1,058 research outputs found

    Differential isospin-fractionation in dilute asymmetric nuclear matter

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    The differential isospin-fractionation (IsoF) during the liquid-gas phase transition in dilute asymmetric nuclear matter is studied as a function of nucleon momentum. Within a self-consistent thermal model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of the gas phase becomes {\it smaller} than that of the liquid phase for energetic nucleons, although the gas phase is overall more neutron-rich. Clear indications of the differential IsoF consistent with the thermal model predictions are demonstrated within a transport model for heavy-ion reactions. Future comparisons with experimental data will allow us to extract critical information about the momentum dependence of the isovector strong interaction.Comment: Rapid Communication, Phys. Rev. C (2007) in pres

    Determination of the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy from isospin diffusion

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    With an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model, we find that the degree of isospin diffusion in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies is affected by both the stiffness of the nuclear symmetry energy and the momentum dependence of the nucleon potential. Using a momentum dependence derived from the Gogny effective interaction, recent experimental data from NSCL/MSU on isospin diffusion are shown to be consistent with a nuclear symmetry energy given by Esym(ρ)31.6(ρ/ρ0)1.05E_{\text{sym}}(\rho)\approx 31.6(\rho /\rho_{0})^{1.05} at subnormal densities. This leads to a significantly constrained value of about -550 MeV for the isospin-dependent part of the isobaric incompressibility of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, revised version, to appear in PR

    Variation in foraging activity of Acanthochitona garnoti (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from different habitats

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    Click on the link to view the abstract.S. Afc. J. Zool. 1997,32(3

    Nuclear symmetry energy and its density slope at normal density extracted from global nucleon optical potentials

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    Based on the Hugenholtz-Van Hove theorem, it is shown that both the symmetry energy Esym(ρ)_{sym}(\rho) and its density slope L(ρ)L(\rho) at normal density ρ0\rho_0 are completely determined by the global nucleon optical potentials that can be extracted directly from nucleon-nucleus scatterings, (p,n) charge exchange reactions and single-particle energy levels of bound states. Adopting a value of m/m=0.7m^*/m=0.7 for the nucleon effective k-mass in symmetric nuclear matter at ρ0\rho_0 and averaging all phenomenological isovector nucleon potentials constrained by world data available in the literature since 1969, the best estimates of Esym(ρ0)=31.3E_{sym}(\rho_0)=31.3 MeV and L(ρ0)=52.7L(\rho_0)=52.7 MeV are simultaneously obtained. Uncertainties involved in the estimates are discussed.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figure

    Nucleon-nucleon cross sections in neutron-rich matter and isospin transport in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies

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    Nucleon-nucleon (NN) cross sections are evaluated in neutron-rich matter using a scaling model according to nucleon effective masses. It is found that the in-medium NN cross sections are not only reduced but also have a different isospin dependence compared with the free-space ones. Because of the neutron-proton effective mass splitting the difference between nn and pp scattering cross sections increases with the increasing isospin asymmetry of the medium. Within the transport model IBUU04, the in-medium NN cross sections are found to influence significantly the isospin transport in heavy-ion reactions. With the in-medium NN cross sections, a symmetry energy of Esym(ρ)31.6(ρ/ρ0)0.69E_{sym}(\rho)\approx 31.6(\rho /\rho_{0})^{0.69} was found most acceptable compared with both the MSU isospin diffusion data and the presently acceptable neutron-skin thickness in 208^{208}Pb. The isospin dependent part Kasy(ρ0)K_{asy}(\rho _{0}) of isobaric nuclear incompressibility was further narrowed down to 500±50-500\pm 50 MeV. The possibility of determining simultaneously the in-medium NN cross sections and the symmetry energy was also studied. The proton transverse flow, or even better the combined transverse flow of neutrons and protons, can be used as a probe of the in-medium NN cross sections without much hindrance from the uncertainties of the symmetry energy.Comment: 32 pages including 14 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Effects of isospin and momentum dependent interactions on thermal properties of asymmetric nuclear matter

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    Thermal properties of asymmetric nuclear matter are studied within a self-consistent thermal model using an isospin and momentum dependent interaction (MDI) constrained by the isospin diffusion data in heavy-ion collisions, a momentum-independent interaction (MID), and an isoscalar momentum-dependent interaction (eMDYI). In particular, we study the temperature dependence of the isospin-dependent bulk and single-particle properties, the mechanical and chemical instabilities, and liquid-gas phase transition in hot asymmetric nuclear matter. Our results indicate that the temperature dependence of the equation of state and the symmetry energy are not so sensitive to the momentum dependence of the interaction. The symmetry energy at fixed density is found to generally decrease with temperature and for the MDI interaction the decrement is essentially due to the potential part. It is further shown that only the low momentum part of the single-particle potential and the nucleon effective mass increases significantly with temperature for the momentum-dependent interactions. For the MDI interaction, the low momentum part of the symmetry potential is significantly reduced with increasing temperature. For the mechanical and chemical instabilities as well as the liquid-gas phase transition in hot asymmetric nuclear matter, our results indicate that the boundary of these instabilities and the phase-coexistence region generally shrink with increasing temperature and is sensitive to the density dependence of the symmetry energy and the isospin and momentum dependence of the nuclear interaction, especially at higher temperatures.Comment: 21 pages, 29 figure

