21 research outputs found

    Solar Ring Mission: Building a Panorama of the Sun and Inner-heliosphere

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    Solar Ring (SOR) is a proposed space science mission to monitor and study the Sun and inner heliosphere from a full 360{\deg} perspective in the ecliptic plane. It will deploy three 120{\deg}-separated spacecraft on the 1-AU orbit. The first spacecraft, S1, locates 30{\deg} upstream of the Earth, the second, S2, 90{\deg} downstream, and the third, S3, completes the configuration. This design with necessary science instruments, e.g., the Doppler-velocity and vector magnetic field imager, wide-angle coronagraph, and in-situ instruments, will allow us to establish many unprecedented capabilities: (1) provide simultaneous Doppler-velocity observations of the whole solar surface to understand the deep interior, (2) provide vector magnetograms of the whole photosphere - the inner boundary of the solar atmosphere and heliosphere, (3) provide the information of the whole lifetime evolution of solar featured structures, and (4) provide the whole view of solar transients and space weather in the inner heliosphere. With these capabilities, Solar Ring mission aims to address outstanding questions about the origin of solar cycle, the origin of solar eruptions and the origin of extreme space weather events. The successful accomplishment of the mission will construct a panorama of the Sun and inner-heliosphere, and therefore advance our understanding of the star and the space environment that holds our life.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, to be published in Advances in Space Researc

    Directional Selection from Host Plants Is a Major Force Driving Host Specificity in Magnaporthe Species

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    One major threat to global food security that requires immediate attention, is the increasing incidence of host shift and host expansion in growing number of pathogenic fungi and emergence of new pathogens. The threat is more alarming because, yield quality and quantity improvement efforts are encouraging the cultivation of uniform plants with low genetic diversity that are increasingly susceptible to emerging pathogens. However, the influence of host genome differentiation on pathogen genome differentiation and its contribution to emergence and adaptability is still obscure. Here, we compared genome sequence of 6 isolates of Magnaporthe species obtained from three different host plants. We demonstrated the evolutionary relationship between Magnaporthe species and the influence of host differentiation on pathogens. Phylogenetic analysis showed that evolution of pathogen directly corresponds with host divergence, suggesting that host-pathogen interaction has led to co-evolution. Furthermore, we identified an asymmetric selection pressure on Magnaporthe species. Oryza sativa-infecting isolates showed higher directional selection from host and subsequently tends to lower the genetic diversity in its genome. We concluded that, frequent gene loss or gain, new transposon acquisition and sequence divergence are host adaptability mechanisms for Magnaporthe species, and this coevolution processes is greatly driven by directional selection from host plants

    Design of Green Tax System Plan for China’s Automobile Products and Evaluation on Environmental Benefits

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    The green tax system includes various taxation measures implemented for the purpose of environmental protection and has been widely adopted in developed countries. Based on the basic situation of China’s tax system for automobiles, this article proposes a green tax system plan for China’s automobile products from 2021 to 2035 in accordance with the basic principles of tax neutrality, environmental protection priority, tax system flexibility and orderly progress. In addition, this article uses the nested multi-logit model to predict the impact of the plan on the structure of vehicle market and finally conducts comprehensive evaluation on the environmental benefits of the plan by combining with the changes in energy consumption level, mileage of passenger vehicles, pollutant emissions of a single vehicle and other factors

    Routing correlated data with fusion cost in wireless sensor networks

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    In this paper, we propose a routing algorithm called Minimum Fusion Steiner Tree (MFST), for energy efficient data gathering with aggregation (fusion) in wireless sensor networks. Different from existing schemes, MFST not only optimizes over the data transmission cost, but also incorporates the cost for data fusion which can be significant for emerging sensor networks with vectorial data and/or security requirements. By employing a randomized algorithm that allows fusion points to be chosen according to the nodes ’ data amount, MFST achieves an approximation ratio of 5 4 log(k + 1), where k denotes the number of source nodes, to the optimal solution for extremely general system setups provided that fusion cost and data aggregation are non-decreasing against the total input data. Consequently, in contrast to algorithms that only excel in full or non-aggregation scenarios without considering fusion cost, MFST can thrive in a wide range of applications

    Research on the tax support policy for implementing the Extended Producer Responsibility – Taking End-of-Life Vehicle Collecting and Dismantling Enterprises as an Example

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    The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is an important system for improving resource reuse rate and reducing waste pollution to the environment. Aiming at automobile products, this article takes end of-life vehicles collecting and dismantling enterprises as an example. By studying the support from tax support policy, tax incentives are provided to those enterprises that meet safety and environmental protection requirements. In this way, it can guide enterprises to improve safety and environmental protection and reduce corporate pressure from taxation. This article also predicts the effect of energy conservation and environmental protection after the implementation of tax support policy and demonstrates the importance of tax support policy of implementing the EPR

    Research and Policy Suggestions on Promoting the Greenization of the Lifecycle of Automobile Products

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    The greenization of product cycle is the current development trend. Production and consumption are two important links in the lifecycle of automobiles. Therefore, these two links play an important role during the promotion of the greenization of the lifecycle. Through carrying out the evaluation of the environmental benefits of the automobile air conditioning refrigerant alternatives and the analysis of the implementation effect of the automobile taxation scheme, this paper makes suggestions of the greenization of the production and consumption links, thus accelerating the progress of the lifecycle

    The Calcium Chloride Responsive Type 2C Protein Phosphatases Play Synergistic Roles in Regulating MAPK Pathways in Magnaporthe oryzae

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    Reversible protein phosphorylation is essential in cellular signal transduction. The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae contains six putative type 2C protein phosphatases, namely MoPtc1, MoPtc2, MoPtc5, MoPtc6, MoPtc7, and MoPtc8. The major functions of MoPtc1 and MoPtc2 have been reported recently. In this communication, we found that MoPtc1 and MoPtc2 were induced by calcium chloride. We also found that the deletion of both MoPtc1 and MoPtc2 resulted in the overstimulation of both the high-osmolarity glycerol (Hog1) and pathogenicity MAP kinase 1 (Pmk1) pathways in M. oryzae. MoPtc1 was recruited directly to Osm1 (the osmotic stress-sensitive mutant) by the adaptor protein MoNbp2 to inactivate the Osm1 during hypoosmotic stress, distinct from the budding yeast. Moreover, we showed that MoPtc1 and MoPtc2 were localized in different cellular compartments in the fungal development. Taken together, we added some new findings of type 2C protein phosphatases MoPtc1 and MoPtc2 functions to the current knowledge on the regulation of MAPK signaling pathways in M. oryzae