10 research outputs found

    Impact de la dynamique de l'agriculture et ses conséquences sur la durabilité de l'écosystÚme saharien: cas de la vallée de M'zab (Sahara septentrional)

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    Like other Saharan regions, the Algerian development program of agricultural land has increased agricultural area in the valley of M’Zab. Creating development zones in the Valley of M’zab generated some momentum with a series of measures with different impacts on the components of this agro-ecosystem. Its dynamics have shown particular shortcomings at different levels thus compromising durability. The measures to be taken are justified not only to preserve the ecosystem but also to give meaning to the strong investments made by public authorities. Keywords: Agricultural perimeters, Management, Sustainability, M’Zab Valley, AlgeriaLe Programme algĂ©rien de mise en valeur des terres agricoles a permis une augmentation des superficies agricoles au niveau de la vallĂ©e du M’zab Ă  l’instar des autres rĂ©gions sahariennes. La crĂ©ation de pĂ©rimĂštres de mise en valeur au niveau de la VallĂ©e du M’zab a engendrĂ© une dynamique certaine par un ensemble de mesures ayant eu des impacts diffĂ©rents sur les composantes de cet agro-Ă©cosystĂšme. Sa dynamique a particuliĂšrement montrĂ© des insuffisances Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux compromettant sa durabilitĂ©. Les mesures Ă  prendre sont justifiĂ©es non seulement pour prĂ©server l’écosystĂšme mais aussi pour donner une signification aux forts investissements consentis par les pouvoirs publics. Mots clĂ©s: AlgĂ©rie, DĂ©veloppement durable, Dynamique, Mise en valeur, PĂ©rimĂštres agricoles, VallĂ©e du M’za

    A New Dynamic of Saharan Agricultural Transformation: Thermal Area of Zelfana (Southern Algeria)

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    The Agricultural Land Development Program has led to an increase in agricultural areas in Zelfana (Algeria) as in other Saharan regions. The creation of development areas in this zone has generated a certain progress through a set of measures that have had different impacts on the components of this Saharan agro-ecosystem. The objective of this research is to study the realities of the new dynamics of Saharan agriculture through the diversity of agrarian systems established in the oasis of Zelfana and its extensions. The results of the management study of this particular agro-ecosystem have shown inadequacies at different levels that could compromise its sustainability and even its dynamics. The measures to be taken are discussed not only to preserve the ecosystem but also to give meaning to the strong investments made by the public authorities

    Valorization of fine bran of Algerian durum wheat varieties in the diet of ruminants

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    The feed value of the fine bran of durum wheat varieties cultivated in Algeria have as characteristics an average content of total nitrogen of 13.2% of dry matter (DM), a fat content of 2.4% of DM and minerals content of 2.8% of DM. These various chemical compounds values confer less fodder units and digestible proteins than those of durum wheat fine bran from Europeans varieties

    Valorization of fine bran of Algerian durum wheat varieties in the diet of ruminants

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    La valeur nutritive des sons fins des variétés de blé dur cultivées en Algérie a pour caractéristiques une teneur moyenne en matiÚres azotées totales de 13,2 % de matiÚre sÚche (MS), un taux de matiÚre grasse de 2,4 % de MS et une teneur en matiÚre minérale de 2,8 % de MS. Ces différents composés chimiques leurs confÚrent des valeurs en unités fourragÚres et en protéines digestibles moins importantes que celles des sons fins des blés durs européens. Mots-clés: Alimentation des ruminants, son fin de blé dur algérien, valeur nutritive.The feed value of the fine bran of durum wheat varieties cultivated in Algeria have as characteristics an average content of total nitrogen of 13.2% of dry matter (DM), a fat content of 2.4% of DM and minerals content of 2.8% of DM. These various chemical compounds values confer less fodder units and digestible proteins than those of durum wheat fine bran from Europeans varieties.Keywords: Food of the ruminants, Fine bran of Algerian durum wheat, Feed value

    Situation of livestock insurance in the region of Ghardaia (Algerian Northern Sahara)