    Microstructures and mechanical properties of as cast Mg‐Zr‐Ca alloys for biomedical applications

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    The microstructures and mechanical properties of as cast Mg-Zr-Ca alloys were investigated for potential use in biomedical applications. The Mg-Zr-Ca alloys were fabricated by commercial pure Mg (99.9 mass-%), Ca (99.9 mass-%) and master Mg-33 mass-%Zr alloy. The microstructures of the alloys were examined by X-ray diffraction analysis and optical microscopy, and the mechanical properties were determined from tensile tests. The experimental results indicate that the Mg-Zr-Ca alloys with 1 mass-%Ca are composed of one single a phase; these alloys with 2 mass-%Ca consist of both Mg 2Ca and α phase, and all the alloys exhibit typical coarse microstructures. An increase in Zr increases the strength of Mg-Zr-Ca alloys with 1 mass-%Ca, and the formation of Mg2Ca decreases the strength of the alloys. Mg-1Zr-1Ca alloy (mass-%) has the highest strength and best ductility among all the studied alloys

    Long-term controls on continental-scale bedrock river terrace deposition from integrated clast and heavy mineral assemblage analysis: an example from the lower Orange River, Namibia

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    Establishing relationships between the long-term landscape evolution of drainage basins and the fill of sedimentary basins benefits from analysis of bedrock river terrace deposits. These fragmented detrital archives help to constrain changes in river system character and provenance during sediment transfer from continents (source) to oceans (sink). Thick diamondiferous gravel terrace deposits along the lower Orange River, southern Namibia, provide a rare opportunity to investigate controls on the incision history of a continental-scale bedrock river. Clast assemblage and heavy mineral data from seven localities permit detailed characterisation of the lower Orange River gravel terrace deposits. Two distinct fining-upward gravel terrace deposits are recognised, primarily based on mapped stratigraphic relationships (cross-cutting relationships) and strath and terrace top elevations, and secondarily on the proportion of exotic clasts, referred to as Proto Orange River deposits and Meso Orange River deposits. The older early to middle Miocene Proto Orange River gravels are thick (up to 50 m) and characterised by a dominance of Karoo Supergroup shale and sandstone clasts, whereas the younger Plio-Pleistocene Meso Orange River gravels (6–23 m thick) are characterised by more banded iron formation clasts. Mapping of the downstepping terraces indicates that the Proto gravels were deposited by a higher sinuosity river, and are strongly discordant to the modern Orange River course, whereas the Meso deposits were deposited by a lower sinuosity river. The heavy minerals present in both units comprise magnetite, garnet, amphibole, epidote and ilmenite, with rare titanite and zircon grains. The concentration of amphibole-epidote in the heavy minerals fraction increases from the Proto to the Meso deposits. The decrease in incision depths, recorded by deposit thicknesses above strath terraces, and the differences in clast character (size and roundness) and type between the two units, are ascribed to a more powerful river system during Proto-Orange River time, rather than reworking of older deposits, changes in provenance or climatic variations. In addition, from Proto- to Meso-Orange River times there was an increase in the proportion of sediments supplied from local bedrock sources, including amphibole-epidote in the heavy mineral assemblages derived from the Namaqua Metamorphic Complex. This integrated study demonstrates that clast assemblages are not a proxy for the character of the matrix, and vice versa, because they are influenced by the interplay of different controls. Therefore, an integrated approach is needed to improve prediction of placer mineral deposits in river gravels, and their distribution in coeval deposits downstream

    Effects of momentum-dependent symmetry potential on heavy-ion collisions induced by neutron-rich nuclei

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    Using an isospin- and momentum-dependent transport model we study effects of the momentum-dependent symmetry potential on heavy-ion collisions induced by neutron-rich nuclei. It is found that symmetry potentials with and without the momentum-dependence but corresponding to the same density-dependent symmetry energy Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) lead to significantly different predictions on several Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho)-sensitive experimental observables especially for energetic nucleons. The momentum- and density-dependence of the symmetry potential have to be determined simultaneously in order to extract the Esym(ρ)E_{sym}(\rho) accurately. The isospin asymmetry of midrapidity nucleons at high transverse momenta is particularly sensitive to the momentum-dependence of the symmetry potential. It is thus very useful for investigating accurately the equation of state of dense neutron-rich matter.Comment: The version to appear in Nucl. Phys. A. A paragraph and a figure on neutron and proton effective masses in neutron-rich matter are adde

    Constraining the Radii of Neutron Stars with Terrestrial Nuclear Laboratory Data

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    Neutron star radii are primarily determined by the pressure of isospin asymmetric matter which is proportional to the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy. Available terrestrial laboratory data on the isospin diffusion in heavy-ion reactions at intermediate energies constrain the slope of the symmetry energy. Using this constraint, we show that the radius (radiation radius) of a 1.4 solar mass neutron star is between 11.5 (14.4) and 13.6 (16.3) km.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; version to be published in Phys. Lett.