9 research outputs found

    Intensivierung von enzymkatalysierten Reaktionen

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    Process intensification aims at enabling bridging the gap between fundamental research such as identification of new catalysts and reactions and their implementation in industrial environments. Especially the field of biocatalysis has seen some tremendous improvements and the development of new tools and approaches to bridge this gap. In this contribution we highlight some recent developments as selected case studies.BT/Biocatalysi

    Is water the best solvent for biocatalysis?

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    Mehr machen mit weniger: Intensivierung von Ganzzell-Bioprozessen

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    In chemical process engineering, process intensification (PI) has proven itself as a method that resulted very often in processes with an at least doubled process performance. In recent years, the PI techniques have found more and more applications in biotechnology. Exemplary continuous processes, single-use reactors, electrobiotechnology and hybrid techniques are discussed here.BT/Biocatalysi

    Process Intensification as Game Changer in Enzyme Catalysis

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    Enzyme catalysis, made tremendous progress over the last years in identification of new enzymes and new enzymatic reactivity’s as well as optimization of existing enzymes. However, the performance of the resulting processes is often still limited, e.g., in regard of productivity, realized product concentrations and the stability of the enzymes. Different topics (like limited specific activity, unfavourable kinetics or limited enzyme stability) can be addressed via enzyme engineering. On the other hand, there is also a long list of topics that are not addressable by enzyme engineering. Here typical examples are unfavourable reaction thermodynamics, selectivity in multistep reactions or low water solubility. These challenges can only be addressed through an adaption of the reaction system. The procedures of process intensification (PI) represent a good approach to reach most suitable systems. The general objective of PI is to achieve significant benefits in terms of capital and operating costs as well as product quality, waste, and process safety by applying innovative principles. The aim of the review is to show the current capabilities and future potentials of PI in enzyme catalysis focused on enzymes of the class of oxidoreductases. The focus of the paper is on alternative methods of energy input, innovative reactor concepts and reaction media with improved properties.BT/Biocatalysi

    Recent developments in the use of peroxygenases – Exploring their high potential in selective oxyfunctionalisations

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    Peroxygenases are an emerging new class of enzymes allowing selective oxyfunctionalisation reactions in a cofactor-independent way different from well-known P450 monooxygenases. Herein, we focused on recent developments from organic synthesis, molecular biotechnology and reaction engineering viewpoints that are devoted to bring these enzymes in industrial applications. This covers natural diversity from different sources, protein engineering strategies for expression, substrate scope, activity and selectivity, stabilisation of enzymes via immobilisation, and the use of peroxygenases in low water media. We believe that peroxygenases have much to offer for selective oxyfunctionalisations and we have much to study to explore the full potential of these versatile biocatalysts in organic synthesis.BT/Biocatalysi

    Enzymatic Oxidation of Butane to 2-Butanol in a Bubble Column

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    Unspecific peroxygenases have recently gained significant interest due to their ability to catalyse the hydroxylation of non-activated C−H bonds using only hydrogen peroxide as a co-substrate. However, the development of preparative processes has so far mostly concentrated on benzylic hydroxylations using liquid substrates. Herein, we demonstrate the application of a peroxygenase for the hydroxylation of the inert, gaseous substrate butane to 2-butanol in a bubble column reactor. The influence of hydrogen peroxide feed rate and enzyme loading on product formation, overoxidation to butanone and catalytic efficiency is investigated at 200 mL scale. The process is scaled up to 2 L and coupled with continuous extraction. This setup allowed the production of 115 mmol 2-butanol and 70 mmol butanone with an overall total turnover number (TTN) of over 15.000, thereby demonstrating the applicability of peroxygenases for preparative hydroxylation of such inert, gaseous substrates at mild reaction conditions.BT/Biocatalysi

    H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> Production at Low Overpotentials for Electroenzymatic Halogenation Reactions

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    Various enzymes utilize hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant. Such “peroxizymes” are potentially very attractive catalysts for a broad range of oxidation reactions. Most peroxizymes, however, are inactivated by an excess of H2O2. The electrochemical reduction of oxygen can be used as an in situ generation method for hydrogen peroxide to drive the peroxizymes at high operational stabilities. Using conventional electrode materials, however, also necessitates significant overpotentials, thereby reducing the energy efficiency of these systems. This study concerns a method to coat a gas-diffusion electrode with oxidized carbon nanotubes (oCNTs), thereby greatly reducing the overpotential needed to perform an electroenzymatic halogenation reaction. In comparison to the unmodified electrode, with the oCNTs-modified electrode the overpotential can be reduced by approximately 100 mV at comparable product formation rates.BT/Biocatalysi

    Selective Peroxygenase-Catalysed Oxidation of Toluene Derivates to Benzaldehydes

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    Biocatalytic oxidation reactions of toluene derivates to the corresponding aldehydes are typically challenged by regio- and chemoselectivity issues. In this contribution we address both challenges by a combined reactant- and reaction engineering approach. We demonstrate that the peroxygenase-catalysed transformation of ring-substituted toluenes proceeds highly regioselectively in benzylic position. Furthermore, neat reaction conditions not only enable attractive product concentrations (up to 185 mM) but also result in highly chemoselective oxidations to the aldehyde level.BT/Biocatalysi

    A Biocatalytic Aza-Achmatowicz Reaction

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    A catalytic, enzyme-initiated (aza-) Achmatowicz reaction is presented. The involvement of a robust vanadium-dependent peroxidase from Curvularia inaequalis allows the simple use of H2O2 and catalytic amounts of bromide.Accepted Author ManuscriptBT/Biocatalysi