4,217 research outputs found

    Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensate Dark Matter

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    If dark matter in the galactic halo is composed of bosons that form a Bose-Einstein condensate then it is likely that the rotation of the halo will lead to the nucleation of vortices. After a review of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, the Thomas-Fermi approximation and vortices in general, we consider vortices in detail. We find strong bounds for the boson mass, interaction strength, the shape and quantity of vortices in the halo, the critical rotational velocity for the nucleation of vortices and, in the Thomas-Fermi regime, an exact solution for the mass density of a single, axisymmetric vortex.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; minor corrections, references adde

    Competing Orders in a Dipolar Bose-Fermi Mixture on a Square Optical Lattice: Mean-Field Perspective

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    We consider a mixture of a two-component Fermi gas and a single-component dipolar Bose gas in a square optical lattice and reduce it into an effective Fermi system where the Fermi-Fermi interaction includes the attractive interaction induced by the phonons of a uniform dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate. Focusing on this effective Fermi system in the parameter regime that preserves the symmetry of D4D_4, the point group of a square, we explore, within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov mean-field theory, the phase competition among density wave orderings and superfluid pairings. We construct the matrix representation of the linearized gap equation in the irreducible representations of D4D_4. We show that in the weak coupling regime, each matrix element, which is a four-dimensional (4D) integral in momentum space, can be put in a separable form involving a 1D integral, which is only a function of temperature and the chemical potential, and a pairing-specific "effective" interaction, which is an analytical function of the parameters that characterize the Fermi-Fermi interactions in our system. We analyze the critical temperatures of various competing orders as functions of different system parameters in both the absence and presence of the dipolar interaction. We find that close to half filling, the d_{x^{2}-y^{2}}-wave pairing with a critical temperature in the order of a fraction of Fermi energy (at half filling) may dominate all other phases, and at a higher filling factor, the p-wave pairing with a critical temperature in the order of a hundredth of Fermi energy may emerge as a winner. We find that tuning a dipolar interaction can dramatically enhance the pairings with dxyd_{xy}- and g-wave symmetries but not enough for them to dominate other competing phases.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Bistability in Feshbach Resonance

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    A coupled atom-molecule condensate with an intraspecies Feshbach resonance is employed to explore matter wave bistability both in the presence and in the absence of a unidirectional optical ring cavity. In particular, a set of conditions are derived that allow the threshold for bistability, due both to two-body s-wave scatterings and to cavity-mediated two-body interactions, to be determined analytically. The latter bistability is found to support, not only transitions between a mixed (atom-molecule) state and a pure molecular state as in the former bistability, but also transitions between two distinct mixed states.Comment: 6 pages + 3 figures; To appear in Jounal of Modern Optics, Special Issue - Festschrift in Honor of Lorenzo Narducc

    Singlet and Triplet Superfluid Competition in a Mixture of Two-Component Fermi and One-Component Dipolar Bose Gases

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    We consider a mixture of two-component Fermi and (one-component) dipolar Bose gases in which both dipolar interaction and s-wave scattering between fermions of opposite spins are tunable. We show that in the long wavelength limit, the anisotropy in the Fermi-Fermi interaction induced by phonons of the dipolar condensate can strongly enhance the scattering in the triplet channel. We investigate in detail the conditions for achieving optimal critical temperature at which the triplet superfluid begins to compete with the singlet superfluid.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Topological study of a Bogoliubov-de Gennes system of pseudo spin-1/21/2 bosons with conserved magnetization in a honeycomb lattice

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    We consider a Bogolibov-de Geenes (BdG) Hamiltonian, which is a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian with pseudo-Hermiticity, for a system of (pseudo) spin-1/21/2 bosons in a honeycomb lattice under the condition that the population difference between the two spin components, i.e., magnetization, is a constant. Such a system is capable of acting as a topological amplifier, under time-reversal symmetry, with stable bulk bands but unstable edge modes which can be populated at an exponentially fast rate. We quantitatively study the topological properties of this model within the framework of the 38-fold way for non-Hermitian systems. We find, through the symmetry analysis of the Bloch Hamiltonian, that this model is classified either as two copies of symmetry class AIII+η−\eta_- or two copies of symmetry class A+η\eta depending on whether the (total) system is time-reversal-symmetric, where η\eta is the matrix representing pseudo-Hermiticity and η−\eta_- indicates that pseudo-Hermiticity and chiral symmetry operators anticommute. We prove, within the context of non-Hermitian physics where eigenstates obey the bi-orthonormality relation, that a stable bulk is characterized by a single topological invariant, the Chern number for the Haldane model, independent of pairing interactions. We construct a convenient analytical description for the edge modes of the Haldane model in semi-infinite planes, which is expected to be useful for models built upon copies of the Haldane model across a broad array of disciplines. We adapt the theorem in our recent work [Phys. Rev. A 104, 013305 (2021)] to pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians that are less restrictive than BdG Hamiltonians and apply it to highlight that the vanishing of an unconventional commutator between number-conserving and number-nonconserving parts of the Hamiltonian indicates whether a system can be made to act as a topological amplifier.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure
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