10 research outputs found
The Media's Frontier Construction of President George W. Bush
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Memory, Myth, and Rhetoric in Plato's Phaedrus
- Author
- Barthes Roland
- Campbell Joseph
- Derrida Jacques
- Doty William
- Freud Sigmund
- Goodall H. Lloyd
- Grassi Ernesto
- Griswold Charles L.
- Havelock Eric A.
- Hill Geoffrey
- Lyotard Jean-Francois
- Mackey-Kallis Susan
- Nussbaum Martha C.
- Peters John Durham
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Thomas S. Frentz
- Weaver Richard
- Williams Frederick
- Yates Frances A.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Jack Bauer: The Smart Warrior's Faustian Gift
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Hunting Our Bad Selves: Projective Identification and the Case of the West Memphis Three
- Author
- Aguayo Angela.
- Amanda Davis Gatchet
- Bhui Kamaldeep.
- Burke Kenneth.
- Burke Kenneth.
- Castaneda Carol J.
- Diamond Jeremy.
- Drizin Steven A.
- Ellis Bill.
- Freud Sigmund.
- Ingebretsen Eward J.
- Ivie Robert L.
- John Arit.
- Jung Carl Gustav.
- Klein Melanie.
- Klein Melanie.
- Kristeva Julia.
- Lasswell Harold D.
- Leveritt Mara.
- Lynch Pat.
- McDonough Sam Dennis.
- Ogden Thomas H.
- Roger Davis Gatchet
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Schuetz Janice.
- Waska Robert.
- —.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Snake(s)kin: The Intertwining Mêtis
- Author
- Abram David.
- Butler Octavia E.
- Darer Michael.
- Davis Diane
- Deleuze Gilles
- Detienne Marcel
- Doll Mary Aswell.
- Dolmage Jay.
- Eben Kirksey S.
- Greenwood Susan
- Haraway Donna J.
- Hawhee Debra.
- Hawhee Debra.
- Ivie Robert L.
- Kaza Stephanie.
- Kingsnorth Paul. “2016
- Kripal Jeffrey J.
- Kristin Pomykala
- Le Guin Ursula K.
- Levin Ted.
- Liu Marjorie.
- McCauley Lauren.
- Merleau-Ponty Maurice.
- Moore Robert L.
- Oldfield Howey M.
- Rivers Nathaniel A.
- Rushing Janice Hocker, and Thomas S. Frentz
- Stein Sadie.
- Stuckey Johanna H.
- Stuckey Priscilla.
- Swanson Stephan.
- Walker Rob.
- Wolkstein Diane
- Wray T. J.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Remapping rhetorical territory
- Author
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Aristotle
- Ballif Michelle
- Barrett Harold
- Biesecker Barbara
- Bizzell Patricia
- Bizzell Patricia
- Blair Carole
- Campbell Karlyn Kohrs
- Certeau Michel de
- Cheryl Glenn
- Corbett Edward P.J.
- Covino William
- Crowley Sharon
- de Laurentis Teresa
- Ehninger Douglas
- Enos Richard Leo
- Enos Theresa
- Epstein Cynthia Fuchs
- Jameson Fredric
- Jarratt Susan
- Johnson Nan
- Kennedy George A.
- Kerferd G. B.
- Keuls Eva C.
- Kinneavy James L.
- Kuhn Thomas
- Laqueur Thomas
- Loraux Nicole
- Lunsford Andrea A.
- McComiskey Bruce
- Miller Susan
- Moss Roger
- Murphy James J.
- Neel Jasper
- Nicholson Linda J.
- O'Brien Mary
- Peaden Catherine Hobbs
- Poulakos John
- Ratcliffe Krista
- Rorty Richard
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Schiappa Edward
- Scott Joan Wallach
- Scott Robert L.
- Welch Kathleen
- White Hayden
- Winterowd W. Ross
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Introduction: W(h)ither Ideology?
- Author
- Allen Mike.
- Althusser Louis.
- Anderson Perry.
- Biesecker Barbara.
- Black Edwin.
- Blair Carole
- Blair Carole.
- Butler Judith
- Butler Judith
- Callinicos Alex.
- Campbell Karlyn Kohrs
- Campbell Karlyn Kohrs.
- Cloud Dana L.
- Cloud Dana L.
- Colebrook Claire.
- Condit Celeste Michelle.
- Dana L. Cloud
- Dean Jodi.
- Eagleton Terry.
- Elster Jon.
- Farrell Thomas B.
- Feldner Heiko
- Foss Sonja K.
- Geuss Raymond.
- Gordon Colin.
- Gramsci Antonio.
- Greene Ronald Walter.
- Gunn Joshua
- Hall Stuart.
- Heywood Andrew.
- Hill Forbes.
- Hocker Rushing Janice.
- Horkheimer Max
- Joshua Gunn
- Kennedy Emmet.
- Laclau Ernesto.
- Leff Michael C.
- Lukács Georg.
- Marx Karl
- McGee Michael Calvin.
- McKerrow Raymie E.
- McKerrow. Glenview Raymie
- Megill Allan.
- Morris Richard.
- Nobus Dany.
- Owen Susan A.
- Rigsby Enrique D.
- Rodden John.
- Rosenfield Lawrence.
- Scholle David J.
- Simons Herbert W.
- Therborn Göran
- Trotsky Leon.
- Vighi Fabio
- Wander Philip C.
- West James T.
- Žižek Slavoj.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Electoral politics and visions of community: Jimmy Carter, virtue, and the small town myth
- Author
- Baritz Loren
- Bass Jeff D.
- Bellah Robert N.
- Braden Waldo W.
