186 research outputs found

    Emergence of a Chern-insulating state from a semi-Dirac dispersion

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    A Chern insulator (quantum anomalous Hall insulator) phase is demonstrated to exist in a typical semi-Dirac system, the TiO2/VO2 heterostructure. By combining first-principles calculations with Wannier-based tight-binding model, we calculate the Berry curvature distribution, finding a Chern number of -2 for the valence bands, and demonstrate the existence of gapless chiral edge states, ensuring quantization of the Hall conductivity to 2e^2/h. A new semi-Dirac model, where each semi-Dirac cone is formed by merging three conventional Dirac points, is proposed to reveal how the nontrivial topology with finite Chern number is compatible with a semi-Dirac electronic spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Fast, Robust, and Versatile Event Detection through HMM Belief State Gradient Measures

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    Event detection is a critical feature in data-driven systems as it assists with the identification of nominal and anomalous behavior. Event detection is increasingly relevant in robotics as robots operate with greater autonomy in increasingly unstructured environments. In this work, we present an accurate, robust, fast, and versatile measure for skill and anomaly identification. A theoretical proof establishes the link between the derivative of the log-likelihood of the HMM filtered belief state and the latest emission probabilities. The key insight is the inverse relationship in which gradient analysis is used for skill and anomaly identification. Our measure showed better performance across all metrics than related state-of-the art works. The result is broadly applicable to domains that use HMMs for event detection.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, double col, ieee conference forma

    Recovering from External Disturbances in Online Manipulation through State-Dependent Revertive Recovery Policies

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    Robots are increasingly entering uncertain and unstructured environments. Within these, robots are bound to face unexpected external disturbances like accidental human or tool collisions. Robots must develop the capacity to respond to unexpected events. That is not only identifying the sudden anomaly, but also deciding how to handle it. In this work, we contribute a recovery policy that allows a robot to recovery from various anomalous scenarios across different tasks and conditions in a consistent and robust fashion. The system organizes tasks as a sequence of nodes composed of internal modules such as motion generation and introspection. When an introspection module flags an anomaly, the recovery strategy is triggered and reverts the task execution by selecting a target node as a function of a state dependency chart. The new skill allows the robot to overcome the effects of the external disturbance and conclude the task. Our system recovers from accidental human and tool collisions in a number of tasks. Of particular importance is the fact that we test the robustness of the recovery system by triggering anomalies at each node in the task graph showing robust recovery everywhere in the task. We also trigger multiple and repeated anomalies at each of the nodes of the task showing that the recovery system can consistently recover anywhere in the presence of strong and pervasive anomalous conditions. Robust recovery systems will be key enablers for long-term autonomy in robot systems. Supplemental info including code, data, graphs, and result analysis can be found at [1].Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl