5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan menganalisis penggunaan lembar kerja peserta didik (LKPD) berbasis proyek bioenergi untuk membangun kreativitas siswa. LKPD yang digunakan dianalisis kelayakan internal dan eksternal nya. Selain itu dianalisis kualitas karya kreatif siswa, respon siswa terhadap penggunaan LKPD, serta peer assessment siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan model penelitian 4D. Penguji kelayakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dua orang dosen serta guru Biologi SMA. Observer dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga orang mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 34 siswa SMA kelas 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan LKPD yang ditinjau dari semua aspek uji kelayakan internal termasuk kategori sangat baik yang berarti LKPD sudah sangat layak digunakan. Hasil observasi penerapan LKPD menunjukkan aktivitas siswa di tahap awal termasuk ke dalam kategori baik (72%), sedangkan di tahap seterusnya termasuk kategori sangat baik (80-100%). Hasil jawaban LKPD siswa menunjukkan kreativitas siswa dimensi proses meliputi fleksibilitas, kelancaran, orisinalitas, evaluasi, dan elaborasi termasuk kedalam kategori sangat baik (80-100%). Karya kreatif (dimensi produk) yang dikembangkan siswa adalah biobriket dan biobaterai dari biomassa di lingkungan sekitar. Hasil biobriket dan biobaterai dari seluruh kelompok siswa menunjukkan kualitas yang baik pada aspek novelty (70%), sedangkan pada aspek resolution, elaboration dan synthesis, efektivitas, dan konsep termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik (90-100%). Hasil respon siswa terhadap penggunaan LKPD termasuk kedalam kategori baik (72%). Hasil peer assessment siswa menunjukkan di dalam setiap kelompok ada beberapa siswa yang sangat dominan dan ada yang seperlunya dalam kontribusi membuat produk kreatif. Berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan internal, uji kelayakan eksternal, dan produk bioenergi yang dibuat siswa disimpulkan LKPD yang dikembangkan berbasis proyek bioenergi dapat membangun kreativitas siswa. LKPD ini diharapkan dapat memandu siswa supaya peka terhadap lingkungan, membangun ide kreatif nya, dan mengembangkan kreativitas mereka melalui pembuatan bienergi yang bermanfaat bagi kehidupan

    How to conduct paired-t-test SPSS: comprehension in adsorption with bibliometric

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    The purpose of this study was to provide an example of how to calculate, measure, and interpret a paired t-test analysis using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). This study explained a step-by-step process to understand how t-test analysis can be used. To support this study, bibliometric research was added for showing the research trend in the use of t-test in a wide range of applications in the medical and educational fields. The analysis was carried out in two stages, namely prerequisite testing and hypothesis testing. In the prerequisite test, we did the normality (the Shapiro-Wilk) and the homogeneity test (Levene). Both tests were used for understanding what a significant impact happens on student learning outcomes from the statistical data gained during the teaching and learning process. Since this study provided step by step on conducting the t-test using SPSS and also how to interpret the results, this study is applicable for users to use in various research fields

    “ANKER” Video Prosedur K3 untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Kerja di Laboratorium Mikrobiologi

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    This research aims to examine the production of occupational health safety (OHS) videos in microbiology laboratories. The procedure used is "ANKER", which is an acronym for work analysis and reconstruction from making OHS videos used in workshop activities to increase work awareness in the microbiology laboratory. The OHS video analysis score using the VEE diagram obtained 38 points on a scale of 100. The work procedure was carried out by testing the OHS video with 37 workshop participants. On the basis of obtaining the scores above, video reconstruction needs to be carried out which includes adding Focus Questions, clarifying knowledge claims, adding data recording processes and activities. The results of interviews with respondents showed an incompatibility between the music and the storyline so that the background music in the video needed to be replaced. After the reconstruction process using the VEE diagram, a score of 94 points on a scale of 100 was obtained. Thus, the use of the "ANKER" procedure using the VEE diagram can be used to increase awareness of working in a microbiology laboratory. Respondents were of the opinion that K3 information via video was very helpful in increasing awareness of working in the laboratory. Submission of information about K3 must be carried out before carrying out laboratory activities and after carrying out laboratory activities as part of the practical evaluation 

    Collaborative Practicum with Experimental Demonstration for Teaching the Concept of Production of Bioplastic to Vocational Students to Support the Sustainability Development Goals

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate collaborative practicum using experimental demonstrations for teaching the concept of making bioplastics to vocational students. This research was conducted using a one group pretest-posttest design which was carried out through collaborative practicum to 15 students vocational at Bandung, Indonesia. The teaching process was carried out using demonstration videos (as learning media). The manufacture of bioplastics is done by dissolving starch, glycerol, and vinegar using water which is then cooked at a temperature of 60°C so that gelatinization occurs. The resulting bioplastic has good biodegradability property, which can be degraded in 2-week immersion and overgrown with fungi as confirmed by the identical FTIR patterns. The results show that students understand the concept that is indicated by increasing the pretest and posttest scores. The increase in the gain of pretest and posttest scores varied between 13.33-53.33. The statistical analysis indicate that the students' post-test scores increased significantly. The experimental demonstrations using available materials makes students more interactive because students want to try it themselves. This study is expected to have an impact on the further teaching of experimental demonstration research which is believed to provide good learning success for students

    Distance Learning Innovation in Teaching Chemistry in Vocational School Using the Concept of Isotherm Adsorption of Carbon Microparticles

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    The purpose of this study was to demonstrate distance learning innovation in teaching chemistry in vocational school using the concept of isotherm adsorption of carbon microparticles. The subjects were 60 vocational school students in Bandung, Indonesia, who took a 15-question pre-test and post-test with a learning video for supporting distance learning process. The subjects were focused to understand the successful teaching process, which were divided into the control class and the experimental class. The control class was done by giving a video containing conventional teaching process (without experimental demonstration), while the experimental class was done by giving a video containing experimental demonstration. To support the teaching process, the experimental video was chosen as the suitable teaching medium, including the production of carbon microparticles, adsorption measurement, data analysis, and an explanation of the adsorption mechanism. The results showed increases in the post-test scores compared to the pre-test. The t critical two-tailed value was 2.04, which was higher than the t statistic value (-2.52), ensuring the successful teaching for improving the students’ understanding on carbon adsorption phenomena. The learning video was provided visual and audio experiences. Video learning media gave positive impacts to students’ understanding, which was prospective for distance learning process. However, additional experimental demonstration inside the video learning media enhanced student’s interest in particular subjects and motivated them to learn more about the teaching subject, in which this become new innovation in the distance learning process. This study demonstrated the importance of combination between experimental demonstration and video as a teaching media for improving students’ comprehension, which can be implemented during special condition, for example COVID-19 pandemic