223 research outputs found

    High Resolution Observations of the Massive Protostar in IRAS18566+0408

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    We report 3 mm continuum, CH3CN(5-4) and 13CS(2-1) line observations with CARMA, in conjunction with 6 and 1.3 cm continuum VLA data, and 12 and 25 micron broadband data from the Subaru Telescope toward the massive proto-star IRAS18566+0408. The VLA data resolve the ionized jet into 4 components aligned in the E-W direction. Radio components A, C, and D have flat cm SEDs indicative of optically thin emission from ionized gas, and component B has a spectral index alpha = 1.0, and a decreasing size with frequency proportional to frequency to the -0.5 power. Emission from the CARMA 3 mm continuum, and from the 13CS(2-1), and CH3CN(5-4) spectral lines is compact (i.e. < 6700 AU), and peaks near the position of VLA cm source, component B. Analysis of these lines indicates hot, and dense molecular gas, typical for HMCs. Our Subaru telescope observations detect a single compact source, coincident with radio component B, demonstrating that most of the energy in IRAS18566+0408 originates from a region of size < 2400 AU. We also present UKIRT near-infrared archival data for IRAS18566+0408 which show extended K-band emission along the jet direction. We detect an E-W velocity shift of about 10 km/sec over the HMC in the CH3CN lines possibly tracing the interface of the ionized jet with the surrounding core gas. Our data demonstrate the presence of an ionized jet at the base of the molecular outflow, and support the hypothesis that massive protostars with O-type luminosity form with a mechanism similar to lower mass stars

    Long-term Variability of H2_2CO Masers in Star-forming Regions

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    We present results of a multi-epoch monitoring program on variability of 6 \,cm formaldehyde (H2_2CO) masers in the massive star forming region NGC \,7538 \,IRS \,1 from 2008 to 2015 conducted with the GBT, WSRT, and VLA. We found that the similar variability behaviors of the two formaldehyde maser velocity components in NGC \,7538 \,IRS \,1 (which was pointed out by Araya and collaborators in 2007) have continued. The possibility that the variability is caused by changes in the maser amplification path in regions with similar morphology and kinematics is discussed. We also observed 12.2 \,GHz methanol and 22.2 \,GHz water masers toward NGC \,7538 \,IRS \,1. The brightest maser components of CH3_3OH and H2_2O species show a decrease in flux density as a function of time. The brightest H2_2CO maser component also shows a decrease in flux density and has a similar LSR velocity to the brightest H2_2O and 12.2 \,GHz CH3_3OH masers. The line parameters of radio recombination lines and the 20.17 and 20.97 \,GHz CH3_3OH transitions in NGC \,7538 \,IRS \,1 are also reported. In addition, we observed five other 6 \,cm formaldehyde maser regions. We found no evidence of significant variability of the 6 \,cm masers in these regions with respect to previous observations, the only possible exception being the maser in G29.96−-0.02. All six sources were also observed in the H213_2^{13}CO isotopologue transition of the 6 \,cm H2_2CO line; H213_2^{13}CO absorption was detected in five of the sources. Estimated column density ratios [H212_2^{12}CO]/[H213_2^{13}CO] are reported.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Broadband VLA Spectral Line Survey of a Sample of Ionized Jet Candidates

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    The study of the interaction between ionized jets, molecular outflows and their environments is critical to understanding high-mass star formation, especially because jets and outflows are thought to be key in the transfer of angular momentum outwards from accretion disks. We report a low-spectral resolution VLA survey for hydrogen radio recombination lines, OH, NH3_3, and CH3_3OH lines toward a sample of 58 high-mass star forming regions that contain numerous ionized jet candidates. The observations are from a survey designed to detect radio continuum; the novel aspect of this work is to search for spectral lines in broadband VLA data (we provide the script developed in this work to facilitate exploration of other datasets). We report detection of 25 \,GHz CH3_3OH transitions toward ten sources; five of them also show NH3_3 emission. We found that most of the sources detected in CH3_3OH and NH3_3 have been classified as ionized jets or jet candidates and that the emission lines are coincident with, or very near (≲0.1\lesssim 0.1 pc) these sources, hence, these molecular lines could be used as probes of the environment near the launching site of jets/outflows. No radio recombination lines were detected, but we found that the RMS noise of stacked spectra decreases following the radiometer equation. Therefore, detecting radio recombination lines in a sample of brighter free-free continuum sources should be possible. This work demonstrates the potential of broadband VLA continuum observations as low-resolution spectral line scans.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    First Detection of CO in a Low Surface Brightness Galaxy

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    We report on the first attempts at searching for CO in red low surface brightness galaxies, and the first detection of molecular gas in a low surface brightness (mu_B(0)_{obs} > 23 mag arcsec^{-2}) galaxy. Using the IRAM 30m telescope, CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) lines were searched for in four galaxies -- P06-1, P05-5, C05-3, & C04-2. In three of the galaxies no CO was detected, to T_{MB} ~ 1.8mK (at the 3 sigma level). In the fourth galaxy, P06-1, both lines were detected. Comparing our findings with previous studies shows P06-1 to have a molecular-to-atomic mass ratio considerably lower than is predicted using theoretical models based on high surface brightness galaxy studies. This indicates the N(H_2)/(int{T(CO)dv}) conversion factor for low surface brightness galaxies may currently be consistently underestimated by a factor of 3 - 20.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted by the ApJ

    A Review of H2CO 6cm Masers in the Galaxy

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    We present a review of the field of formaldehyde (H2CO) 6cm masers in the Galaxy. Previous to our ongoing work, H2CO 6cm masers had been detected in the Galaxy only toward three regions: NGC7538 IRS1, Sgr B2, and G29.96-0.02. Current efforts by our group using the Very Large Array, Arecibo, and the Green Bank Telescope have resulted in the detection of four new H2CO 6cm maser regions. We discuss the characteristics of the known H2CO masers and the association of H2CO 6cm masers with very young regions of massive star formation. We also review the current ideas on the pumping mechanism for H2CO 6cm masers.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, IAU Symposium 242: Astrophysical Masers and their Environment
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