11,571 research outputs found

    Direct combination: a new user interaction principle for mobile and ubiquitous HCI

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    Direct Combination (DC) is a recently introduced user interaction principle. The principle (previously applied to desktop computing) can greatly reduce the degree of search, time, and attention required to operate user interfaces. We argue that Direct Combination applies particularly aptly to mobile computing devices, given appropriate interaction techniques, examples of which are presented here. The reduction in search afforded to users can be applied to address several issues in mobile and ubiquitous user interaction including: limited feedback bandwidth; minimal attention situations; and the need for ad-hoc spontaneous interoperation and dynamic reconfiguration of multiple devices. When Direct Combination is extended and adapted to fit the demands of mobile and ubiquitous HCI, we refer to it as Ambient Combination (AC) . Direct Combination allows the user to exploit objects in the environment to narrow down the range of interactions that need be considered (by system and user). When the DC technique of pairwise or n-fold combination is applicable, it can greatly lessen the demands on users for memorisation and interface navigation. Direct Combination also appears to offers a new way of applying context-aware information. In this paper, we present Direct Combination as applied ambiently through a series of interaction scenarios, using an implemented prototype system

    The future design direction of smart clothing development

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    Literature indicates that Smart Clothing applications, the next generation of clothing and electronic products, have been struggling to enter the mass market because the consumers’ latent needs have not been recognised. Moreover, the design direction of Smart Clothes remains unclear and unfocused. Nevertheless, a clear design direction is necessary for all product development. Therefore, this research aims to identify the design directions of the emerging Smart Clothes industry by conducting a questionnaire survey and focus groups with its major design contributors. The results reveal that the current strategy of embedding a wide range of electronic functions in a garment is not suitable. This is primarily because it does not match the users’ requirements, purchasing criteria and lifestyle. The results highlight the respondents’ preference for personal healthcare and sportswear applications that suit their lifestyle, are aesthetically attractive, and provide a practical function

    Extracting quantum dynamics from genetic learning algorithms through principal control analysis

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    Genetic learning algorithms are widely used to control ultrafast optical pulse shapes for photo-induced quantum control of atoms and molecules. An unresolved issue is how to use the solutions found by these algorithms to learn about the system's quantum dynamics. We propose a simple method based on covariance analysis of the control space, which can reveal the degrees of freedom in the effective control Hamiltonian. We have applied this technique to stimulated Raman scattering in liquid methanol. A simple model of two-mode stimulated Raman scattering is consistent with the results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Presented at coherent control Ringberg conference 200

    Bohmian Quantum Gravity in the Linear Field Approximation

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    In this paper we have applied Bohmian quantum theory to the linear field approximation of gravity and present a self--consistent quantum gravity theory in the linear field approximation. The theory is then applied to some specific problems, the Newtonian limit, and the static spherically symmetric solution. Some observable effects of the theory are investigated

    Bohmian trajectories and Klein's paradox

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    We compute the Bohmian trajectories of the incoming scattering plane waves for Klein's potential step in explicit form. For finite norm incoming scattering solutions we derive their asymptotic space-time localization and we compute some Bohmian trajectories numerically. The paradox, which appears in the traditional treatments of the problem based on the outgoing scattering asymptotics, is absent.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures; minor format change

    Adiabatic Control of Decoherence-Free-Subspaces in an Open Collective System

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    We propose a method to adiabatically control an atomic ensemble using a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) within a dissipative cavity. We can engineer a specific eigenstate of the system's Lindblad jump operators by injecting a field into the cavity which deconstructively interferes with the emission amplitude of the ensemble. In contrast to previous adiabatic DFS proposals, our scheme creates a DFS in the presence of collective decoherence. We therefore have the ability to engineer states that have high multi-particle entanglements which may be exploited for quantum information science or metrology. We further demonstrate a more optimized driving scheme that utilizes the knowledge of possible diabatic evolution gained from the so-called adiabatic criteria. This allows us to evolve to a desired state with exceptionally high fidelity on a time scale that does not depend on the number of atoms in the ensemble. By engineering the DFS eigenstate adiabatically, our method allows for faster state preparation than previous schemes that rely on damping into a desired state solely using dissipation.Comment: 15 pages and 8 Figure
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