18 research outputs found

    Calcium and magnesium supplementation of ewes grazing pasture did not improve lamb survival

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    Context: Clinical deficiencies of calcium and magnesium may result in the metabolic disorders hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia, resulting in ewe and lamb mortality. However, the contribution of subclinical deficiencies to perinatal lamb mortality in grazing flocks is unclear. Aims: To test the hypothesis that calcium and magnesium supplementation during the lambing period would increase lamb survival to marking age. Methods: In 2017, an on-farm study used five flocks across New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia. On each farm, twin-bearing mature Merino ewes (n = 400–600) grazing pasture were allocated to two replicates of control and supplemented treatments. The supplemented groups were offered 30 g/ewe per day of a loose lick containing magnesium chloride (MgCl2(H2O)6), calcium sulfate (CaSO4·(H2O)2, and salt (NaCl), in the ratio 12.5:32.5:55.0, designed to have a low dietary cation–anion difference (−390 meq/100 g). A second study was conducted in 2018 on one farm to test the form of supplement. This study used two replicates of three treatments: control; a low-dietary cation–anion difference supplement as used in 2017; and a standard lime, Causmag (calcined MgO) and salt loose mix (ratio 1:1:1). Mature twin-bearing composite ewes (n = 600) were allocated to groups and those supplemented were offered minerals for the last month of pregnancy and during the lambing period. Blood and urine samples were collected in both experiments for analyses of mineral concentrations. Key results: In the 2017 study, only two flocks consumed >10 g/ewe of supplement per day, and supplementation did not increase lamb survival to marking age in these flocks. In the 2018 study, the mean consumption of supplement was 18 or 20 g/ewe per day. Of non-supplemented ewes, 61% were deficient in plasma calcium (≤90 mg/L) and 17% were deficient in magnesium (≤18 mg/L) at Day 140 after the start of joining. Lamb survival was not increased by supplementation and was 77 ± 3.8% in both treatments. Conclusions: Calcium and magnesium supplementation did not increase lamb survival. Implications: Lamb survival was not increased by calcium and magnesium supplementation; however, evaluation under a wider range of grazing conditions with adequate supplement intake is required

    Crossbred ewes gain more weight and are fatter than Merino ewes when managed together but similar coefficients predict lamb birthweight and survival

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    Current Australian ewe management guidelines are based on research from Merino ewes and have been transposed to crossbred ewes. It is unknown whether guidelines developed for Merino ewes are applicable to crossbred ewe production systems. To investigate this, the effect of ewe liveweight and condition score profile during pregnancy on lamb birthweight and survival for Border Leicester × Merino (BLM) crossbreds was compared with Merino ewes. Condition score profiles of 720 Merino and 680 BLM ewes were managed from 50 days after ram introduction to achieve one of four target condition scores at lambing. There were three replicates of the four target condition score treatments and both breeds of ewes were in each plot. By Day 140 after rams in, the BLM ewes were fatter (P < 0.001) and heavier (P < 0.001) than the Merino ewes, despite being managed in the same plots. Liveweight at conception and change in liveweight in late pregnancy of the Merino and BLM ewes had a similar effect on the birthweight and weaning weight of their lambs. However, birthweight and weaning weight of lambs from BLM ewes was less sensitive to ewe liveweight change in early pregnancy. Birthweight survival curves were similar in lambs from Merino and multiple-born lambs from BLM ewes, and the survival of lambs from multiple-bearing BLM ewes responded to manipulation of condition score in a similar pattern to lambs from Merino ewes. Therefore, managing liveweight or condition score of multiple-bearing BLM ewes is likely to improve lamb survival in a similar fashion to lambs from Merino ewes, although the absolute response in survival will be smaller than that achieved in Merino ewes at the same condition score. In addition, it is important to manage liveweight of both single and multiple-bearing BLM ewes during pregnancy to optimise weaning weight of their lambs, as those lambs born to BLM ewes of low liveweight were significantly lighter at weaning

    Health beneficial long chain omega-3 fatty acid levels in Australian lamb managed under extensive finishing systems

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    The variation in levels of the health claimable long chain omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) across production regions of Australia was studied in 5726 lambs over 3 years completed in 87 slaughter groups. The median level of EPA plus DHA differed dramatically between locations and sometimes between slaughters from the same location. The ratio of EPA plus DHA from lambs with high values (97.5% quantile) to lambs with low values (2.5% quantile) also differed dramatically between locations, and between slaughters from the same location. Consistency between years, at a location, was less for the high to low value ratio of EPA plus DHA than for the median value of EPA plus DHA. To consistently obtain high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in Australian lamb, there must be a focus on lamb finishing diets which are likely to need a supply of α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3), the precursor for EPA and DHA

