886 research outputs found

    Quantum tunneling induced Kondo effect in single molecular magnets

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    We consider transport through a single-molecule magnet strongly coupled to metallic electrodes. We demonstrate that for half-integer spin of the molecule electron- and spin-tunneling \emph{cooperate} to produce both quantum tunneling of the magnetic moment and a Kondo effect in the linear conductance. The Kondo temperature depends sensitively on the ratio of the transverse and easy-axis anisotropies in a non-monotonic way. The magnetic symmetry of the transverse anisotropy imposes a selection rule on the total spin for the occurrence of the Kondo effect which deviates from the usual even-odd alternation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kondo-transport spectroscopy of single molecule magnets

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    We demonstrate that in a single molecule magnet (SMM) strongly coupled to electrodes the Kondo effect involves all magnetic excitations. This Kondo effect is induced by the quantum tunneling of the magnetic moment (QTM). Importantly, the Kondo temperature TKT_K can be much larger than the magnetic splittings. We find a strong modulation of the Kondo effect as function of the transverse anisotropy parameter or a longitudinal magnetic field. For both integer and half-integer spin this can be used for an accurate transport spectroscopy of the magnetic states in low magnetic fields on the order of the easy-axis anisotropy parameter. We set up a relationship between the Kondo effects for successive integer and half-integer spins.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetism and domain formation in SU(3)-symmetric multi-species Fermi mixtures

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    We study the phase diagram of an SU(3)-symmetric mixture of three-component ultracold fermions with attractive interactions in an optical lattice, including the additional effect on the mixture of an effective three-body constraint induced by three-body losses. We address the properties of the system in D2D \geq 2 by using dynamical mean-field theory and variational Monte Carlo techniques. The phase diagram of the model shows a strong interplay between magnetism and superfluidity. In the absence of the three-body constraint (no losses), the system undergoes a phase transition from a color superfluid phase to a trionic phase, which shows additional particle density modulations at half-filling. Away from the particle-hole symmetric point the color superfluid phase is always spontaneously magnetized, leading to the formation of different color superfluid domains in systems where the total number of particles of each species is conserved. This can be seen as the SU(3) symmetric realization of a more general tendency to phase-separation in three-component Fermi mixtures. The three-body constraint strongly disfavors the trionic phase, stabilizing a (fully magnetized) color superfluid also at strong coupling. With increasing temperature we observe a transition to a non-magnetized SU(3) Fermi liquid phase.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures; Corrected typo

    Magnetism and d-wave superconductivity on the half-filled square lattice with frustration

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    The role of frustration and interaction strength on the half-filled Hubbard model is studied on the square lattice with nearest and next-nearest neighbour hoppings t and t' using the Variational Cluster Approximation (VCA). At half-filling, we find two phases with long-range antiferromagnetic (AF) order: the usual Neel phase, stable at small frustration t'/t, and the so-called collinear (or super-antiferromagnet) phase with ordering wave-vector (π,0)(\pi,0) or (0,π)(0,\pi), stable for large frustration. These are separated by a phase with no detectable long-range magnetic order. We also find the d-wave superconducting (SC) phase (dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}), which is favoured by frustration if it is not too large. Intriguingly, there is a broad region of coexistence where both AF and SC order parameters have non-zero values. In addition, the physics of the metal-insulator transition in the normal state is analyzed. The results obtained with the help of the VCA method are compared with the large-U expansion of the Hubbard model and known results for the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model. These results are relevant for pressure studies of undoped parents of the high-temperature superconductors: we predict that an insulator to d-wave SC transition may appear under pressure.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Unified description of correlations in double quantum dots