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    Agricultural insurance is one of the important tools that help farmers gain access to appropriate financial services in support of agricultural production and to face some of the involved risks. The present article presents a detailed evaluation of the functioning system of the agricultural insurance system. Assessing the participation of the Algerian Caisse de Mutualité Agricole, in the current rate of agricultural development. This institution of agricultural mutuality, with its national fund and its regional mutuals, is likely to be affected by several changes or even to be surpassed by other companies competing on the insurance market. An analysis was conducted in insurance companies and farmers to probe the reality on the ground and identify alternatives and proposals for well-targeted solutions in relation to the detected deficiencies. The study also found a generally less favorable attitude of the farmers towards agricultural insurance. Emerging from this analysis is a set of nuanced recommendations based on risk structure and environmental property rights

    Water management and the agricultural development constraints in the Algerian Sahara: case of the M'Zab Valley

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    In Algeria, modern agriculture was introduced in the Saharan region through the implementation of the law n° 83–18 of August 13, 1983, relating to access to agricultural land ownership (Fr. Accession Ă  la PropriĂ©tĂ© FonciĂšre Agricole (APFA) in French). This law was hugely successful and sparked a real enthusiasm for this type of activity, which resulted in an expansion of agricultural areas at the M’Zab level, similar to that observed in other Saharan regions. Over the past decades, the agricultural area has declined markedly (–0.4%), which was due to multiple causes, including ecological problems, such as urban discharges and the rise in the water level. So far, little research has been done to assess the agricultural situation and irrigation in this region. The objective of this work is to analyse and discuss the constraints and impacts of water and agricultural management on sustainability of the ecosystem in the Saharan environment. This work is based on extensive research, which has been carried out in the M’Zab region on the oasis system and its evolution. It was enriched with dozens of direct surveys, performed among farmers working in agricultural areas. The results show that agricultural development and the sustainability of farms in this region face several technical and social constraints, the most important of which are the workforce-related problems and water management. Several measures have been recommended to be taken not only to preserve the ecosystem but also to give significance to the large investments made by the public authorities

    Diversity of Halophyte Desert Vegetation of the Different Saline Habitats in the Valley of Oued Righ, Low Sahara Basin, Algeria

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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the floristic composition and diversity of the different habitat types in the saline areas of the valley of Oued Righ, locating in the low Sahara basin of Algeria. Three distinct saline habitats were examined: saline soil habitats, subsaline soil habitats, and waterlogged habitats. A total of 67 stands along the study area were investigated using the quadrat method, and different vegetation parameters, such as cover, frequency, density, and Importance Value Index (IVI), were recorded. Differences of species diversity and richness between saline habitats were also compared. A total of 38 plant species belonging to 29 genera and 13 families were identified from the three studied habitats. Chenopodiaceae was the predominant family. The majority of the species were of Saharo-Arabian distribution. Chemaephytes had the highest contribution to the life forms spectra. Species composition in the different habitat types showed differences in species richness. Subsaline soil habitats were the most diverse, followed by saline soil habitats. Waterlogged habitats had the lowest diversity. The floristic composition and the dominant species of each habitat were presented. The potential role of the halophyte species was discussed. These findings may lead to a better understanding of the functions, requirements, and sensitivities of these ecosystems

    Comparative study of geometrical configuration at the thermal performances of an agricultural greenhouse

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    The aims objective of this work consists to study the storage system effects on the thermal performance of a tunnel agricultural greenhouse. The study focus on the use of the data climate analysis to predict the outside needs as comparison with another without storage system. The obtained results indicate that the outside needs are less than the no heated with 3 to 5°c during winter night. The thermal behavior of the greenhouse was study numerically and the results are corroborating with the literature. In addition, we conducted a comparative study designed to identify the optimal form of the greenhouse; two geometrical configuration are considered

    Comparative study of geometrical configuration at the thermal performances of an agricultural greenhouse

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    The aims objective of this work consists to study the storage system effects on the thermal performance of a tunnel agricultural greenhouse. The study focus on the use of the data climate analysis to predict the outside needs as comparison with another without storage system. The obtained results indicate that the outside needs are less than the no heated with 3 to 5°c during winter night. The thermal behavior of the greenhouse was study numerically and the results are corroborating with the literature. In addition, we conducted a comparative study designed to identify the optimal form of the greenhouse; two geometrical configuration are considered