187 research outputs found

    Brief Note: A New Ohio Record for the Iowa Darter (Etheostoma Exile), and Endangered Species

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    Author Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State Universit

    Effects of structural habitat on drift distance and benthic settlement of the caddisfly, Ceratopsyche sparna

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    We conducted two experiments in flow-through, artificial streams to examine how habitat structure affected drift and benthic resettlement of larval hydropsychid caddisflies ( Ceratopsyche sparna ). In the first experiment, we quantified drift distance and the number of times larvae re-entered the drift in 9.0 × 0.51-m channels with contiguous patches (ea. 2.5-m long) of biofilm-covered gravel, biofilm-covered cobbles (− Cladophora ), and Cladophora -covered cobbles (+ Cladophora ). In the second experiment, we tracked nocturnal movements of larvae after benthic settlement in 2.8 × 0.1-m channels, each containing one of the three habitat types. In experiment 1, drift distance was (1) greatest in gravel and lowest in cobbles + Cladophora , (2) inversely related to hydraulic roughness of habitats, (3) independent of body size, and (4) similar for live and dead larvae. Average drift distance was relatively short (<2.5 m), regardless of habitat type. Number of drift re-entries also varied among habitats, being greatest in gravel and lowest in cobbles + Cladophora . No larvae re-entered the drift after settling in Cladophora patches. Results from experiment 2 revealed that drift propensities were higher for larvae in biofilm-covered gravel and cobbles than in cobbles + Cladophora . Larvae remaining in substrate patches (i.e. not drifting) laid fewer draglines in biofilm-covered stones than in Cladophora patches. Extent of benthic movement (i.e., crawling) by non-drifting larvae did not differ significantly among habitats. However, distance moved did differ with flow direction, being 4× greater downstream than upstream. These results highlight how local substrate and hydraulic conditions interact to affect small-scale movements of caddisfly larvae.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42897/1/10750_2004_Article_406227.pd

    Riparian and microhabitat factors determine the structure of the EPT community in Andean headwater rivers of Ecuador

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Vimos-Lojano, D.J., F. Martínez-Capel, and H. Hampel. 2017. Riparian and Microhabitat Factors Determine the Structure of the EPT Community in Andean Headwater Rivers of Ecuador. Ecohydrology 10 (8). Wiley: e1894. doi:10.1002/eco.1894, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1894. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] This research was conducted in the high-Andean basin of the Zhurucay River in southern Ecuador. In 4 river reaches, 19 sampling campaigns were conducted per reach spread over a period of 35months. The biotic samples were selected in the periods with greatest flow stability. Parallel to each sampling, 37 environmental variables grouped into 3 factors (riparian corridor, hydromorphology, and water quality) were recorded. The study aimed to analyse during periods of stable flow the influence of these environmental factors on the structure and density of the EPT community (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) in a quasi-pristine aquatic ecosystem. Multivariate statistical analysis revealed that the Froude number, gravel type, and width/depth ratio are the most relevant hydromorphological variables explaining variations in EPT density. Xiphocentronidae, Contulma, and Helicopsyche were observed to have a relationship with the order of the river, while Ochrotrichia, Nectopsyche, and Phylloicus varied with the type of riparian vegetation. Phylloicus, Ochrotrichia, and Nectopsyche were common in lentic sites, while the proportion of gravel and the width/depth ratio restricted the genus Helicopsyche. The only relevant water quality factor was the total phosphorus, which was related with 2 taxa. In conclusion, although macroinvertebrates are currently employed in water quality studies, riparian vegetation and hydromorphological factors are determinant for their communities in pristine Andean rivers. Such factors are therefore crucial in the study of environmental flows and the assessment of the ecological integrity.This research was funded by the SENESCYTPIC 11-726 Project (Interpretation of hydro-ecological processes as a basis for assessing the ecological flow in the Paute and Jubones watershed), the hydroelectric company CELECEP, and DIUC (Investigation Department of the University of Cuenca). Thanks are due to the SENESCYT project PIC 11-715 (Impact of land use change in the hydrogeochemistry of Andean basins) for providing the hydrological data used in this study. Further, financial support was provided by SENESCYT through a fellowship granted to the first author for carrying out his doctoral programme and through the PROMETEO fellowship awarded to the third author. We are greateful to Ing. Andres Quichimbo for reviewing the hydrological data, and the staff of the Aquatic Ecology Laboratory at the University of Cuenca for their assistance and field logistics. Finally, the authors are grateful to Prof. Jan Feyen for constructive polishing edition the manuscript.Vimos-Lojano, D.; Martinez-Capel, F.; Hampel, H. (2017). Riparian and microhabitat factors determine the structure of the EPT community in Andean headwater rivers of Ecuador. Ecohydrology. 10(8):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1894S115108Albariño, R. J., & Balseiro, E. G. (2002). Leaf litter breakdown in Patagonian streams: native versus exotic trees and the effect of invertebrate size. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 12(2), 181-192. doi:10.1002/aqc.511ALLAN, D., ERICKSON, D., & FAY, J. (1997). The influence of catchment land use on stream integrity across multiple spatial scales. Freshwater Biology, 37(1), 149-161. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2427.1997.d01-546.xAllan, J. 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    The hyporheic zone as an invertebrate refuge: a review of variability in space, time, taxa and behaviour

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    The hyporheic zone is a potential refuge that can promote persistence of benthic invertebrates during adverse conditions in surface streams. For decades, changes in invertebrate depth distribution have been investigated in relation to flood, low flow and drying events, but evidence for use of the hyporheic refuge remains equivocal. This review examines the evidence for the hyporheic zone’s refugial role during adverse hydrological conditions. Refuge potential is influenced by determinants in four categories. First, refuge use varies spatially in relation to physical habitat parameters, including sediment porosity and hydrologic exchange. Second, refuge use is temporally variable and reflects disturbance characteristics including rate of onset. Third, refuge use is taxon-specific, depending on a range of morphological, behavioural and physiological traits. Fourth, the behaviours governing refuge use vary, with both active migrations and passive habitat use playing important roles in community persistence. These four determinants interact to influence refuge use; for example, the physical habitat providing an adequate refuge will vary between taxa. Despite this variability, the hyporheic zone is an important component in the suite of refuges that facilitate community resilience to disturbance events. As such, its ecological integrity should be safeguarded through sensitive management and effective rehabilitation schemes