poticanje očekivanog obrasca starenja stanovništva uz postizanje povezanosti s ulaganjima u obrazovni ljudski kapital.The traditional life cycle hypothesis believes that the aging of population will not only drag down the level of social savings, but also adversely affect economic growth. However, the human capital factor may change the influence mechanism of population structure change. This study attempts to focus on a specific factor of improving healthy human capital (HHC), through endogenous treatment of fertility rate and survival rate, considering the aging expectation of rational man, to explore its effect de facto on savings rate and economic growth while using the inter-provincial panel data of China from 1996 to 2012 to verify the inherent logical relationship between the rapid improvement of HHC and the “high savings-high growth” model. The findings of this research are as follows: The improvement of HHC is an important factor to improve China’s savings rate and economic growth in corresponding period. It means that the improvement of HHC is enough to alter the mechanism of macro-impact of demographic changes, and therefore constitutes a crucial long-term regulation and control means outside the adjustment of birth policy. Among them, promoting public environmental governance, improving the social security system, strengthening individual expectations for health and driving the expected behavior of aging while achieving linkages with investment in educational human capital are worthy of attention

    Promising Clinical Outcome With Long Term Follow-Up After Body Gamma Knife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Patients With Early Stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Introduction: Stereotactic ablative radiosurgery (SRS) or stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) is the standard treatment for patients with inoperable early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the body gamma knife SRS (ɤ-SRS) is a special SABR technology developed in China. This study prospectively assessed the clinical outcome, toxicity and cost following body ɤ-SRS for early stage NSCLC.Methods: From 2007 to 2010, a total of 29 patients with early stage NSCLC were prospectively enrolled in this study. The prescription dose for Planning Target Volume (PTV), Clinical Target Volume (CTV), and Gross Target Volume (GTV) were 50, 60, and 70 gray (Gy) in 10 fractions. Isodose curves of 50, 60, and 70% covered at least 100% of PTV, 90% of CTV, and 80% of GTV, respectively. The body ɤ-SRS was delivered 5 days per week and completed in 2 weeks.Results: Median follow-up time was 62.0 (range 11.1-140.3) months. 1-, 3-, 5-year OS rates were 93.1%, 72.0%, 60.3%; PFS rates were 86.2, 64.2 and 48.8%; and LR, RR, and DM rates were 10.9%, 21.4%, 29.0%. The median cost of the body ɤ-SRS during treatment was 4,838 (range 4,615–4,923) dollars and the median cost through 5 years was 36,960 (range 9920-56,824) dollars.Conclusion: With existing clinical data, the body ɤ-SRS is an effective treatment option for patients with medically inoperable early stage NSCLC or patients who do not prefer operation, as they may benefit from the minimized toxicity. Due to excellent cost effectiveness, the availability of the body ɤ-SRS will expand, especially in developing nations, and underdeveloped countries

    Survival benefit of local consolidative therapy for patients with single-organ metastatic pancreatic cancer: a propensity score-matched cross-sectional study based on 17 registries

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    BackgroundThe continuous exploration of oligometastatic disease has led to the remarkable achievements of local consolidative therapy (LCT) and favorable outcomes for this disease. Thus, this study investigated the potential benefits of LCT in patients with single-organ metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC).MethodsPatients with single-organ metastatic PDAC diagnosed between 2010 - 2019 were identified from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database. Propensity score matching (PSM) was performed to minimize selection bias. Factors affecting survival were assessed by Cox regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier estimates.ResultsA total of 12900 patients were identified from the database, including 635 patients who received chemotherapy combined with LCT with a 1:1 PSM with patients who received only chemotherapy. Patients with single-organ metastatic PDAC who received chemotherapy in combination with LCT demonstrated extended median overall survival (OS) by approximately 57%, more than those who underwent chemotherapy alone (11 vs. 7 months, p < 0.001). Furthermore, the multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that patients that received LCT, younger age (< 65 years), smaller tumor size (< 50 mm), and lung metastasis (reference: liver) were favorable prognostic factors for patients with single-organ metastatic PDAC.ConclusionThe OS of patients with single-organ metastatic pancreatic cancer who received LCT may be prolonged compared to those who received only chemotherapy. Nevertheless, additional prospective randomized clinical trials are required to support these findings

    Characterization of Polypropylene Fiber and Lignocresol Enhanced Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) Composite Films

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    The depletion of fossil resources and the environmental impact of petroleum-based plastic materials have driven a strong global interest in renewable biobased polymers and composites derived from natural resources. Since biodegradable polymers have their own drawbacks, it is often combined as a composite with other fillers. Polypropylene (PP)/Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) composite films and lignocresol (LC)/PP/PHB composite films were cast by blending methods. This study investigated the effects of the amounts of added PP fiber and LC on the mechanical and thermal properties in the corresponding composite films. The overall properties of LC/PP/PHB composite films were best with 8 wt.% PP fiber content and 3 wt.% LC content. The tensile strength (13.00 MPa) was up to 1.25 times that of the original PHB film (10.44 MPa), and the thermal properties of the composite films were improved by adding 3 wt.% LC. Thermogravimetry (TG) analysis indicated that the onset temperature (382.0 °C) rose by 50.7 °C compared with PP/PHB film (331.3 °C), and the residual mass was close to 0%

