14,236 research outputs found

    Astrophysical Effects of Scalar Dark Matter Miniclusters

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    We model the formation, evolution and astrophysical effects of dark compact Scalar Miniclusters (``ScaMs''). These objects arise when a scalar field, with an axion-like or Higgs-like potential, undergoes a second order phase transition below the QCD scale. Such a scalar field may couple too weakly to the standard model to be detectable directly through particle interactions, but may still be detectable by gravitational effects, such as lensing and baryon accretion by large, gravitationally bound miniclusters. The masses of these objects are shown to be constrained by the Lyα\alpha power spectrum to be less than 104M\sim 10^4 M_\odot, but they may be as light as classical axion miniclusters, of the order of 1012M10^{-12} M_\odot. We simulate the formation and nonlinear gravitational collapse of these objects around matter-radiation equality using an N-body code, estimate their gravitational lensing properties, and assess the feasibility of studying them using current and future lensing experiments. Future MACHO-type variability surveys of many background sources can reveal either high-amplification, strong lensing events, or measure density profiles directly via weak-lensing variability, depending on ScaM parameters and survey depth. However, ScaMs, due to their low internal densities, are unlikely to be responsible for apparent MACHO events already detected in the Galactic halo. A simple estimate is made of parameters that would give rise to early structure formation; in principle, early stellar collapse could be triggered by ScaMs as early as recombination, and significantly affect cosmic reionization.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. Replaced to reflect published versio

    Space missions to detect the cosmic gravitational-wave background

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    It is thought that a stochastic background of gravitational waves was produced during the formation of the universe. A great deal could be learned by measuring this Cosmic Gravitational-wave Background (CGB), but detecting the CGB presents a significant technological challenge. The signal strength is expected to be extremely weak, and there will be competition from unresolved astrophysical foregrounds such as white dwarf binaries. Our goal is to identify the most promising approach to detect the CGB. We study the sensitivities that can be reached using both individual, and cross-correlated pairs of space based interferometers. Our main result is a general, coordinate free formalism for calculating the detector response that applies to arbitrary detector configurations. We use this general formalism to identify some promising designs for a GrAvitational Background Interferometer (GABI) mission. Our conclusion is that detecting the CGB is not out of reach.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, IOP style, References Adde

    Mapping the Cosmic Web with Ly-alpha Emission

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    We use a high-resolution cosmological simulation to predict the distribution of HI Ly-alpha emission from the low-redshift (z<0.5) intergalactic medium (IGM). Our simulation can be used to reliably compute the emission from optically thin regions of the IGM but not that of self-shielded gas. We therefore consider several models that bracket the expected emission from self-shielded regions. Most galaxies are surrounded by extended (>10^2 kpc) ``coronae'' of optically thin gas with Ly-alpha surface brightness close to the expected background. Most of these regions contain smaller cores of dense, cool gas. Unless self-shielded gas is able to cool to T<10^4.1 K, these cores are much brighter than the background. The Ly-alpha coronae represent ``cooling flows'' of IGM gas accreting onto galaxies. We also estimate the number of Ly-alpha photons produced through the reprocessing of stellar ionizing radiation in the interstellar medium of galaxies; while this mechanism is responsible for the brightest Ly-alpha emission, it occurs on small physical scales and can be separated using high-resolution observations. In all cases, we find that Ly-alpha emitters are numerous (with a space density ~0.1 h^3 Mpc^-3) and closely trace the filamentary structure of the IGM, providing a new way to map gas inside the cosmic web.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Gravity Waves from a Cosmological Phase Transition: Gauge Artifacts and Daisy Resummations

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    The finite-temperature effective potential customarily employed to describe the physics of cosmological phase transitions often relies on specific gauge choices, and is manifestly not gauge-invariant at finite order in its perturbative expansion. As a result, quantities relevant for the calculation of the spectrum of stochastic gravity waves resulting from bubble collisions in first-order phase transitions are also not gauge-invariant. We assess the quantitative impact of this gauge-dependence on key quantities entering predictions for gravity waves from first order cosmological phase transitions. We resort to a simple abelian Higgs model, and discuss the case of R_xi gauges. By comparing with results obtained using a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism, we show that the choice of gauge can have a dramatic effect on theoretical predictions for the normalization and shape of the expected gravity wave spectrum. We also analyze the impact of resumming higher-order contributions as needed to maintain the validity of the perturbative expansion, and show that doing so can suppress the amplitude of the spectrum by an order of magnitude or more. We comment on open issues and possible strategies for carrying out "daisy resummed" gauge invariant computations in non-Abelian models for which a gauge-invariant Hamiltonian formalism is not presently available.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Geodesics in spacetimes with expanding impulsive gravitational waves

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    We study geodesic motion in expanding spherical impulsive gravitational waves propagating in a Minkowski background. Employing the continuous form of the metric we find and examine a large family of geometrically preferred geodesics. For the special class of axially symmetric spacetimes with the spherical impulse generated by a snapping cosmic string we give a detailed physical interpretation of the motion of test particles.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, final versio

    Light-like Signals in General relativity and Cosmology

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    The modelling of light-like signals in General Relativity taking the form of impulsive gravitational waves and light-like shells of matter is examined. Systematic deductions from the Bianchi identities are made. These are based upon Penrose's hierarchical classification of the geometry induced on the null hypersurface history of the surface by its imbedding in the space-times to the future and to the past of it. The signals are not confined to propagate in a vacuum and thus their interaction with matter (a burst of radiation propagating through a cosmic fluid, for example) is also studied. Results are accompanied by illustrative examples using cosmological models, vacuum space-times, the de sitter univers and Minkowskian space-time.Comment: 21 pages, latex, no figure

    Detecting Early Galaxies Through Their 21-cm Signature

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    New observations over the next few years of the emission of distant objects will help unfold the chapter in cosmic history around the era of the first galaxies. These observations will use the neutral hydrogen emission or absorption at a wavelength of 21-cm as a detector of the hydrogen abundance. We predict the signature on the 21-cm signal of the early generations of galaxies. We calculate the 21-cm power spectrum including two physical effects that were neglected in previous calculations. The first is the redistribution of the UV photons from the first galaxies due to their scattering off of the neutral hydrogen, which results in an enhancement of the 21-cm signal. The second is the presence of an ionized hydrogen bubble near each source, which produces a cutoff at observable scales. We show that the resulting clear signature in the 21-cm power spectrum can be used to detect and study the population of galaxies that formed just 200 million years after the Big Bang.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRAS Let

    Plausible fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters around the z=3.1 QSO0420-388

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    We report the results of a survey for fluorescent Ly-alpha emission carried out in the field surrounding the z=3.1 quasar QSO0420-388 using the FORS2 instrument on the VLT. We first review the properties expected for fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters, compared with those of other non-fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters. Our observational search detected 13 Ly-alpha sources sparsely sampling a volume of ~14000 comoving Mpc^3 around the quasar. The properties of these in terms of i) the line equivalent width, ii) the line profile and iii) the value of the surface brightness related to the distance from the quasar, all suggest that several of these may be plausibly fluorescent. Moreover, their number is in good agreement with the expectation from theoretical models. One of the best candidates for fluorescence is sufficiently far behind QSO0420-388 that it would imply that the quasar has been active for (at least) ~60 Myrs. Further studies on such objects will give information about proto-galactic clouds and on the radiative history (and beaming) of the high-redshift quasars.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures.Update to match the version published on ApJ 657, 135, 2007 March