25 research outputs found

    Monitoring public perception of health risks in brazil and italy: Cross-cultural research on the risk perception of choking in children

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    One of the most relevant public health issues among pediatric injuries concerns foreign body (FB) aspiration. The risk perception of choking hazards (CH) and risk perception, in general, are complex multifactorial problems that play a significant role in defining protective behavior. Risk prevention policies should take this aspect into account. A lack of scientific knowledge of FB injury risk perception may be evidenced in Brazil and other newly developed countries. This study aims to characterize the differences and peculiarities in risk perception of CH between Italian and Brazilian populations. The risk perception among adults in Italy and Brazil between September and October 2017 was investigated in a survey. A Multiple Correspondence Analysis was carried out to identify the latent components characterizing the risk perception in Italian and Brazilian population samples. The most relevant dimension characterizing risk perception is the “Professional–educational status and the related perception of Risk” (13% of factorial inertia). The Italians identify batteries and magnets as the most dangerous choking risks (20% of responses). On the other hand, Brazilian people, mainly manual laborers (22%) with secondary or primary education (94%), perceive coins as the most dangerous items (30% of responses, p < 0.001). Socio-economic issues characterize the subjective risk perception of Italian and Brazilian survey respondents. In this framework, data-driven prevention strategies could be helpful to tailor intervention strategies to the cultural context to which they are addressed

    Le tecnologie di comunicazione mediata (MCTs) nelle famiglie geograficamente separate.

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    Negli ultimi anni le tecnologie della comunicazione sono entrate a far parte dei contesti quotidiani, dagli ambienti di lavoro a quelli pi\uf9 intimi e personali. Sebbene si assista sempre pi\uf9 alla proliferazione e all\u2019uso delle nuove tecnologie di comunicazione (MCTs) anche nell\u2019ambito della famiglia, pochi studi hanno indagato il ruolo del web all\u2019interno delle relazioni familiari. In questo studio esplorativo si vuole studiare l\u2019utilizzo della tecnologia all'interno di tale contesto di vita, in cui le MCTs sempre pi\uf9 sostengono ed estendono le relazioni tra persone che non vivono nello stesso Paese. Sono state condotte 5 interviste a persone che vivono lontane dalle proprie famiglie, indagando le tecnologie adottate nella vita familiare ed i parametri che utilizzano per decidere quali mezzi utilizzare nelle diverse situazioni di vita quotidiana. Successivamente si sono esaminate sia le pratiche di gestione dei rapporti familiari attraverso le MCTs sia le strategie create per migliorare la loro sensazione di vicinanza. Dall\u2019analisi discorsiva dei primi risultati emerge che la tecnologia assume un ruolo fondamentale, poich\ue9 da essa dipendono le interazioni quotidiane. Sembra quindi necessario acquisire una migliore comprensione di come e perch\ue9 le persone utilizzino queste tecnologie, facendo particolare attenzione al contesto socio-economico in cui vivono

    Mediated Communication Technologies (MCTs) for remote family members\u2019 interaction

