22 research outputs found

    SOCIALGYM: A Framework for Benchmarking Social Robot Navigation

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    Robots moving safely and in a socially compliant manner in dynamic human environments is an essential benchmark for long-term robot autonomy. However, it is not feasible to learn and benchmark social navigation behaviors entirely in the real world, as learning is data-intensive, and it is challenging to make safety guarantees during training. Therefore, simulation-based benchmarks that provide abstractions for social navigation are required. A framework for these benchmarks would need to support a wide variety of learning approaches, be extensible to the broad range of social navigation scenarios, and abstract away the perception problem to focus on social navigation explicitly. While there have been many proposed solutions, including high fidelity 3D simulators and grid world approximations, no existing solution satisfies all of the aforementioned properties for learning and evaluating social navigation behaviors. In this work, we propose SOCIALGYM, a lightweight 2D simulation environment for robot social navigation designed with extensibility in mind, and a benchmark scenario built on SOCIALGYM. Further, we present benchmark results that compare and contrast human-engineered and model-based learning approaches to a suite of off-the-shelf Learning from Demonstration (LfD) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches applied to social robot navigation. These results demonstrate the data efficiency, task performance, social compliance, and environment transfer capabilities for each of the policies evaluated to provide a solid grounding for future social navigation research.Comment: Published in IROS202

    SOCIALGYM 2.0: Simulator for Multi-Agent Social Robot Navigation in Shared Human Spaces

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    We present SocialGym 2, a multi-agent navigation simulator for social robot research. Our simulator models multiple autonomous agents, replicating real-world dynamics in complex environments, including doorways, hallways, intersections, and roundabouts. Unlike traditional simulators that concentrate on single robots with basic kinematic constraints in open spaces, SocialGym 2 employs multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) to develop optimal navigation policies for multiple robots with diverse, dynamic constraints in complex environments. Built on the PettingZoo MARL library and Stable Baselines3 API, SocialGym 2 offers an accessible python interface that integrates with a navigation stack through ROS messaging. SocialGym 2 can be easily installed and is packaged in a docker container, and it provides the capability to swap and evaluate different MARL algorithms, as well as customize observation and reward functions. We also provide scripts to allow users to create their own environments and have conducted benchmarks using various social navigation algorithms, reporting a broad range of social navigation metrics. Projected hosted at: https://amrl.cs.utexas.edu/social_gym/index.htmlComment: Submitted to RSS 202

    Programmatic Imitation Learning from Unlabeled and Noisy Demonstrations

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    Imitation Learning (IL) is a promising paradigm for teaching robots to perform novel tasks using demonstrations. Most existing approaches for IL utilize neural networks (NN), however, these methods suffer from several well-known limitations: they 1) require large amounts of training data, 2) are hard to interpret, and 3) are hard to repair and adapt. There is an emerging interest in programmatic imitation learning (PIL), which offers significant promise in addressing the above limitations. In PIL, the learned policy is represented in a programming language, making it amenable to interpretation and repair. However, state-of-the-art PIL algorithms assume access to action labels and struggle to learn from noisy real-world demonstrations. In this paper, we propose PLUNDER, a novel PIL algorithm that integrates a probabilistic program synthesizer in an iterative Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework to address these shortcomings. Unlike existing PIL approaches, PLUNDER synthesizes probabilistic programmatic policies that are particularly well-suited for modeling the uncertainties inherent in real-world demonstrations. Our approach leverages an EM loop to simultaneously infer the missing action labels and the most likely probabilistic policy. We benchmark PLUNDER against several established IL techniques, and demonstrate its superiority across five challenging imitation learning tasks under noise. PLUNDER policies achieve 95% accuracy in matching the given demonstrations, outperforming the next best baseline by 19%. Additionally, policies generated by PLUNDER successfully complete the tasks 17% more frequently than the nearest baseline

    STEADY: Simultaneous State Estimation and Dynamics Learning from Indirect Observations

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    Accurate kinodynamic models play a crucial role in many robotics applications such as off-road navigation and high-speed driving. Many state-of-the-art approaches in learning stochastic kinodynamic models, however, require precise measurements of robot states as labeled input/output examples, which can be hard to obtain in outdoor settings due to limited sensor capabilities and the absence of ground truth. In this work, we propose a new technique for learning neural stochastic kinodynamic models from noisy and indirect observations by performing simultaneous state estimation and dynamics learning. The proposed technique iteratively improves the kinodynamic model in an expectation-maximization loop, where the E Step samples posterior state trajectories using particle filtering, and the M Step updates the dynamics to be more consistent with the sampled trajectories via stochastic gradient ascent. We evaluate our approach on both simulation and real-world benchmarks and compare it with several baseline techniques. Our approach not only achieves significantly higher accuracy but is also more robust to observation noise, thereby showing promise for boosting the performance of many other robotics applications.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of IROS 202