    Genetic correlation estimates for lamb carcass composition

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    Genetic correlations were estimated among lamb carcass composition traits recorded on progeny of the Information Nucleus program of the CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation. Genetic correlations among carcass muscle dimensions (depth, width and area) and muscle weights (loin, topside and round) were positive and generally moderate to strong, as were genetic correlations among carcass fat traits (at the 5th rib, GR and C sites and weight of trimmed loin fat). The eye muscle dimensions had weak genetic correlations with the fat traits and bone weight, whereas the fat traits had favourable moderate to strong genetic correlations with topside and round weights, plus hind leg bone weight. Use of index selection in a simple terminal sire breeding program based on live animal traits is expected to yield improvements in most carcass composition traits

    Case studies demonstrating the benefits on pH and temperature decline of optimising medium-voltage electrical stimulation of lamb carcasses

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    The efficacies of electrical stimulation practices at Australian abattoirs that process significant proportions of Australian lamb and sheep meat were assessed. Several abattoirs used medium-voltage electrical stimulation system (MVS) units suboptimally and many carcasses at these abattoirs exhibited a poor rate of pH decline and, consequently, a low proportion of carcasses attained pH 6 at a carcass temperature of 18-35 degrees C, according to Sheep Meat Eating Quality pH-temperature guidelines as adopted by Meat Standards Australia. In the present communication, we describe the causes of suboptimal results with electrical stimulation and discuss procedures for optimising the stimulation dose delivered by MVS units. Carcass pH responses to various levels of current and pulse width were assessed to determine the best MVS settings for individual abattoirs. The MVS units at the abattoirs involved in the present study have now been programmed for optimal efficacy and carcass quality will be monitored on an ongoing basis. Evaluation of methods for assessing the proportion of carcasses that fall within the optimum pH-temperature window showed that a random regression model is more accurate than the current approach

    Offering maternal composite ewes higher levels of nutrition from mid-pregnancy to lambing results in predictable increases in birthweight, survival and weaning weight of their lambs

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    Management of nutrition during pregnancy for maternal composite ewes has the potential to improve lamb production and survival in prime lamb production systems but existing condition score (CS) guidelines developed for Merinos may not be appropriate for the optimum production of maternal ewes. To address this, three replicated experiments were conducted at two research sites in Victoria and one in Western Australia. Ewes (781-800 per site) were allocated to four CS treatments following pregnancy scanning (∼Day 50) and differentially fed to reach approximate targets of CS 2.4, 2.8, 3.2 and 3.6 by lambing. Single and multiple bearing ewes grazed together, and nutritional treatments were applied until the end of lambing after which ewes and lambs were aggregated into management groups containing all treatments. At lambing, maternal ewe liveweight had a range between treatments of 13.7-19.1 kg (average 16.4 kg) and CS varied by 1.1-1.5 of a CS (average 1.24). Across site analysis indicated that lamb birthweight and weaning weight increased with application of higher CS treatments (P < 0.001). There was also an improvement in survival of multiple born lambs with increasing CS at lambing (P < 0.001). Birthweight was significantly related to survival (P < 0.001) at all sites with no significant effect of birth type on lamb survival. Changes in birthweight and weaning weight could be predicted from ewe joining liveweight, ewe liveweight change to Day 90 and ewe liveweight change Day 90 to lambing. The coefficients derived for each of these effects were similar to those found in previous experiments examining Merino and crossbred Border Leicester Merino ewes. The optimum CS targets for multiple bearing maternal composite ewes may be higher than the industry recommended target for Merino ewes based on advantages in lamb survival and weaning weight

    Assessment of electrical stimulation Compliance at abattiors using medium voltage electrical stimulation

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    This study describes an evaluation of the current compliance of 5 medium voltage electrical stimulation units in Australia sheep abattoirs. According to Meat Standards Australia sheep meat eating guidelines electrical stimulation should enable carcasses to reach pH 6 between 18-35°C carcass temperature to optimise meat quality. At a number of abattoirs, a poor pH-temperature decline was observed reflecting a poor electrical stimulation performance. Most carcases at these plants had a pH of greater than 6 at a carcass temperature of 18°C so they did not meet the required pH-temperature window. At one abattoir where the system was optimised a high proportion of carcases reached pH of 6 or less before 18° C was reached

    Calcium and magnesium status of pregnant ewes grazing southern Australian pastures

