18 research outputs found

    Early treatment versus expectative management of patent ductus arteriosus in preterm infants

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    _Background:_ Much controversy exists about the optimal management of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants, especially in those born at a gestational age (GA) less than 28weeks. No causal relationship has been proven between a (haemodynamically significant) PDA and neonatal complications related to pulmonary hyperperfusion and/or systemic hypoperfusion. Although studies show conflicting results, a common understanding is that medical or surgical treatment of a PDA does not seem to reduce the risk of major neonatal morbidities and mortality. As the PDA might have closed spontaneously, treated children are potentially exposed to iatrogenic adverse effects. A conservative approach is gaining interest worldwide, although convincing evidence to support its use is lacking. _Methods:_ This multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial is conducted in neonatal intensive care units. The study population consists of preterm infants (GA1.5mm. Early treatment (between 24 and 72h postnatal age) with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor(COXi) ibuprofen (IBU) is compared with an expectative management (no intervention intended to close a PDA). The primary outcome is the composite of mortality, and/or necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) Bell stage ≥ IIa, and/or bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) defined as the need for supplemental oxygen, all at a postmenstrual age (PMA) of 36weeks. Secondary outcome parameters are short term sequelae of cardiovascular failure, comorbidity and adverse events assessed during hospitalization and long-term neurodevelopmental outcome assessed at a corrected age of 2 years. Consequences regarding health economics are evaluated by cost effectiveness analysis and budget impact analysis. _Discussion:_ As a conservative approach is gaining interest, we investigate whether in preterm infants, born at a GA less than 28weeks, with a PDA an expectative management is non-inferior to early treatment with IBU regarding to the composite outcome of mortality and/or NEC and/or BPD at a PMA of 36weeks

    La coqueluche : une prévention à intensifier

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    Impact of gestational age at PPROM on the short-term outcome of children born after extreme and prolonged preterm prelabor rupture of membranes in an experienced care center

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    INTRODUCTION. Survival of infants born after extreme PPROM (preterm prelabor rupture of membranes) has increased dramatically in the past 20 years, up to 90% in some tertiary neonatal centres, due to the progress in neonatal cardiorespiratory management. Known risk factors of poor outcomes are lower gestational age at PPROM and prolonged and severe oligohydramnios. METHODS. We performed a retrospective study over a 6-year-period (2009-2015), including 14 pregnant women who experienced PPROM, before 25 weeks of gestation, with prolonged (>14 days) and severe oligohydramnios (amniotic fluid index 20 weeks (p < 0.01). In all infants requiring iNO, the oxygenation index improved dramatically and rapidly with treatment. We found no difference in the rate of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, necrotizing enterocolitis, retinopathy of prematurity or intraventricular hemorrhage. CONCLUSION. PPROM before 20 weeks of gestation exposes the neonate to a high risk of refractory hypoxemia compared to PPROM after 20 weeks. The initial care management requires more aggressive treatment with administration of iNO in all of them. After the initial period, the evolution of all babies born after PPROM is comparable to that of their controls

    Nutrients and Microbiota in Lung Diseases of Prematurity: The Placenta-Gut-Lung Triangle.

