85 research outputs found

    Agriculture in Williams-West Arthur : report of a survey of farm practices

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    THIS article summarises the results of a survey of 81 farms in the Williams and West Arthur Shires, carried out by officers of the Department of Agriculture at the request of the Central South Zone Development Committee. Field work for the survey started in 1961

    Agriculture in Western Australia : past, present and future

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    THE post war period has seen very rapid growth and changes in the agriculture of Western Australia. Almost every industry and region of the State has contributed to the growth of rural production which in turn has been responsible for much of the development in other sectors of the economy

    Reasons for the changes

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    Agriculture in the Lakes District : report of a survey of farm practices

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    At the request of the Central South Zone Development Committee a survey which covered 58 farms in the Lakes District was carried out by officers of the Department of Agriculture. Field work for the survey started in 1961. The Lakes District supports about 70 holdings adjoining a chain of salt lakes to the east of Newdegate and Hyden but west of the No. 1 Rabbit Proof Fence. The chain of lakes is about 70 miles long running in a N.N.W. to S.S.E. direction. The lakes are O\u27Connor, Carmody, Hurlstone, Varley, Gulson, Fox, Camm, King, and Pal lamp

    Agriculture in Western Australia. 2. A preview of future development

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    THE agricultural areas of Western Australia produce most of the State\u27s agricultural output. Only isolated small areas of arable agriculture exist in the North- West and tropical areas of the State

    Agriculture in Western Australia

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    A review of the development of agriculture in Western Australia with an outline of the distribution and importance of present agricultural and pastoral enterprises. WESTERN Australia\u27s economy has always been largely dominated by its pastoral and agricultural activities. For short periods gold has given greater annual returns than the products of farms and stations, but these periods have never been very long. Only in recent years has the value of factory production equalled that of our stations and farms

    Agriculture in Western Australia. 3. The economic potential of the Wongan-Ballidu Shire. Part 1

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    IN West Australian agriculture there is a considerable backlog of information available to farmers which is not being used in practical farming. This, of course, is true of agricultural industries anywhere in the world. This backlog results in a big difference in productivity between the best farms and the average farms in each district. This article is a simple economic study of the potential of one shire of Western Australia

    Production costs in the apple industry : comments on a survey

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    IN 1964 and 1965, light and heavy bearing years respectively, apples cost $2.40 per bushel to produce in Western Australia. This figure, to be considered with many other factors, was reached in a cost-of-production survey of 45 selected growers. Packing and labour costs, in that order, were the two biggest cost-of-production items

    The 1964 Ord River cotton crop

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    IN November-December, 1963, the first five farmers allocated land in the Ord River Irrigation Area planted their first crop of cotton, which is expected to be the major crop grown in the area. The crop was harvested in May-June, 1964, and has since been sold

    The economic potential of the Wongan-Ballidu Shire. Part 2. Costs and returns

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    THE potential of the Wongan-Ballidu Shire to produce increased quantities of grain, wool, sheep and meat up to the year 2,000 was estimated and discussed in the first part of this article (see last issue). In this second and final part the financial returns likely to accrue to the shire and the individual farmers as a result of these increases are discussed
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