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13 research outputs found
Introduction and Historical Review
A. Braccesi
A. Wootten
+160 more
A.A. Michelson
A.E. Covington
A.E.E. Rogers
A.R. Thompson
A.R. Thompson
A.R. Whitney
A.R. Whitney
A.R. Whitney
A.S. Bennett
B. Lovell
B. Rowson
B.F. Burke
B.F. Burke
B.G. Clark
B.G. Clark
B.M. Oliver
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
B.Y. Mills
C. Bare
C. Hazard
C. Ma
C. Messier
C.A. Beevers
C.H. Townes
C.L. Carilli
D. Morris
D.C. Backer
D.E. Hogg
D.O. Edge
E. Herbst
E.B. Fomalont
E.H. Armstrong
E.J. Blum
E.J. Blum
E.V. Appleton
F.G. Pease
F.G. Smith
F.G. Smith
F.G. Smith
F.G. Smith
F.J. Lovas
F.J. Lovas
G. Reber
G. Smoot
G. Westerhout
G.A. Blake
G.B. Rybicki
G.C. Southworth
G.F. Smoot
G.S. Levy
G.W. Brown
H. Hirabayashi
H. Nyquist
J. Lequeux
J.D. Kraus
J.F.R. Gower
J.G. Bolton
J.G. Bolton
J.H. Blythe
J.H.J. Bruijne de
J.J. Condon
J.J. Condon
J.J. Condon
J.J. Condon
J.L. Pawsey
J.L. Pawsey
J.L. Yen
J.L. Yen
J.M. Marr
J.M. Moran
J.R. Herrnstein
J.R. Herrnstein
J.R. Shakeshaft
J.S. Picken
J.W.M. Baars
J.W.M. Baars
K.G. Jansky
K.I. Kellermann
K.I. Kellermann
K.I. Kellermann
K.I. Kellermann
K.I. Kellermann
L.L. McCready
M. Born
M. Elitzur
M. Gray
M. Miyoshi
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M. Ryle
M.A. Gurwell
M.A.C. Perryman
M.E. Tiuri
M.H. Cohen
M.H. Cohen
M.J. Reid
M.J. Reid
M.J. Reid
M.J.L. Kesteven
M.P. Hughes
M.S. Longair
N.R. Labrum
N.S. Kardashev
N.W. Broten
N.W. Broten
O. Elgaroy
P. Maltby
P. Schilke
P. Thomasson
P.A. O’Brien
P.A.G. Scheuer
P.J. Hargrave
P.J. Napier
P.J. Napier
P.M. Harvey
P.T.P. Ho
R. Genzel
R. Hanbury Brown
R. Linfield
R. Loudon
R. Perley
R. Wohlleben
R.A. Perley
R.B. Read
R.C. Jennison
R.C. Jennison
R.C. Jennison
R.H. Dicke
R.L. Adgie
R.N. Bracewell
R.P. Linfield
R.P. Linfield
R.S. Roger
S.H. Knowles
T. Gold
T. Hagfors
T.A. Clark
T.A. Herring
T.J. Pearson
W. Baade
W. Baade
W.B. Davenport Jr
W.H. Cannon
W.N. Christiansen
W.N. Christiansen
W.T. Sullivan III
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Assessment of rapid ELISA test for detection of Epstein-Barr virus infection.
B A Matheson
D O Ho-Yen
+6 more
Geltosky J.E.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Levin M.
S M Chisholm
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Assessing bone marrow cellularity.
and Lucie
Berlin N.I.
+10 more
D O Ho-Yen
Ellis J.T.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Kurnick J.E.
Lucie N.P.
Lundin P.M.
Nanji A.A.
Nanji A.A.
Schroder U.
Vader H.L.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Specificity and usefulness of an IgE immunosorbent agglutination assay for toxoplasmosis.
A W Joss
Ashburn D.
+23 more
Bessieres-Cathala M.H.
D Ashburn
D O Ho-Yen
Desmonts G.
Desmonts G.
Geller M.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Israelski D.M.
Joss A.W.L.
Joss A.W.L.
Naot Y.
Orlando G.
Ph Pouletty
Pinon J.M.
Pinon J.M.
Pinon J.M.
Poirriez J.
Skinner U.
T H Pennington
Weber B.
Williams K.A.B.
Wong S.W.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: An Evaluation of a Community Based Management Programme for Adolescents and their Families
Chalder T.
Garralda M.E.
+7 more
Ho-Yen D.O.
Richards J.
Thompson M.
Vereker M.I.
Wright J.B.
Wright J.B.
Wright J.B.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The role of a nested polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
A W L Joss
Blumenfeld W.
+13 more
Chatterton J.M.W.
D O Ho-Yen
D Parratt
Evans R.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Kovacs J.A.
Limper A.H.
Masur H.
R Evans
Saiki R.K.
T H Pennington
Wakefield A.E.
Wakefield A.E.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Assessment of cellularity in bone marrow fragments
A. N Al-Adhadh
Berman L.
+9 more
Chalkey H.
Dunnill M.S.
Fisher C.
Hartsock R.J.
Ho-Yen D.O.
I Cavill
Morley A.
Ricketts C.
Weible E.R.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Use of the polymerase chain reaction to detect Toxoplasma gondii in human blood samples.
A H Balfour
A W Joss
+18 more
Burg J.L.
D Baird
D O Ho-Yen
E T Smyth
Hayden J.D.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Holliman R.E.
J M Chatterton
JMW Joss A.W.L.Chatterton
Joss A.W.L.
Joss A.W.L.
Joss A.W.L.
Payne R.A.
Ruskin J.
Sawa D.
Skinner U.
Suzuki Y.
Weiss L.N.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Improved diagnosis of reactivated toxoplasmosis
A. W. Joss
D. Ashburn
+28 more
D. O. Ho-Yen
Erlich H.A.
Hassl A.
Hassl A.
Hellerbrand C.
Ho-Yen D.O.
Holliman R.E.
Israelski D.M.
Israelski D.M.
Israelski D.M.
Joss A.W.L.
Joss A.W.L.
Joss A.W.L.
Laemmlli U.K.
Luft B.J.
M. M. Davidson
Moir I.L.
Pinon J.M.
Potasman I.
Ruskin J.
Sharma S.D.
T. H. Pennington
Tomavo S.
Verhofstede C.
Weiss L.M.
Williams K.A.B.
Wong S.Y.
Woodison G.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A Molecular and Histological study of Turkey birds infected with Toxoplasmosis
+27 more
Al-abodi H. R. J.
Al-Abodi H. R. J.
Al-Ammash M. S. J.
AL-Ramahi H. J.
AL-Shaibani K. T. M.
Ali N.
ALkhaled M. J. A.
Azal Naser Bader Al-nusear
Bancroft J. D.
Burney D. P.
Ho-Yen D.O. ed Ho-Yen D. O.
Khurana S.
Liesenfeld O.
Mary E. K.
Niazi A. D.
Prof.Dr.Adel Jabbar Hussein
Rana Imad Al_Mashhadany
Sambrook J.
Simpson M.
Sturkie P. D.
Publication venue
'IOP Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text