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    Cardiorespiratory function is not only the foremost determinant of life after premature birth, but also a major factor of long-term outcomes. However, the path from placental disconnection to nutritional autonomy is enduring and challenging for the preterm infant and, at each step, will have profound influences on respiratory physiology and disease. Fluid and energy intake, specific nutrients such as amino-acids, lipids and vitamins, and their ways of administration -parenteral or enteral-have direct implications on lung tissue composition and cellular functions, thus affect lung development and homeostasis and contributing to acute and chronic respiratory disorders. In addition, metabolomic signatures have recently emerged as biomarkers of bronchopulmonary dysplasia and other neonatal diseases, suggesting a profound implication of specific metabolites such as amino-acids, acylcarnitine and fatty acids in lung injury and repair, inflammation and immune modulation. Recent advances have highlighted the profound influence of the microbiome on many short- and long-term outcomes in the preterm infant. Lung and intestinal microbiomes are deeply intricated, and nutrition plays a prominent role in their establishment and regulation. There is an emerging evidence that human milk prevents bronchopulmonary dysplasia in premature infants, potentially through microbiome composition and/or inflammation modulation. Restoring antibiotic therapy-mediated microbiome disruption is another potentially beneficial action of human milk, which can be in part emulated by pre- and probiotics and supplements. This review will explore the many facets of the gut-lung axis and its pathophysiology in acute and chronic respiratory disorders of the prematurely born infant, and explore established and innovative nutritional approaches for prevention and treatment

    Cyanoacrylate glue as part of a new bundle to decrease neonatal PICC-related complications.

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    A "bundle" is defined as a combination of evidence-based interventions that, if followed collectively and reliably, improve patient outcomes. The aim of this quasi-experimental study, conducted in a level-III NICU in Belgium, was to assess the impact of central line dressing and maintenance bundle implementation on the rate of catheter-related mechanical complications. We performed a quality improvement (QI) project. Prior to bundle implementation, neonatal PICC lines were secured by Steri-Strip® and occlusive dressing. We implemented a new PICC bundle consisting of the use of glue, sutureless device (Griplock®), and a transparent dressing to secure the catheter to the skin. We compared the rate of infections, mechanical complications, and dislocations before and after bundle implementation (periods 1 and 2, respectively). The use of glue resulted in a significantly decreased rate of central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) (p < 0.001), dislocations, and mechanical complications (p < 0.0001). During period 2, there was a significant increase for the average number of days the catheter stayed in place (p < 0.05). We did not observe catheter breakage or patient skin irritations attributable to the use of glue (not even in ELBW infants). CONCLUSION: The implementation of the new bundle to secure neonatal PICCs in our NICU was associated with a significant reduction in CLABSI and dislodgment rates, without glue-related complications. Active surveillance of CVC placement procedure, positioning, and management, as well as analysis of related complications is crucial for improving patient safety. Continuous implementation of up-to-date central line bundles based on best practice recommendations is a key for quality improvement in NICUs

    “Serpentine-like syndrome”–A very rare multiple malformation syndrome characterised by brachioesophagus and vertebral anomalies

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    "Serpentine-like syndrome" is a severe and rare association of multiple congenital malformations, characterised by brachioesophagus, secondary intrathoracic stomach, and vertebral anomalies. Other associated anomalies have been described, such as malposition and herniation of abdominal organs. We report the natural history of a baby girl born at 29 weeks of gestation with intra uterine growth restriction, short neck, large rachischisis from cervical to thoracic spine, a very short oesophagus, thoracic stomach associated with a midline diaphragmatic hernia, malrotated gut and median cleft lip. Most of these anomalies were detected antenatally. Molecular karyotype was normal. She died at age 12 days. To our knowledge, the present patient represents the 8th report of a case of "Serpentine-like syndrome". Brachioesophagus and congenital vertebral anomalies, in particular rachischisis, are the cardinal features of this condition. All reported cases have been sporadic and the cause is still unknown. We believe that the specificity of the presentation as well as the similarities between available descriptions of patients suggests a common, yet to identify, molecular cause, possibly involving a developmental "toolkit"/homeobox gene or related pathways

    Implementing intact cord resuscitation in very preterm infants: feasibility and pitfalls.

