56 research outputs found

    Revisiting the D-iteration method: from theoretical to practical computation cost

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    In this paper, we revisit the D-iteration algorithm in order to better explain its connection to the Gauss-Seidel method and different performance results that were observed. In particular, we study here the practical computation cost based on the execution runtime compared to the theoretical number of iterations. We also propose an exact formula of the error for PageRank class of equations.Comment: 9 page

    D-iteration method or how to improve Gauss-Seidel method

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    The aim of this paper is to present the recently proposed fluid diffusion based algorithm in the general context of the matrix inversion problem associated to the Gauss-Seidel method. We explain the simple intuitions that are behind this diffusion method and how it can outperform existing methods. Then we present some theoretical problems that are associated to this representation as open research problems. We also illustrate some connected problems such as the graph transformation and the PageRank problem.Comment: 7 page

    D-iteration: application to differential equations

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    In this paper, we study how the D-iteration algorithm can be applied to numerically solve the differential equations such as heat equation in 2D or 3D. The method can be applied on the class of problems that can be addressed by the Gauss-Seidel iteration, based on the linear approximation of the differential equations.Comment: 5 page

    Optimized on-line computation of PageRank algorithm

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    In this paper we present new ideas to accelerate the computation of the eigenvector of the transition matrix associated to the PageRank algorithm. New ideas are based on the decomposition of the matrix-vector product that can be seen as a fluid diffusion model, associated to new algebraic equations. We show through experiments on synthetic data and on real data-sets how much this approach can improve the computation efficiency.Comment: 7 page

    D-iteration: Evaluation of the Asynchronous Distributed Computation

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    The aim of this paper is to present a first evaluation of the potential of an asynchronous distributed computation associated to the recently proposed approach, D-iteration: the D-iteration is a fluid diffusion based iterative method, which has the advantage of being natively distributive. It exploits a simple intuitive decomposition of the matrix-vector product as elementary operations of fluid diffusion associated to a new algebraic representation. We show through experiments on real datasets how much this approach can improve the computation efficiency when the parallelism is applied: with the proposed solution, when the computation is distributed over KK virtual machines (PIDs), the memory size to be handled by each virtual machine decreases linearly with KK and the computation speed increases almost linearly with KK with a slope becoming closer to one when the number NN of linear equations to be solved increases.Comment: 8 page

    Introducing One Step Back Iterative Approach to Solve Linear and Non Linear Fixed Point Problem

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    In this paper, we introduce a new iterative method which we call one step back approach: the main idea is to anticipate the consequence of the iterative computation per coordinate and to optimize on the choice of the sequence of the coordinates on which the iterative update computations are done. The method requires the increase of the size of the state vectors and one iteration step loss from the initial vector. We illustrate the approach in linear and non linear iterative equations.Comment: 2 page

    D-iteration: evaluation of the update algorithm

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    The aim of this paper is to analyse the gain of the update algorithm associated to the recently proposed D-iteration: the D-iteration is a fluid diffusion based new iterative method. It exploits a simple intuitive decomposition of the product matrix-vector as elementary operations of fluid diffusion (forward scheme) associated to a new algebraic representation. We show through experimentations on real datasets how much this approach can improve the computation efficiency in presence of the graph evolution.Comment: 5 page

    Fast ranking algorithm for very large data

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    In this paper, we propose a new ranking method inspired from previous results on the diffusion approach to solve linear equation. We describe new mathematical equations corresponding to this method and show through experimental results the potential computational gain. This ranking method is also compared to the well known PageRank model.Comment: 3 page

    Understanding differential equations through diffusion point of view: non-symmetric discrete equations

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    In this paper, we propose a new adaptation of the D-iteration algorithm to numerically solve the differential equations. This problem can be reinterpreted in 2D or 3D (or higher dimensions) as a limit of a diffusion process where the boundary or initial conditions are replaced by fluid catalysts. It has been shown that pre-computing the diffusion process for an elementary catalyst case as a fundamental block of a class of differential equations, the computation efficiency can be greatly improved. Here, we explain how the diffusion point of view can be applied to decompose the fluid diffusion process per direction and how to handle non-symmetric discrete equations. The method can be applied on the class of problems that can be addressed by the Gauss-Seidel iteration, based on the linear approximation of the differential equations.Comment: 4 page

    Statistical reliability and path diversity based PageRank algorithm improvements

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    In this paper we present new improvement ideas of the original PageRank algorithm. The first idea is to introduce an evaluation of the statistical reliability of the ranking score of each node based on the local graph property and the second one is to introduce the notion of the path diversity. The path diversity can be exploited to dynamically modify the increment value of each node in the random surfer model or to dynamically adapt the damping factor. We illustrate the impact of such modifications through examples and simple simulations.Comment: 8 page
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