26 research outputs found

    Girl with a Violin

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    There is a story to be told- of a small girl with a violin and an old man and a springtime Saturday afternoon years ago on the sidewalk of a small town...

    The Everlasting Light

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    You are walking down the steps of Home Economics Hall on a startling, bright, cold morning- almost noon. You are walking slowly because this was your last exam. Now you will eat some lunch, throw the last few things in your suitcase and, leaving your books behind, go home. For it is Christmas

    A Fine Day

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    IT HAD been a fine day. A streak of gulls drove in, dodged - - and screeched at the shore where the sea and the sand were keeping the eternal rhythm of their meeting and parting, meeting and parting..

    The Willow

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    SHE FELT she must lift her head neatly and take a deep, noiseless breath and relax her eyes here for a moment, for all the aching it suddenly brought up inside her..

    Echoes #1 and #2

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    Solemn, solemn speak now From the barracks of our thought: The lips must move without cracking But the context must be conveyed..

    A Night in New York

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    One night we walked Beginning by the river Where the foundry lights, the COCA-COLA, the ADMIRAL Spilled over the water like discarded dreams..

    A Child Came Home

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    A child came home, Over a scalding plain of bent knuckles and polished steel barrels on a map of unsorted pebbles thrown down into the noon..

    Happy Living Through Cooperative Living

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    Through a system of numerous governing groups explained here, ISC women practice the motto... Happy living through cooperative living

    Our Teaching At Iowa State

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    THE controversial article on teaching at Iowa State in the winter quarter Sketch caused a great amount of comment over the campus. The present editors have chosen to accept this comment as a challenge for another article, based on the comment itself and on further inquiry..