15 research outputs found

    A review of high-temperature experimental techniques used to investigate the cohesive zone of the ironmaking blast furnace

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    © 2018, © 2018 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. The softening and melting (S&M) under load test is widely used as a laboratory-scale routine test to investigate the behaviour of ferrous burden materials in the cohesive zone (CZ). However, it has been more than 30 years since the last comprehensive review and over that time, operational conditions in large, high-production blast furnaces (BFs) have changed substantially. This review provides a summary and critique of current laboratory methods and practices used to evaluate the behaviour of ferrous materials in the CZ, focussing on the various configurations and operating conditions employed for the S&M under load test. Moreover, the review proposes and argues for a more integrated approach to S&M analysis for research, one which promotes a more comprehensive understanding of ferrous burden behaviour in the CZ region and which, in turn, enables the development of more robust, routine tests for the purpose of material comparisons and prediction of BF performance

    Pressure-drop modelling in the softening and melting test for ferrous burden

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    © 2020 ISIJ The softening and melting (SM) under load test is routinely conducted to assess the quality of ferrous burden materials and to predict their possible performance in blast furnace. Due to complex phase interactions coupled with chemical reactions at an elevated temperature range (~973 to 1 873 K), the flow dynamics in the test system are quite complex. This study systematically investigates the contraction behaviour and associated pressure drop in a SM test bed for sinter, lump (NBLL, Newman Blend Lump) and a mixture of these two types of ore (21 wt% NBLL + 79 wt% sinter). To quantify the structural changes in a sample bed, interrupted tests at various temperatures were conducted and analysed using both synchrotron X-ray computed tomography (CT) at a lower temperature range (1 273 to 1 473 K) and neutron CT at a higher temperature (1 723 K). It was noted that existing packed bed pressure drop models (Ergun model, 1952, fused bed model, Sugiyama et al., 1980, orifice model, Sugiyama et al., 1980) and modified orifice model, Ichikawa et al., 2015) exhibited divergence in their predictions at higher temperature when the porosity parameter was computed directly from the bed contraction data. To avoid this modelling failure, a growth-decay type porosity-temperature relationship based on extensive SM test data was incorporated in the well-known Ergun equation which estimated reasonable bed pressure drops. Furthermore, a simplified ore specific friction factor model was empirically derived which was also shown to produce reasonable pressure drop predictions for all types of ferrous burden samples

    Development of softening and melting testing conditions simulating blast furnace operation with hydrogen injection

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    Softening and Melting (S&M) experiments have evolved alongside the blast furnace as a crucial tool for burden characterisation and optimisation. Modern blast furnaces derive a base load of hydrogen from various sources. However, with hydrogen-enrichment of the blast furnace being considered to mitigate emissions, new S&M test conditions are required. In this study, a 2-D axisymmetric CFD model is used to simulate the internal conditions of a modern blast furnace operation, and a future operation with tuyere level hydrogen injection. The model results are used to guide the development of novel S&M test conditions, inclusive of H2, H2O, CO, CO2 and N2. The maximum hydrogen concentration under hydrogen enrichment was 20%, with the hydrogenous fraction of the gas primarily replacing nitrogen. A particular focus was given to the importance of including water vapour in the inlet gas, andits impact on reactions occurring in the S&M test

    Comparison of the mineralogy of iron ore sinters using a range of techniques

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    Many different approaches have been used in the past to characterise iron ore sinter mineralogy to predict sinter quality and elucidate the impacts of iron ore characteristics and process variables on the mechanisms of sintering. This paper compares the mineralogy of three sinter samples with binary basicities (mass ratio of CaO/SiO2) between 1.7 and 2.0. The measurement techniques used were optical image analysis and point counting (PC), quantitative X‐ray diffraction (QXRD) and two different scanning electron microscopy systems, namely, Quantitative Evaluation of Materials by Scanning Electron Microscopy (QEMSCAN) and TESCAN Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA). Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages depending on the objectives of the measurement, with the quantification of crystalline phases, textural relationships between minerals and chemical compositions of the phases covered by the combined results. Some key differences were found between QXRD and the microscopy techniques. QXRD results imply that not all of the silico‐ferrite of calcium and aluminium (SFCA types) are being identified on the basis of morphology in the microscopy results. The amorphous concentration determined by QXRD was higher than the glass content identified in the microscopy results, whereas the magnetite and total SFCA concentration was lower. The scanning electron microscopy techniques were able to provide chemical analysis of the phases; however, exact correspondence with textural types was not always possible and future work is required in this area, particularly for differentiation of SFCA and SFCA-I phases. The results from the various techniques are compared and the relationships between the measurement results are discussed