266 research outputs found

    Ground States of S-duality Twisted N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the low-energy limit of a compactification of N=4 U(n) super Yang-Mills theory on S1S^1 with boundary conditions modified by an S-duality and R-symmetry twist. This theory has N=6 supersymmetry in 2+1D. We analyze the T2T^2 compactification of this 2+1D theory by identifying a dual weakly coupled type-IIA background. The Hilbert space of normalizable ground states is finite-dimensional and appears to exhibit a rich structure of sectors. We identify most of them with Hilbert spaces of Chern-Simons theory (with appropriate gauge groups and levels). We also discuss a realization of a related twisted compactification in terms of the (2,0)-theory, where the recent solution by Gaiotto and Witten of the boundary conditions describing D3-branes ending on a (p,q) 5-brane plays a crucial role.Comment: 104 pages, 5 figures. Revisions to subsection (6.6) and other minor corrections included in version

    Electronic topological transition in sliding bilayer graphene

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    We demonstrate theoretically that the topology of energy bands and Fermi surface in bilayer graphene undergoes a very sensitive transition when extremely tiny lateral interlayer shift occurs in arbitrary directions. The phenomenon originates from a generation of effective non-Abelian vector potential in Dirac Hamiltonian by the sliding motions. The characteristics of the transition such as pair annihilations of massless Dirac fermions are dictated by the sliding direction owing to a unique interplay between the effective non-Abelian gauge fields and Berry's phases associated with massless electrons. The transition manifests itself in various measurable quantities such as anomalous density of states, minimal conductivity, and distinct Landau level spectrum.Comment: title changed, an extended version for regular article format, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Q-balls of Quasi-particles in a (2,0)-theory model of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    A toy model of the fractional quantum Hall effect appears as part of the low-energy description of the Coulomb branch of the A1A_1 (2,0)-theory formulated on (S1×R2)/Zk(S^1\times R^2)/Z_k, where the generator of ZkZ_k acts as a combination of translation on S1S^1 and rotation by 2π/k2\pi/k on R2R^2. At low energy the configuration is described in terms of a 4+1D Super-Yang-Mills theory on a cone (R2/ZkR^2/Z_k) with additional 2+1D degrees of freedom at the tip of the cone that include fractionally charged particles. These fractionally charged quasi-particles are BPS strings of the (2,0)-theory wrapped on short cycles. We analyze the large kk limit, where a smooth cigar-geometry provides an alternative description. In this framework a W-boson can be modeled as a bound state of kk quasi-particles. The W-boson becomes a Q-ball, and it can be described as a soliton solution of Bogomolnyi monopole equations on a certain auxiliary curved space. We show that axisymmetric solutions of these equations correspond to singular maps from AdS3AdS_3 to AdS2AdS_2, and we present some numerical results and an asymptotic expansion.Comment: 44 pages, 4 figures, new version includes corrections to typos and corrections to section

    Prostate Cancer Metastasis to the Stomach

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    Prostate cancer commonly manifests with bony metastases. Visceral metastasis can also occur in the lungs and liver. However, stomach metastasis related to prostate cancer is rare. Here, we report a case of prostate cancer metastatic to the stomach. A 66-year-old male was diagnosed with prostate adenocarcinoma. He was noted as having abdominal discomfort, nausea, and vomiting 18 months after the diagnosis. A histopathologic examination and an esophagogastroduodenoscopic gastric biopsy revealed stomach-metastatic adenocarcinoma. He was also noted as having cerebellar metastatic lesions, which were identified by using a brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. The patient died of cardiovascular complications 5 months after the diagnosis of stomach metastasis

    Massless and Massive Three Dimensional Super Yang-Mills Theory and Mini-Twistor String Theory

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    We propose various ways of adding mass terms to three-dimensional twistor string theory. We begin with a review of mini-twistor space--the reduction of D=4 twistor space to D=3. We adapt the two proposals for twistor string theory, Witten's and Berkovits's, to D=3 super Yang-Mills theory. In Berkovits's model, we identify the enhanced R-symmetry. We then construct B-model topological string theories that, we propose, correspond to D=3 Yang-Mills theory with massive spinors and massive and massless scalars in the adjoint representation of the gauge group. We also analyze the counterparts of these constructions in Berkovits's model. Some of our constructions can be lifted to D=4, where infinitesimal mass terms correspond to VEVs of certain superconformal gravity fields.Comment: 69 pages; Typos correcte

    Metaheuristic Optimization Techniques for an Electromagnetic Multilayer Radome Design

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    In this study, an effective method for designing an electromagnetic multilayer radome is introduced. This method is achieved by using ant colony optimization for a continuous domain in the transmission coefficient maximization with stability for a wide angle of incidence in both perpendicular and parallel polarizations in specific X- and Ku-bands. To obtain the optimized parameter for a C-sandwich radome, particle swarm optimization algorithm is operated to give a clear comparison on the effectiveness of ant colony optimization for a continuous domain. The qualification of an optimized multilayer radome is also compared with an effective solid radome type in transmitted power stability and presented in this research