7 research outputs found
Rape and everyday life
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The business of childbirth
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Adam Barry D.
- Alliance Against Sexual Coercion.
- Bart Pauline B.
- Beldin Linda.
- Brodsky Carroll.
- Holmstrom Lynda Lytle
- Kelly Liz.
- MacKinnon Catharine.
- MacKinnon Catharine.
- Martin Susan Ehrlich.
- Safran Claire.
- Schram Donna D.
- Schur Edwin M.
- Sebba Leslie
- Silverman Deirdre.
- United States Merit Systems Protection Board (USMSPB).
- Weis Kurt
- Williams Karen M.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Victims Who Fight Back: Claiming in Cases of Professional Sexual Exploitation
- Author
- Andrews Arlene Bowers
- Bandura Albert
- Bass Alison
- Bass Alison
- Berry Jason
- Bohmer Carol
- Bohmer Carol
- Durkin Tom
- Elias Robert
- Estrich Susan
- Felstiner William L. F.
- Firestone Marvin H.
- Fiske Susan T.
- Fortune Marie M
- Freeman Lucy
- Freud Sigmund
- Gartrell N.
- Gunn Rita
- Holmstrom Lynda Lytle
- Jorgenson Linda
- Jorgenson Linda Mabus
- Koss Mary P.
- Kuchan Anthony
- Luepker Ellen Thompson
- Luepker Ellen Thompson
- Murrell Dan S.
- Noel Barbara
- Pavalon Eugene I.
- Rutter Peter
- Schoener Gary Richard
- Schoener Gary Richard
- Schoener Gary Richard
- Vinson J. S.
- Walker Evelyn
- Weaver Dianne Jay
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Amir Menachem
- Andrews Frank
- BenDor Jan
- Berger Vivian
- Bienen Leigh B.
- Bohmer Carol
- Boyum Keith
- Carter Lief
- Casper Jonathan D.
- Cook Beverly B.
- Davis Elizabeth M.
- Eisenstein James
- Estrich Susan
- Feild Hubert S.
- Feldman-Summers Shirley
- Galvin Harriett R.
- Haxton David
- Holmstrom Lynda Lytle
- Ireland Marilyn J.
- Kalven Harry
- Kritzer Herbert M.
- LaFree Gary D.
- LaFree Gary D.
- LaFree Gary D.
- LeGrand Camille E.
- Loftin Colin Milton Heumann
- McCahill Thomas W.
- Miller Jerry
- Nakamura Robert T.
- Nelson Steven
- Nimmer Raymond T.
- Nimmer Raymond T.
- Pedhazur Elazar J.
- Reskin Barbara F.
- Ross H. Laurence
- Spohn Gruhl John Cassia
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Feminist Perspectives in Sociological Research
- Author
- Adams Margaret.
- Aries Philippe.
- Arlene Kaplan Daniels
- Astin Helen S.
- Astin Helen S.
- Baker Sally Hillsman
- Beauvoir Simone.
- Benet Mary Kathleen.
- Berger Bennett M.
- Berger Bennett M.
- Bergmann Barbara R.
- Bern Sandra L.
- Bernard Jessie.
- Bernard Jessie.
- Bernard Jessie.
- Bettelheim Bruno.
- Bettelheim Bruno.
- Boocock Sarane Spence.
- Bourne Patricia Gerald.
- Bronfenbrenner Urie
- Campbell David P.
- Chafetz Janet Saltzman.
- Chomsky Noam.
- Cole Stephen.
- Corwin Ronald G.
- Daniels Arlene Kaplan
- Daniels Arlene Kaplan.
- Davis Fred
- Doyle Bertram Wilbur.
- Engels Friedrich.
- Epstein Cynthia Fuchs.
- Eriksson Joslyn Kerstin.
- Etzioni Amitai
- Fidell Linda
- Flacks Richard.
- Fogarty Michael P.
- Friedan Betty.
- Giele Janet Zollinger.
- Giele Janet Zollinger.
- Ginzberg Eli, and Associates
- Glazer-Malbin Nona
- Gold Doris.
- Goode William J.
- Goodwin James C.
- Gross Edward.
- Hoffman Lois Wladis.
- Holmstrom Lynda Lytle.
- Horner Matina S.
- Horner Matina S.
- Howe Florence.
- In preparation
- Joffe Carole Elisabeth.
- Kahn-Hut Rachel
- Klein Viola.
- Komoravsky Mirra.
- Lewis Lionel S.
- Lewis Lionel S.
- Lipman-Blumen Jean.
- Lipman-Blumen Jean.
- Lipman-Blumen Jean.
- Lopata Helena Znaniecki.
- Lopate Carol.
- Lorber Judith.
- Lynd Staughton.
- Mannheim Karl.
- Millet Kate.
- Mills C. Wright.
- Moore Joan W.
- Nye F. Ivan
- Olesen Virginia.
- Oppenheimer Valerie Kincade.
- Park Robert E.
- Patterson Michelle
- Rapoport Rhona
- Roby Pamela.
- Rossi Alice S.
- Rossi Alice S.
- Roszak Theodore
- Rubin Lillian.
- Safilios-Rothschild Constantina.
- Sandler Bernice.
- Sells Lucy W.
- Simon Rita James
- Smith Constance
- Smith Dorothy E.
- Spiro Melford E.
- Spiro Melford E.
- Sullivan Harry Stack.
- Theodore Athena
- Toren Nina.
- U. S. Department of Health Education, and Welfare.
- Walum Laurel Richardson.
- Weil Mildren W.
- Weiss Robert S.
- Weiss Robert S.
- Weitzman Lenore J.
- Wiseman Jacqueline.
- Ziegler Harmon.
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study