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    The two-level model for a double quantum dot coupled to two leads, which is ubiquitously used to describe charge oscillations, transmission-phase lapses and correlation-induced resonances, is considered in its general form. The model features arbitrary tunnelling matrix elements among the two levels and the leads and between the levels themselves (including the effect of Aharonov-Bohm fluxes), as well as inter-level repulsive interactions. We show that this model is exactly mapped onto a generalized Anderson model of a single impurity, where the electrons acquire a pseudo-spin degree of freedom, which is conserved by the tunnelling but not within the dot. Focusing on the local-moment regime where the dot is singly occupied, we show that the effective low-energy Hamiltonian is that of the anisotropic Kondo model in the presence of a tilted magnetic field. For moderate values of the (renormalized) field, the Bethe ansatz solution of the isotropic Kondo model allows us to derive accurate expressions for the dot occupation numbers, and henceforth its zero-temperature transmission. Our results are in excellent agreement with those obtained from the Bethe ansatz for the isotropic Anderson model, and with the functional and numerical renormalization-group calculations of Meden and Marquardt [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 146801 (2006)], which are valid for the general anisotropic case. In addition we present highly accurate estimates for the validity of the Schrieffer-Wolff transformation (which maps the Anderson Hamiltonian onto the low-energy Kondo model) at both the high- and low-magnetic field limits. Perhaps most importantly, we provide a single coherent picture for the host of phenomena to which this model has been applied.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Partial Wave Analysis of Scattering with Nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Anomalous Cross Section induced by Quantum Interference

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    Partial wave theory of a three dmensional scattering problem for an arbitray short range potential and a nonlocal Aharonov-Bohm magnetic flux is established. The scattering process of a ``hard shere'' like potential and the magnetic flux is examined. An anomalous total cross section is revealed at the specific quantized magnetic flux at low energy which helps explain the composite fermion and boson model in the fractional quantum Hall effect. Since the nonlocal quantum interference of magnetic flux on the charged particles is universal, the nonlocal effect is expected to appear in quite general potential system and will be useful in understanding some other phenomena in mesoscopic phyiscs.Comment: 6 figure

    Relation between Energy Level Statistics and Phase Transition and its Application to the Anderson Model

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    A general method to describe a second-order phase transition is discussed. It starts from the energy level statistics and uses of finite-size scaling. It is applied to the metal-insulator transition (MIT) in the Anderson model of localization, evaluating the cumulative level-spacing distribution as well as the Dyson-Metha statistics. The critical disorder Wc=16.5W_{c}=16.5 and the critical exponent ν=1.34\nu=1.34 are computed.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, 6 PostScript figures in uuencoded compressed tar file are appende

    Interference and interaction effects in multi-level quantum dots

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    Using renormalization group techniques, we study spectral and transport properties of a spinless interacting quantum dot consisting of two levels coupled to metallic reservoirs. For strong Coulomb repulsion UU and an applied Aharonov-Bohm phase ϕ\phi, we find a large direct tunnel splitting Δ(Γ/π)cos(ϕ/2)ln(U/ωc)|\Delta|\sim (\Gamma/\pi)|\cos(\phi/2)|\ln(U/\omega_c) between the levels of the order of the level broadening Γ\Gamma. As a consequence we discover a many-body resonance in the spectral density that can be measured via the absorption power. Furthermore, for ϕ=π\phi=\pi, we show that the system can be tuned into an effective Anderson model with spin-dependent tunneling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, typos correcte

    Zero-Bias Conductance Through Side-Coupled Double Quantum Dots

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    Low temperature zero-bias conductance through two side-coupled quantum dots is investigated using Wilson's numerical renormalization group technique. A low-temperature phase diagram is computed. Near the particle-hole symmetric point localized electrons form a spin-singlet associated with weak conductance. For weak inter-dot coupling we find enhanced conductance due to the two-stage Kondo effect when two electrons occupy quantum dots. When quantum dots are populated with a single electron, the system enters Kondo regime with enhanced conductance. Analytical expressions for the width of the Kondo regime and the Kondo temperature in this regime are given.Comment: to be published in the Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Electron Correlations in New Materials and Nanosystems" held in Yalta, Ukraine, 19 - 23 September 2005 (NATO Science Series II, Springer 2006