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of intact cord resuscitation (ICR) in very preterm infants using a custom-equipped mobile resuscitation trolley (LifeStart). We collected maternal and neonatal data of all inborn infants < 32 weeks eligible for ICR per our protocol over 9 months from ICR implementation. We compared rates of ICR between the beginning and the end of the study period. We reviewed maternal and neonatal adverse events related to the procedure and direct outcomes. In order to assess potential quality improvements related to the procedure, we collected the same data in the infants born in the 9-month period preceding ICR implementation. Out of 44 infants born < 32 weeks during the period, 27 were eligible for ICR. Failure to initiate ICR occurred in 9/27, exclusively in the first 5.5 months of the study. In one infant, ICR was interrupted prior to 2 min due to placental abruption. No ICR procedure had to be interrupted due to insufficient cord length. Among the 18 infants who completed ICR, cord clamping timing increased significantly over the study period, from 3.0 [2.5-3.5] to 4.2 min [3.1-8.3] (p = 0.02). No significant maternal blood loss or wound complications were noted. No infant deaths were attributable to failure or direct consequence of ICR, and no infant experienced hypoxic respiratory failure (intubation, FiO2 ≥ 0.4), asphyxia (pH < 7.2), or blood pressure instability (< 2 SD) following stabilization. Hemoglobin level after cord clamping was higher in the ICR cohort than in the pre-implementation group. Seven out of 18 infants exposed to ICR had a temperature < 36.5 °C on admission.   Conclusion: ICR is feasible in very preterm infants. Temperature management requires special attention. Multidisciplinary simulation training before implementation and systematic post-implementation quality improvement meetings may significantly increase ICR program success. What is Known: • Because infants born < 32 weeks often require cardiorespiratory resuscitation at birth, they are not offered delayed cord clamping in the majority of neonatal intensive care units. • Recently, fully equipped mobile trolleys have been developed in order to allow bedside resuscitation with an intact cord. What is New: • Variable timing of cord clamping based on the infant's transition and respiratory stability, i.e., "physiology-based cord clamping," is safely achievable in very preterm infants. • Intact cord resuscitation requires specific equipment, operational protocols, and a high level of preparation from both obstetrical and neonatal teams, with a learning curve that can be streamlined by multidisciplinary simulation training

    COVID-19 in a 26-week preterm neonate.

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    Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) emerged in December, 2019, in Wuhan, China, and has spread all over the world. This virus is responsible for a range of clinical manifestations in adults and children, ranging from mild respiratory symptoms to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) with clinical and radiological signs of severe bilateral pneumonia. Mortality rates range between 0·12% in the paediatric population and 14·8% in individuals aged 80 years and older. [...

    Early diagnosis and targeted approaches to pulmonary vascular disease in bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

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    Pulmonary hypertension has emerged as a life-threatening disease in preterm infants suffering from bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). Its development is closely linked to respiratory disease, as vasculogenesis and alveologenesis are closely interconnected. Once clinically significant, BPD-associated pulmonary hypertension (BPD-PH) can be challenging to manage, due to poor reversibility and multiple comorbidities frequently associated. The pulmonary vascular disease process underlying BPD-PH is the result of multiple innate and acquired factors, and emerging evidence suggests that it progressively develops since birth and, in certain instances, may begin as early as fetal life. Therefore, early recognition and intervention are of great importance in order to improve long-term outcomes. Based on the most recent knowledge of BPD-PH pathophysiology, we review state-of-the-art screening and diagnostic imaging techniques currently available, their utility for clinicians, and their applicability and limitations in this specific population. We also discuss some biochemical markers studied in humans as a possible complement to imaging for the detection of pulmonary vascular disease at its early stages and the monitoring of its progression. In the second part, we review pharmacological agents currently available for BPD-PH treatment or under preclinical investigation, and discuss their applicability, as well as possible approaches for early-stage interventions in fetuses and neonates. IMPACT: BPD-associated PH is a complex disease involving genetic and epigenetic factors, as well as environmental exposures starting from fetal life. The value of combining multiple imaging and biochemical biomarkers is emerging, but requires larger, multicenter studies for validation and diffusion. Since "single-bullet" approaches have proven elusive so far, combined pharmacological regimen and cell-based therapies may represent important avenues for research leading to future cure and prevention