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    For several years, communication technologies are increasingly being part of the everyday life contexts, in the circles of work, in social situations and even the most intimate and personal dimensions. Most of the research in this area is interested in studying the role the web was introduced in social relations and how the personal relationships have been affected by internet. During the last years we assisted to a proliferation of new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in families, who are increasingly using these technologies assets according to almost different purposes. This change has been possible because family structure has also changed over time. Indeed, regarding to Laslett\u2019s famous classification (1972) which provided from a differentiation according to the presence or absence of one or more marital units within the family, Mantovani (2005) stresses the currently importance to speak about "broken families", "step families" and "immigrant family". Today lots of people don\u2019t live anymore in the same country of origin for various reasons, workplaces included. Thus it is necessary to bear in mind that today's families are more geographically distributed than few years ago, and the space gap sometimes does not allow family members to keep easily relationships. If on one hand there is the desire for greater communication and sharing with his family, on the other hand there are the difficulties related to the generational, cultural, and geographical level that influences in a consistent manner on using new communication technologies. This explorative study is led by the interest in focusing on the use of technology within a personal life context such a family, in which the MCTs are increasingly used to support and extend relations between people who do not live in the same country. For this purpose, 5 interviews have been conducted with people who live geographically distant from their families for reasons of work or study. Therefore people will be unable to join in events and / or important dates (eg. birthdays, religious holidays, births...). Initially we examined the technologies adopted in the family life of these people, and the parameters they used do decide which of those methods to use in different situations of daily life. Semi-structured interviews in face-to-face or in mediated conditions have been conducted. Subsequently, we desired to provide in-depth attention to the practices and strategies that people carry out for the family relationships\u2019 management, having at disposal a wide range of MCTs, both, fixed and mobile, synchronous and asynchronous. In this setting we observed possible strategies that these families establish to improve their feeling of closeness. In this scenario, the new technologies of mediated communication (MCTs) expand the ways throughout people can keep in touch, even entering in the family context for communication and life sharing with their familiars. That is an attempt to replace the emotive and connective dimension of face to face communication using different channels. From this point of view, the MCTs try to minimize geographical distances between family members, without interfering with the professional life. For this type of remote relationship the technology assume a key role by the way daily interactions dependent on their intervention. Therefore it will be necessary to gain a better understanding of how and why people use these technologies for communication with particular attention to the socio-economic context in which they live

    Discourses on gender between different cultures. Women role in family and society

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    The research presented in this paper, aims to analyse the development of cultural and social Identities according to general changes in the family structure of Italians migrated to the United States. In a more specific perspective the research topic is focused on the role and the status of women in family as well as in public and work contexts and the way these cultural positioning evolved during the last fifty years. Three Identity constructs have been isolated in order to analyse the interactions between the participants of a situated context and between them and their social and physical environment. The theoretical and methodological background is focused on the Social structure, in order to describe family organisation-systems through the Field-Theory and the Linguistic practises, representing the executive communication process throughout semantic and gestural activities. These observations have been analysed than according to wider cultural and ideological value-systems. The results show how social, cultural as well as gender Identities are strictly correlated to the symbolical and situational variables constituting a determinate context. The conversational practices represent the executive instrument, which mediates all interactive practices amongst social actors joining a same symbolical and material situation. The family, according to this perspective, represents not only a micro-mirror of a certain social reality but even more an universal expedient, something in common to all cultures. Studying the constitutional aspects of intrafamily interactions, it would be possible to individuate the interpersonal organisation processes affine to the lager cultural and social frame

    L\u2019esperienza transgender attraverso i discorsi. Un\u2019analisi critica sulla costruzione narrativa di identit\ue0

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    Il cosiddetto transgendersimo emerge da un\u2019esplicita richiesta, da parte di una minoranza sociale, di rivendicare un\u2019identit\ue0 di genere in distonia con l\u2019ortodossia binaria dei sessi. La ricerca illustrata in questo abstract vuole offrire uno sguardo analitico riguardo al costrutto sociale e culturale dell\u2019Identit\ue0. Pertanto, sono stati raccolti tre resoconti autobiografici (repertori scritti) ed una decina di interviste libere (repertori orali) concepite come conversazioni dialogiche. Essendo gli atti linguistici la risorsa pi\uf9 sofisticata mediante cui gli attori sociali interagiscono al fine di produrre artefatti simbolici, questa ricerca sar\ue0 incentrata sulle narrazioni e sui discorsi, intesi come pratiche comunicative. La metodologia applicata, in sintonia con gli assunti teorici sottostanti, consiste in un\u2019analisi critica del discorso e delle modalit\ue0 interattive attraverso cui le persone si posizionano tra loro e tra loro ed il contesto. In riferimento al materiale raccolto sono stati estratti alcuni passaggi narrativi e discorsivi, in modo da poter analizzare le modalit\ue0 organizzative in termini di linguaggio, relazioni sociali e posizionamento contestuale, con cui i transgender costruiscono una propria identit\ue0 di genere. L\u2019interdiscorsivit\ue0 del corpus testuale sar\ue0 infine studiata in relazione alla cornice socio-politica e storica, all\u2019interno di cui si sviluppano e si strutturano le pratiche interattive nei contesti situati

    The social representations of Brazilian transgender women for prison workers in Italian jails.

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