148 research outputs found

    Functional Inorganic Nanohybrids for Biomedical Diagnosis

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    Green synthesis of silver nanomaterials using Ganoderma Lucidum extract as reducing agent and stabilizer with ultrasonic assistance and application as an antibacterial agent

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    Synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using plant extracts extracted from Ganoderma lucidum in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam is a simple, convenient, economical, and environmentally friendly method. This study describes the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles in both cases with and without ultrasonic assistance using Ganoderma lucidum extract as a reducing and protective agent. Transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to characterize the as-synthesized AgNPs. Compared to the heating reflux method, the proposed ultrasonic wave assisted heating reflux method produced AgNPs had higher efficiency, smaller and more uniform particle size 6.08 ± 1.80 nm of nm in a short synthesis time period. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of ultrasonically synthesized silver nanomaterials (US-AgNPs) were also investigated. US-AgNPs are important nanomaterials that can find many good applications in practice

    Facile synthesis of 3D Fe2O3 nanostructures: sponge-like cube shape and bird nest-like architecture

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    The hierarchical nanostructures (3D) with their large specific surface area and abundant pores usually possess unique physical and chemical properties for various important applications. In this report, we have introduced simple and scalable routes to successfully synthesize 3D iron oxide nanostructures, including porous cubes and bird nest-like architecture. The 3D sponge-like Fe2O3 nanocubes were formed by an annealing process of perfect Prussian Blue (PB) microcubes, which were built from small nanoparticles linked together. Whereas, the 3D bird nest-like Fe2O3 nanostructures were formed by the transformation of C@FeOOH nanoflower precursors, which were constructed by primary nanorods. The results indicated that the obtained materials show monodispersity, uniform morphology, ultra-porosity and extremely high specific surface area. With unique characteristics, the 3D Fe2O3 nanostructures could be potential candidates for various important fields such as catalysts, absorption and gas sensors

    Modified Dijkstra's Routing Algorithm for Security with Different Trust Degrees

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    A great number of efficient methods to improve the performance of the networks have been proposed in physical-layer security for wireless communications. So far, the security and privacy in wireless communications is optimized based on a fixed assumption about the trustworthiness or trust degrees (TD) of certain wireless nodes. The nodes are often classified into different types such as eavesdroppers, untrusted relays, and trusted cooperative nodes. Wireless nodes in different networks do not completely trust each other when cooperating or relaying information for each other. Optimizing the network based on trust degrees plays an important role in improving the security and privacy for the modern wireless network. We proposed a novel algorithm to find the route with the smallest total transmission time from the source to the destination and still guarantee that the accumulated TD is larger than a trust degree threshold. Simulation results are presented to analyze the affects of the transmit SNR, node density, and TD threshold on different network performance elements

    Management of heavy metals in rice (Oryza sativa) soils by silicon rich biochar materials

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    Multiple heavy metals have contaminated soils with a combination of ecological consequences that make soil remediation more challenging. An experiment was conducted during 2022–23 at University of Agriculture and Forestry, Hue University, Hue city, Vietnam to evaluate the potential of silicon rich biochar from rice (Oryza sativa L.) husk and peanut shell in the remediation of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) present in rice soils of central Vietnam. A total of 20 samples of rice soil were taken from two distinct locations, Quang Tho commune and Thuy Phuong ward, Thua Thien Hue province, Central Vietnam to measure the quantity of heavy metals and evaluate the level of pollution. Silicon is a beneficial element and its external application as fertilizer seems impractical. Therefore, in this study, the effects of different silicon-rich materials [rice husk biochar (RHB) and peanut shell biochar (PSB)] at 6 different rates (0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5%) were determined in reducing heavy metal (Cd and Pb). The mean concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in soil samples ranged between 0.56–22.14 mg/kg; 19.48–81.30 mg/kg; 23.26–48.54 mg/kg and 28.47–55.12 mg/kg, respectively. Cd and Pb toxicity in rice soil samples was greater in Thuy Phuong ward than the average shale values. Considering the pollution load index (PLI), a total of 6 sites in Thuy Phuong ward had values >1.0 indicating pollution load in the respective sites, and Cd, Pb were the major contaminants in soils of the study area. The addition of silicon-rich materials decreased the contents of Cd and Pb in rice soils with adsorption efficiency from 22.83–38.54% and 30.69–31.53% in rice husk biochar (RHB); 20.47–29.55% and 26.77–27.87% in peanut shell biochar (PSB), respectively. Thus, RHB could be more effective to remediate soils contaminated with heavy metals when compared to other silicon-rich materials

