683 research outputs found

    Health Systems Strengthening:Rethinking the Role of Innovation

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    Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda individer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning

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    Inom vården förekommer det negativa attityder mot individer med psykiatriska diagnoser. Särskilt utsatta är individer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning (EIPS). Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att med en integrerad analys granska tidigare genomförda studier angående sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda individer med emotionellt instabil personlighetsstörning. Resultatet visar att det ofta förekommer negativa attityder, uppfattningar och känslor från sjuksköterskor i deras vårdande av individer med EIPS. Många sjuksköterskor har i studierna ansett att individer med EIPS är en svår grupp att vårda. Det framkommer att utbildning angående diagnosen EIPS förebygger de negativa aspekterna hos sjuksköterskorna och att sjuksköterskorna är positivt inställda till utbildning. Vidare läggs det fram trots att sjuksköterskor har negativa attityder i att vårda individer med EIPS så har många sjuksköterskor hopp och vilja att kunna ge bra vård till individer med EIPS

    Beyond COVID-19: Designing Inclusive Public Health Surveillance by Including Wastewater Monitoring

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    Wastewater-based epidemiology is a promising and expanding public health surveillance method. The current wastewater testing trajectory to monitor primarily at community wastewater treatment plants was necessitated by immediate needs of the pandemic. Going forward, specific consideration should be given to monitoring vulnerable and underserved communities to ensure inclusion and rapid response to public health threats. This is particularly important when clinical testing data are insufficient to characterize community virus levels and spread in specific locations. Now is a timely call to action for equitably protecting health in the United States, which can be guided with intentional and inclusive wastewater monitoring

    Piloting ART in South Africa: the role of partnerships in the Western Cape's provincial roll-out

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    In 1999, the provincial government of the Western Cape entered into a partnership with M?decins Sans Fronti?res (MSF) to provide HIV treatment through public health clinics in the peri-urban settlement of Khayelitsha. From 2000 onwards, this partnership ran South Africa’s first antiretroviral treatment (ART) programme. Due to the province’s limited experience in 1999 in implementing and monitoring an ART programme, and the National Health Department’s opposition to the public provision of ART, this partnership was instrumental in piloting and later scaling-up the Western Cape’s ART programme. The partnership demonstrated that ART programmes could be implemented successfully within resource-constrained settings, with high levels of adherence, low rates of loss to follow up, and excellent health outcomes. Its components and strategies are therefore of vital significance to the roll-out and maintenance of ART programmes in various contexts across the developing world. Based on information gathered through interviews with key players, this article examines the factors that facilitated the public provision of ART in the Western Cape. With a focus on Khayelitsha, it explores the partnerships that were established between the provincial government, civil society organisations, research institutes and service providers to support and expedite the public provision of ART

    Genome-wide <i>Escherichia coli </i>stress response and improved tolerance towards industrially relevant chemicals

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    BACKGROUND: Economically viable biobased production of bulk chemicals and biofuels typically requires high product titers. During microbial bioconversion this often leads to product toxicity, and tolerance is therefore a critical element in the engineering of production strains. RESULTS: Here, a systems biology approach was employed to understand the chemical stress response of Escherichia coli, including a genome-wide screen for mutants with increased fitness during chemical stress. Twelve chemicals with significant production potential were selected, consisting of organic solvent-like chemicals (butanol, hydroxy-γ-butyrolactone, 1,4-butanediol, furfural), organic acids (acetate, itaconic acid, levulinic acid, succinic acid), amino acids (serine, threonine) and membrane-intercalating chemicals (decanoic acid, geraniol). The transcriptional response towards these chemicals revealed large overlaps of transcription changes within and between chemical groups, with functions such as energy metabolism, stress response, membrane modification, transporters and iron metabolism being affected. Regulon enrichment analysis identified key regulators likely mediating the transcriptional response, including CRP, RpoS, OmpR, ArcA, Fur and GadX. These regulators, the genes within their regulons and the above mentioned cellular functions therefore constitute potential targets for increasing E. coli chemical tolerance. Fitness determination of genome-wide transposon mutants (Tn-seq) subjected to the same chemical stress identified 294 enriched and 336 depleted mutants and experimental validation revealed up to 60 % increase in mutant growth rates. Mutants enriched in several conditions contained, among others, insertions in genes of the Mar-Sox-Rob regulon as well as transcription and translation related gene functions. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of the transcriptional response and mutant screening provides general targets that can increase tolerance towards not only single, but multiple chemicals. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12934-016-0577-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users