460 research outputs found


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    同志婚姻的大勢已定。不管美國高等法院如何裁示,剩下的問題只是還有幾個障礙、還要多少時間才能讓同志婚姻在美國得到全面認可。 然而我卻仍然充滿不安,就像過去這些年同志婚姻權戰役進行的時候一樣不安。我仍然在問:同志婚姻真的代表了我們的身分和需要嗎? 如果得到婚姻權,這個勝利對我們的衝擊會和我們承受的壓迫一樣深刻嗎?婚姻權能給我們平等嗎?能讓我們「正常」嗎?我們真的希望「正常」嗎?婚姻權就是我們的願景嗎?婚姻權是 LGBTQ 運動爭取正義和接納時應該優先考量的議題嗎

    Creating Student Leaders: Strategies for Midwest College

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    The need to build effective work teams and leaders is crucial to the success of a work team. This becomes difficult in a college setting when a manager employs college students. Employing college students means every year managers are losing senior classes and replacing graduates with new workers. This results in teams losing the most experienced workers and oftentimes team leaders. To counteract this, managers are constantly having to find new leaders on a yearly basis and also continue to develop leaders. This is a challenging task and results in transition periods while new employees and the new leader are settling into leadership roles. Forming a workplace culture is also difficult due to having to constantly replace workers annually. Having constant turnover makes a workplace culture harder to build, and teams take longer to come together. Teams that consistently do not “get it together” over a long period of time put up tough opposition for leaders who want to move forward (Harkins, 2020). Managers need to constantly find ways to mentor employees to help develop leaders and a common practice is to use coaching and mentoring in the workplace. A study conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development found that 70% of the leading employers implement coaching and mentoring in the workplace to create higher organizational performance. The study found that mentoring and coaching in the workplace increase creativity by 69%, learning, and knowledge management by 63%, and motivating workers by 57%. The study also indicated that 93% of all the respondents believed coaching and mentoring is a key mechanism for transferring training skills into the workplace (Kumar, Deshmukh, & Adhish, 2014). Mentoring and coaching create leaders and an overall better work environment. Thus making the managers able to move forward and continue to run the department efficiently and smoothly. This introduction will present the problem statement, describe the background of the problem, the purpose of the study, the research questions of the study, limitations, delimitations, definitions, the significance of the study, and the structure for how the study was designed

    An Investigation of the Professional Socialization Phase and Grading in Physical Education

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    A qualitative study was conducted through the lens of Occupational Socialization Theory (OST) to investigate the professional socialization phase regarding grading. This study utilized semi-structured interviews and document analysis as primary data sources. Participants were 14 full-time faculty members from 4-year, physical education teacher education (PETE) certification granting institutions. Artifacts collected and analyzed included course syllabi, program evaluations, and program materials. Inductive thematic analysis revealed that PETE programs provide consequential assessment experiences for teacher candidates during pre-service training that excludes grading criteria. Teacher candidates’ grading experiences and opportunities are not held accountable by PETE programs and are largely influenced by cooperating teachers during student teaching. Overall, PETE program teacher candidates are unprepared for assigning and formulating grades in physical education

    Talking Heads: Measuring Elite Personality Using Speech

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    Political scientists have long considered ideology, partisanship, and constituency in determining how members of the United States Congress make decisions. Meanwhile, psycholo-\ud gists have held that personality traits play central roles in decision-making. In this paper, we apply recent advances in machine learning (Mairesse et al. 2007) to measure Congressmember personality traits using floor speeches from 1996–2014. We show that these estimates are robust to concerns about strategic behavior and generally conform with findings in the behavior literature linking ideology with the Big Five (e.g. Gerber et al. 2010). We also provide two examples of the utility of our method, one examining the impact of personality on elite survey non-response and the other showing how the conscientiousness of members of Congress affects the contents of bill proposals

    Defining desires and dangerous decisions = 界定慾望與危險抉擇

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    The power of desire and its often dangerous consequences are among the most important of human experiences, directing many of the choices we make throughout much of life. They mark and shape us, open us up in directions we never imagined possible, possess significance and hidden meanings we struggle with lifelong. Sometimes our desires lead to consequences we would never have chosen. But sex, and the ability it has to move and explode with a fierce power, is also one of the most precious and remarkable gifts we possess as human beings. 人類其中一種最重要的經驗,便是體現慾望的力量,以及承擔往往隨之而來的危險後果。這些經驗主導了我們人生大部份的抉擇,在我們身上留下印記,形塑我們,向我們展示我們從未想像過的路向,也在我們一生中,佔有重要但不易彰顯的意義。這些意義也需要我們一直與之協商;有時候慾望所帶來的後果並非我們原初以為選擇了的,但是性相 (sexuality) 特有的爆烈與撩動人心的力量,正是我們生而為人最寶貴、最卓越的天賦之一

    Tentative Decisions

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    Political scientists have long considered ideology, partisanship, and constituency in determining how members of the United States Congress make decisions. Meanwhile, psychologists have held that personality traits play central roles in decision-making. Here, we bridge these literatures by offering a framework for modeling how personality influences legislative behavior. Drawing from experimental economics and neuropsychology, we identify core cognitive constraints for the “Big Five” personality model, parameterizing them in ways useful for crafting formal models of legislative behavior. We then show one example of the applicability of this framework by creating a formal decision-theoretic model of constituency communicatio


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    有關「同志都很富裕」的神話深入人心,甚至連同性戀自己都相信。可是我們總是侷 限在白種人口裡想像著物質豐裕的幻象以避免面對社群裡存在著經濟差異的事實。這也是 此刻我們向大眾呈現自我的關鍵問題:由於我們把彼此之間的階級差異和貧富差距當成祕 密般藏起來,否認它,排斥它,結果經濟上的困窘被排除在酷兒慾望趨力之外,是與我們 酷兒生涯無關的事情

    President Obama placed his most competent appointees in agencies most important to—and most resistant to—his political agenda

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    One of President Obama’s most important tasks upon entering office in 2008 was the filling of more than 3,000 appointed positions within the federal government. But what governed these appointments, policy expertise or political reasons such as campaign experience? By studying more than 1,300 of Obama’s presidential appointments Gary E. Hollibaugh, Jr., Gabriel Horton, and David E. Lewis find that he appointed individuals with policy expertise to agencies responsible for policies on his agenda and those who were more conservative. They write that more liberal agencies tended to have more appointees with campaign experience or political connections rather than policy expertise

    Study of Company Grade Officers in the United States Air Force and Their Participation in Individual Retirement Accounts

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    This study was concerned with obtaining information about Air Force company grade officers and their participation in Individual Retirement Accounts. Special gratitude is owed to the men and women who fly the E-3 aircraft assigned to the 552nd Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) Wing for their participation in the study.Housing, Interior Design and Consumer Studie