    Interpretation of 1H-NMR spectrum of alginate by 1H-1H TOCSY and COSY spectrum

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    The sodium alginate was prepared from brown seaweeds in Thua-Thien-Hue coastal area. The obtained alginate was characterized by 1H-NMR, 1H-1H TOCSY and COSY spectra. The  assignment of alginate peaks in 1H-NMR spectrum is 5.09, 4.446, 4.152, 4.318, 4.135 ppm in correspondence to H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 of D-mannuronic acid and 5.473, 4.318, 4.446, 4.571, 4.883 ppm in correspondence to H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 of L-guluronic acid, respectively. The present results are essential for the investigating guidance of alginate and its derivatives


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    On the basis of referenced studies on blockchain technology and the applicability of blockchain in supply chain management of agricultural products, the study analyzes the applicability of blockchain technology in melaleuca oil supply chain in Hue. The study applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The results of the qualitative research step help outline a new research framework with 6 groups of aspects to be assessed. Next, the study surveys 215 units/individuals involved in the melaleuca oil supply chain, the sample is selected by simple random method. The obtained results show that the groups of aspects related to readiness (REA), compatibility (COM), cooperatability (COO) and legal environment (LEG) are trickiest obstacles to the applicability of blockchain technology. In addition, the difference test shows that each group of units/individuals in the supply chain has different levels of readiness for the application of new technology.Trên cơ sở tham khảo các nghiên cứu về công nghệ chuỗi khối (blockchain) và khả năng ứng dụng của blockchain trong quản lý chuỗi cung ứng sản phẩm nông nghiệp, nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm phân tích khả năng ứng dụng công nghệ blockchain vào chuỗi cung ứng dầu tràm tại Huế. Nghiên cứu áp dụng đồng thời cả hai phương pháp nghiên cứu định tính và định lượng. Kết quả bước nghiên cứu định tính giúp phác thảo nên được khung phân tích mới với 6 nhóm khía cạnh cần đánh giá. Tiếp đến, nghiên cứu khảo sát 215 các đơn vị/cá nhân tham gia vào chuỗi cung ứng dầu tràm, mẫu được chọn theo phương pháp ngẫu nhiên đơn giản. Kết quả thu được chỉ ra rằng: các nhóm khía cạnh liên quan đến điều kiện sẵn có (REA), khả năng tương thích (COM) và môi trường pháp lý (LEG) là những trở ngại lớn nhất cho việc ứng dụng công nghệ blockchain. Ngược lại, khả năng hợp tác (COO), môi trường xã hội (SOC), và môi trường cạnh tranh (CE) là những nền tảng quan trọng thúc đẩy khả năng ứng dụng blockchain. Ngoài ra, kiểm định sự khác biệt cho thấy, mỗi nhóm đơn vị/ cá nhân trong chuỗi cung ứng có mức độ sẵn sàng khác nhau cho việc ứng dụng công nghệ mới