    Angioarchitecture and prognosis of pediatric intracranial pial arteriovenous fistula

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    Objective Pial arteriovenous fistulas (PAVFs) are rare and mostly observed in children. However, the overall angioarchitecture, clinical features, treatments and long-term prognosis for pediatric patients remain unclear.Methods Clinical data of consecutive 42 pediatric PAVFs were documented and analysed. According to the differences of age distribution and clinical features, they were split into a younger group (≤3 years old; 20 cases) and an older group (3–14 years old; 22 cases).Results Their mean age was 4.9±3.9 years, and the mean preoperative modified Rankin Scale (mRS) score was 1.64±1.57. Fourteen patients (33.3%) were asymptomatic, followed by epilepsy (21.4%), intracranial haemorrhage (16.7%), hydrocephalus (9.5%), developmental delay (7.1%), intermittent headache (7.1%) and congestive heart failure (4.8%). Annual bleeding rate and rebleeding rate before treatment reached 3.86% and 3.17%. Poor venous drainage including sinus dynamic obstruction (21 cases, 50.0%) and sinus occlusion (17 cases, 40.48%) were found with high frequency among these patients. Finally, 33 cases were cured (78.57%), and 4 cases faced surgery-related complications (9.52%). During 24–140 months’ follow-up, the mean mRS score reduced to 0.57±0.40. However, only 22 cases (52.38%) recovered to absolutely normal, and poor venous drainage was the risk factor for patients’ incomplete recovery (p=0.028, Exp(B)=14.692, 95% CI 1.346 to 160.392). Compared with the older group, younger group showed more chronic symptoms, more secondary pathological changes, more times treatment and worse prognosis (p=0.013, 0.002, 0.000 and 0.032, respectively).Conclusions Pediatric PAVF has different angioarchitectures, clinical features and prognoses in different age groups. Poor venous drainage is an important factor leading to poor prognosis, and it accounts for incomplete recovery in nearly half of patients

    Regenerable Ce–Mn/TiO 2

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    Salvia przewalskii extract of total phenolic acids inhibit TLR4 signaling activation in podocyte injury induced by puromycin aminonucleoside in vitro

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    Background: TLR4 signaling is known to be involved in podocyte injury. We have previously shown that Salvia przewalskii extract of total phenolic acids (SPE) and its active monomer salvianolic acid B (SalB) and rosmarinic acid (RA) protect podocytes from injury induced by PAN. In the present study, we test whether SPE inhibits TLR4 signaling. Methods: The conditionally immortalized mouse podocytes were treated with SPE, SalB, RA, SalB + RA or tacrolimus for 30 min, followed by PAN (100 μg/mL) for 24 h. The F-actin staining with phalloidin was used to assess cytoskeletal injury in the podocytes. Western blotting and semi-quantitatives RT-PCR were used to assess the changes of the components in the TLR4 signaling pathway. Results: (1) The F-actin stress fibers of podocytes were almost completely disrupted after PAN treatment for 24 h, and the disruption was significantly alleviated by SPE; (2) the PAN-induced elevation of mRNA levels of TLR4, MyD88 and p65 were inhibited except p65 with high-dose SalB; (3) consistently, the protein levels of TLR4, MyD88 and pp65 were significantly elevated by PAN, and SPE, SalB, RA and admixture, respectively, attenuated the elevations of TLR4 and pp65 proteins; (4) SPE and tacrolimus have a similarly strong effect on inhibition of the expression of TLR4 signaling components. Conclusions: SPE protects podocytes from PAN-induced injury at least partly through inhibiting TLR4 signaling. SPE is as strong as tacrolimus in inhibiting TLR4 signaling in podocytes

    Oncolytic vaccinia virus delivering tethered IL-12 enhances antitumor effects with improved safety

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    Immune checkpoint blockade is arguably the most effective current cancer therapy approach; however, its efficacy is limited to patients with “hot” tumors, warranting an effective approach to transform “cold” tumors. Oncolytic viruses (especially properly armed ones) have positive effects on almost every aspect of the cancer–immunity cycle and can change the cancer–immune set point of a tumor. Here, we tested whether oncolytic vaccinia virus delivering tethered interleukin 12 (IL-12) could turn a “cold” tumor into a “hot” tumor while avoiding IL-12’s systemic toxicity. Our data demonstrated that tethered IL-12 could be maintained in the tumor without treatment-induced toxic side effects. Moreover, the treatment facilitated tumor infiltration of more activated CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and less Tregs, granulocytic myeloid-derivedsuppressor cells, and exhausted CD8+ T cells, with increased interferon γ and decreased transforming growth factor β, cyclooxygenase-2, and vascular endothelial growth factor expression, leading to transformed, immunogenic tumors and improved survival. Combined with programmed cell death 1 blockade, vaccinia virus expressing tethered IL-12 cured all mice with late-stage colon cancer, suggesting immediate translatability to the clinic