- Burke Kenneth
- Burke Kenneth
- Bush George
- Campbell J. Louis
- Carnoy Martin
- Carter Jimmy
- Carter Jimmy
- Carter Jimmy
- Clymer Adam
- Clymer Adam
- Combs James
- Dewey John
- Erickson Keith V.
- Flew Antony
- Foss Sonja K.
- Geertz Clifford
- Hilfer Anthony C.
- Hobbes Thomas
- Jakle John A.
- Johnson Haynes
- Johnstone Christopher Lyle
- Lee Ronald
- Lee Ronald
- Lewis Sinclair
- London Herbert I.
- Maland Charles J.
- Martin Martha Anna
- Mazlish Bruce
- McDowell Gary L.
- McGuire Michael
- Meinig D. W.
- Pincoffs Edmund L.
- Ravitch Diane
- Reichard Gary W.
- Richards Jeffrey
- Roffman Peter
- Ronald Lee
- Rowland Robert C.
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Schambra William A.
- Schram Martin
- Scudder Townsend
- Shils Edward A.
- Short Brant
- Smith Gaddis
- Strong Robert A.
- Stroud Kandy
- Van Doren Carl
- Wheeler Ruth R.
- Whyte William H.
- Wiles Peter
- Winthrop John
- Wood Robert C.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Selling the American dream myth to black southerners: The Chicago defender
- Author
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- _____
- Adams James Truslow
- Alan D. DeSantis
- Andrews James R.
- Aptheker Herbert
- Asante Molefi Kete
- Berry Mary Frances
- Bontemps Arna
- Brooks Maxwell R.
- Brummett Barry
- Campbell Karlyn Kohs
- Chicago Illinois
- Cronon David E.
- Davis George A
- DeSantis Alan D.
- Detweiler Frederick G.
- Doty William G.
- Drake St. Clair
- Dutcher Sean
- Fossum Robert H.
- Frazier Franklin
- Frazier Robert B.
- Frazier Thomas R.
- Gentles Frederick
- Gentles Frederick
- Goodrum Charles
- Goodwin Marvin E.
- Grant Robert B.
- Grossman James R.
- Haynes George E.
- Henri Florette
- Higgs Robert
- James William
- Johnson Charles S.
- Jones Dewey
- Jones Marcus E.
- Katznelson Ira
- Kennedy Louise V.
- Kochman Thomas
- Kornweibel Theodore
- Lears T. J. Jackson
- Levine Lawrence
- Lewis Edward
- Lieberson Stanley
- Lieberson Stanley
- Lochard Metz T. P.
- Marchand Roland
- Myrdal Gunnar
- Osborn Michael
- Ottley Roi
- Pinkney Alphonso
- Potter David M.
- Potter Jim
- Ross Frank A
- Rowland Robert C.
- Rushing Janice Hocker
- Sochen June
- Solomon Martha
- Spear Allan
- St. Clair Drake
- Steinfield Melvin
- Taeuber Karl E.
- Travis Dempsey J.
- Tuttle William M.
- Vickery Wallace
- White Walter F.
- Wolseley Roland E.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Excellence and Frontier Research as Travelling Concepts in Science Policymaking
- Author
- Arie Rip
- Arie Rip
- Benoît Godin
- Benoît Godin
- Clyde W Barrow
- Daniel Bell
- Daniel Bell
- Daniel Jerome Kevles
- Daniel Lloyd Spencer
- David H Guston
- David Kaldewey
- Désirée Schauz
- Désirée Schauz
- Ed Michaels
- Ewan Ferlie
- Florian Ederer
- Frederick Jackson Turner
- Gary S Becker
- George A Keyworth
- Giandomenico Majone
- Gérard Darmon
- Harriet Zuckerman
- Harry Boer de
- Hartmut Hentig von
- Helga Nowotny
- Henri Peyre
- Henry A Giroux
- Herbert Hoover
- Hiroyuki Odagiri
- Howard Roberts Lamar
- IC Russell
- Ivar Bleiklie
- Jacques Barzun
- James Truslow Adams
- Jan Fagerberg
- Jane Calvert
- Janice Hocker Rushing
- Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber
- Jochen Steinbicker
- John Irvine
- John Krige
- John Peterson
- John Walter Gardner
- Kostas Gavroglu
- Leah Ceccarelli
- Lorraine Daston
- Luca Guzzetti
- Mads Sørensen
- Marcel Herbst
- Margaret R Somers
- Mark Bevir
- Martha C Burroughs
- Mary E Stuckey
- Matti Hyvärinen
- Merle Jacob
- Michael Dunlop Young
- Michael Gibbons
- Michael Sauder
- Michel Foucault
- Michel Foucault
- Michelle Brady
- Mieke Bal
- Nathan Rosenberg
- National Science Teachers Association
- Nature
- Nature
- Nicholas Rescher
- Norbert Ricken
- Patrick Dunleavy
- Peter A Bertocci
- Peter F Drucker
- Peter Weingart
- Rajani Naidoo
- Richard Hofstadter
- Richard Nathan
- Richard R Nelson
- Richard Whitley
- Robert Bud
- Robert Bud
- Robert JW Tijssen
- Robert King Merton
- Robert V Hine
- Roger Pielke Jr
- Ronald Kline
- Sabine Maasen
- Sabine Maasen
- Samuel Moore
- Sheila Jasanoff
- Sheila Slaughter
- Stephen Richards Graubard
- Steven Shapin
- Thomas Banchoff
- Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin
- Thomas Hale Hamilton
- Tim Flink
- Tim Flink
- Tim Flink
- Tobias Peter
- Tom Peters
- WF Connell
- William Coleman
- William Cronon
- William Herbert Hobbs
- William Hollingsworth Whyte
- William K Cummings
- WN Shaw
- Yoshiya Abe
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study