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    Coconut trees (Cocos nucifera L.)  are a popular crop on more than 30,000 islands around the world, with many uses and livelihood values for farmers. The study was conducted to evaluate the current status of coconut farming on Phu Quoc Island by interviewing farmer households. The results showed that coconut trees were planted in Cua Duong and Cua Can communes with growing areas ranging from 0.2 to 0.8 hectares per household, mainly in the form of specialised cultivation with two popular coconut varieties which were oil coconut and drinking coconut. Coconut oil varieties ranged in age from 1 to 15 years, flowering time from 4.0 to 5.0 years after planting, and yield from 40 to 60 fruits per tree per year. Drinking coconut varieties were less than 10 years old; flowering time was from 3.0 to 4.0 years after planting; and yielding was from 50 to 100 fruits per tree per year. The form of fruit sales on Phu Quoc Island was mainly drinking coconuts purchased, with harvests ranging from 10 to 15 times per year. The investment cost for coconut gardens of households the business period mainly under 10 millions VND and average incomes under 20 millions VND per hectare per year, respectively.Cây dừa (Cocos nucifera L.) là cây trồng quan trọng ở các vùng biển đảo, được trồng phổ biến ở hơn 30.000 hòn đảo trên thế giới với nhiều giá trị sử dụng và là sinh kế của người nông dân. Nghiên cứu được thực hiện nhằm đánh giá thực trạng canh tác dừa tại đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang bằng phương pháp thu thập số liệu thứ cấp và phỏng vấn nông hộ. Kết quả cho thấy, cây dừa được trồng tập trung tại xã Cửa Dương và xã Cửa Cạn với diện tích từ 0,2 đến 0,8 ha/hộ, chủ yếu là hình thức chuyên canh với hai nhóm giống dừa phổ biến là lấy dầu và uống nước. Giống dừa lấy dầu có độ tuổi từ 1 đến 15 năm, thời gian ra hoa từ 4,0 đến 5,0 năm sau trồng và năng suất từ 40 đến 60 quả/cây/năm. Giống dừa uống nước có độ tuổi dưới 10 năm, thời gian ra hoa từ 3,0 đến 4,0 năm sau trồng và năng suất từ 50 đến 100 quả/cây/năm. Hình thức bán quả dừa tại đảo Phú Quốc chủ yếu là uống nước với số lần thu hoạch từ 10 đến 15 lần/năm. Chi phí chăm sóc vườn dừa trong thời kỳ kinh doanh chủ yếu dưới 10 triệu đồng/ha/năm với lợi nhuận đa số dưới 20 triệu đồng/ha/năm


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    Coconut is an important cash crop in Ben Tre Province, Vietnam, which has a lot of value. This study aimed to determine the current status of coconut cultivation in Ben Tre province through secondary data collected from the Ben Tre Provincal Statistical Office as well as primary data provided by 150 farmers in five coconut cultivated districts consisting of Chau Thanh, Giong Trom, Ba Tri, Thanh Phu, and Binh Dai via participatory interview method. The results showed that coconut planting and harvesting areas in Ben Tre province have been a significant increase over the period from 2012 to 2022, with production increasing by 1.6 times, reaching 686,279 tonnes in 2022. The predominant coconut cultivated method was specialised farming, with most households using tall coconut varieties. Planting density ranged from 160 to 240 trees per hectare. Flowering of the coconut plants was within 3 to 6 years of planting. Fertilization application was 4 to 6 times year-1 during the business period. Besides, insect pests and diseases on the coconut plants had been controlled by pesticides with 3 to 6 times per year. Coconut fruit yields were depended on variety and cultivation techniques, averaging 80 to 100 fruits tree-1 year-1 and 40 to 80 fruits tree-1 year-1 for dwarf and tall coconuts, respectively. The investment cost for coconut gardens ranged from 10 to 30 million VND hectare-1 year-1, with average incomes of 30 to 100 million VND hectare-1 year-1, yielding profits of 30 to 60 million VND hectare-1 year-1.Cây dừa là cây trồng quan trọng của tỉnh Bến Tre có nhiều giá trị sử dụng. Nghiên cứu này nhằm đánh giá thực trạng canh tác dừa tại tỉnh Bến Tre dựa trên số liệu thứ cấp từ Cục Thống kê tỉnh Bến Tre và số liệu sơ cấp thông qua phỏng vấn 150 hộ trồng dừa tại 5 huyện gồm Châu Thành, Giồng Trôm, Ba Tri, Thạnh Phú và Bình Đại. Kết quả cho thấy, diện tích trồng và thu hoạch dừa tại tỉnh Bến Tre có xu hướng tăng mạnh trong 10 năm (2012–2022), sản lượng tăng gấp 1,6 lần và đạt 686.279 tấn vào năm 2022. Hình thức canh tác dừa chủ yếu chuyên canh, phần lớn các hộ sử dụng giống dừa cao, mật độ trồng dao động 160–240 cây/ha, cây dừa bắt đầu ra hoa sau 3–6 năm trồng, số lần bón phân trong thời kỳ kinh doanh là 4–6 lần/năm, quản lý sâu bệnh hại dừa chủ yếu bằng thuốc bảo vệ thực vật với 3–6 lần phun/năm. Năng suất dừa phụ thuộc vào giống và kỹ thuật canh tác, trung bình 80–100 quả/cây/năm đối với dừa lùn và 40–80 quả/cây/năm đối với dừa cao. Chi phí đầu tư cho vườn dừa 10–30 triệu đồng/ha/năm, thu nhập bình quân 30–100 triệu đồng/ha/năm và đem lại lợi nhuận 30–60 triệu đồng/ha/năm