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    During pregnancy, ewes graze pastures that may be marginal in calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), and may also be low in sodium (Na) and high in potassium (K), with a high dietary cation-anion difference. Such pastures may increase susceptibility to hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia, leading to lamb losses. Clinical hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia do occur in Australian sheep; however, it is unknown whether subclinical forms of these disorders compromise ewe or lamb health and survival. The present study monitored the Ca and Mg status of ewes in late pregnancy, so as to evaluate the risk of subclinical mineral disorders in ewes grazing typical southern Australian pastures. Calcium and Mg concentrations in pasture, ewe plasma and urine were monitored in 15 flocks in southern Australia. Mineral concentrations in pasture did not indicate a widespread risk of Ca or Mg deficiency; however, urinary pH and Ca and Mg concentrations in the plasma and urine of the pregnant ewes were not entirely consistent with the expectations from pasture analysis. Urine pH was above 7 on all properties and 87.5% of properties had a mean Ca in urine below the adequate concentration of 1 µmol/mosmol. The mean plasma Ca concentration was below adequate (18 mg/L), more than 20% of ewes on six farms had below adequate concentrations of plasma Mg. Only one-third of the farms had 100% of ewes measured with adequate concentrations of plasma Ca (4/15) or Mg (5/15). The mineral concentrations in pre-lambing blood and urine samples suggested that a significant number of animals grazing southern Australian pastures during winter may be at risk of subclinical hypocalcaemia and hypomagnesaemia

    Quality of lamb meat from the Information Nucleus Flock

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    The effects of production and processing factors on tenderness, and colour of lamb meat produced from 7 locations as part of the Australian Sheep Industry CRC's Information Nucleus flock were investigated, using data from 2052 lambs slaughtered in 2007. At 24 h post-slaughter, samples of m. longissimus lumborum(LL) and m. semimembranosus (SM) were collected for measurement of intramuscular fat (IMF), myoglobin, iron and copper and fresh meat colour (L*, a*, b*) and pH at 24 h measured on the LL. pH and temperature measurements made pre-rigor were used to calculate the pH at 18 degrees C. Tenderness was measured by LL shear force at days 1 (SF1) and 5 (SF5) post-slaughter, the shear force difference (SF-diff) and SM compression and collagen concentration were determined. Retail colour stability was assessed using over-wrapped LL under simulated retail display for 3 days, according to the change in the oxymyoglobin/metmyoglobin ratio. All traits were affected by flock and date of slaughter (P < 0.001). After 4 days of ageing, 70-95% of the LL samples from all flocks, except for one, had acceptable tenderness for consumers based on their shear force. Low IMF, high LL pH at 18 degrees C and high pH at 24 h increased SF1 and SF5 and also had an effect on SF-diff (P<0.001). The retail colour of 44.8% of the samples on day 3 of retail display were lower than acceptable. Retail colour was influenced by IMF, pH18 and the concentration of iron and copper (P < 0.001). In conclusion, breeding and management practices that increase muscle IMF levels and reduce ultimate pH values and processing practices that result in moderate rates of pH fall post-slaughter, improve the tenderness of lamb. Extension of retail colour stability may be antagonistic to traits associated with tenderness and nutritional traits, particularly IMF and mineral levels

    Using Australian Sheep Breeding Values to increase lean meat yield percentage

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    This study describes the impact of Australian Sheep Breeding Values (ASBV) for post-weaning weight (PWWT), C-site fatness (PFAT) and eye muscle depth (PEMD) on lamb carcasses within the Australian Sheep Industry CRC Information Nucleus Flock. These results are taken from the 2007 drop progeny, consisting of ~2000 lambs slaughtered at a target weight of 21.5 kg. These lambs were the progeny of sires selected to ensure genetic diversity across various production traits. As expected, the PWWT ASBV increased weight at slaughter, and hot standard carcass weight. Dressing percentage was markedly improved by increasing PEMD ASBV, thus prime lamb producers will be maintaining an animal of similar weight on farm, but delivering a markedly larger carcass at slaughter. Lean meat yield % (LMY%) was highest in the progeny of sires with low PFAT ASBV, which decreased whole carcass fatness and increased muscularity. PWWT ASBV affected carcass composition but had little impact on LMY%, as the decreased fatness was largely offset by increased bone, with relatively little change in muscle content. Lastly, PEMD ASBV had little impact on whole carcass LMY%, but did appear to cause some level of muscle redistribution to the higher value loin cuts, in turn increasing the value of the carcass lean