8 research outputs found

    Drug refractory epilepsy in brain damage: effect of dextromethorphan on EEG in four patients.

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    High doses of dextromethorphan (20-42 mg/kg/day) were given to four critically ill children with seizures and frequent epileptiform abnormalities in the EEG that were refractory to antiepileptic drugs. Their acute diseases (hypoxia, head trauma and hypoxia, neurodegenerative disease, hypoglycaemia) were thought to be due in part to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor mediated processes. Treatment with dextromethorphan, an NMDA receptor antagonist, was started between 48 hours and 14 days after the critical incident. In three patients the EEG improved considerably within 48 hours and seizures ceased within 72 hours. In the patient with neurodegenerative disease the effect on the EEG was impressive, but the seizures were not controlled. Despite the improvement of the EEG the clinical outcome was poor in all children: three died in the critical period or due to the progressing disease; the patient with hypoglycaemia survived with severe neurological sequelae. Plasma concentrations of dextromethorphan varied between 74-1730 ng/ml and its metabolite dextrorphan varied between 349-3790 ng/ml. In one patient corresponding concentrations in CSF were lower than those in plasma. The suppression of epileptic discharges by the doses of dextromethorphan given suggests that such doses are sufficient to block NMDA receptors

    Sex-Dependent Antipsychotic Capacity of 17β-Estradiol in the Latent Inhibition Model: A Typical Antipsychotic Drug in Both Sexes, Atypical Antipsychotic Drug in Males

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    The estrogen hypothesis of schizophrenia suggests that estrogen is a natural neuroprotector in women and that exogenous estrogen may have antipsychotic potential, but results of clinical studies have been inconsistent. We have recently shown using the latent inhibition (LI) model of schizophrenia that 17β-estradiol exerts antipsychotic activity in ovariectomized (OVX) rats. The present study sought to extend the characterization of the antipsychotic action of 17β-estradiol (10, 50 and 150 μg/kg) by testing its capacity to reverse amphetamine- and MK-801-induced LI aberrations in gonadally intact female and male rats. No-drug controls of both sexes showed LI, ie, reduced efficacy of a previously non-reinforced stimulus to gain behavioral control when paired with reinforcement, if conditioned with two but not five tone-shock pairings. In both sexes, amphetamine (1 mg/kg) and MK-801 (50 μg/kg) produced disruption (under weak conditioning) and persistence (under strong conditioning) of LI, modeling positive and negative/cognitive symptoms, respectively. 17β-estradiol at 50 and 150 μg/kg potentiated LI under strong conditioning and reversed amphetamine-induced LI disruption in both males and females, mimicking the action of typical and atypical antipsychotic drugs (APDs) in the LI model. 17β-estradiol also reversed MK-induced persistent LI, an effect mimicking atypical APDs and NMDA receptor enhancers, but this effect was observed in males and OVX females but not in intact females. These findings indicate that in the LI model, 17β-estradiol exerts a clear-cut antipsychotic activity in both sexes and, remarkably, is more efficacious in males and OVX females where it also exerts activity considered predictive of anti-negative/cognitive symptoms