13 research outputs found
A new family of shape invariantly deformed Darboux-P\"oschl-Teller potentials with continuous \ell
We present a new family of shape invariant potentials which could be called a
``continuous \ell version" of the potentials corresponding to the exceptional
(X_{\ell}) J1 Jacobi polynomials constructed recently by the present authors.
In a certain limit, it reduces to a continuous \ell family of shape invariant
potentials related to the exceptional (X_{\ell}) L1 Laguerre polynomials. The
latter was known as one example of the `conditionally exactly solvable
potentials' on a half line.Comment: 19 pages. Sec.5(Summary and Comments): one sentence added in the
first paragraph, several sentences modified in the last paragraph.
References: one reference ([25]) adde
Multi-indexed (q-)Racah Polynomials
As the second stage of the project multi-indexed orthogonal polynomials, we
present, in the framework of `discrete quantum mechanics' with real shifts in
one dimension, the multi-indexed (q-)Racah polynomials. They are obtained from
the (q-)Racah polynomials by multiple application of the discrete analogue of
the Darboux transformations or the Crum-Krein-Adler deletion of `virtual state'
vectors, in a similar way to the multi-indexed Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
reported earlier. The virtual state vectors are the `solutions' of the matrix
Schr\"odinger equation with negative `eigenvalues', except for one of the two
boundary points.Comment: 29 pages. The type II (q-)Racah polynomials are deleted because they
can be obtained from the type I polynomials. To appear in J.Phys.
Exceptional Askey-Wilson type polynomials through Darboux-Crum transformations
An alternative derivation is presented of the infinitely many exceptional
Wilson and Askey-Wilson polynomials, which were introduced by the present
authors in 2009. Darboux-Crum transformations intertwining the discrete quantum
mechanical systems of the original and the exceptional polynomials play an
important role. Infinitely many continuous Hahn polynomials are derived in the
same manner. The present method provides a simple proof of the shape invariance
of these systems as in the corresponding cases of the exceptional Laguerre and
Jacobi polynomials.Comment: 24 pages. Comments and references added. To appear in J.Phys.
Exceptional orthogonal polynomials and the Darboux transformation
We adapt the notion of the Darboux transformation to the context of
polynomial Sturm-Liouville problems. As an application, we characterize the
recently described Laguerre polynomials in terms of an isospectral
Darboux transformation. We also show that the shape-invariance of these new
polynomial families is a direct consequence of the permutability property of
the Darboux-Crum transformation.Comment: corrected abstract, added references, minor correction
A conjecture on Exceptional Orthogonal Polynomials
Exceptional orthogonal polynomial systems (X-OPS) arise as eigenfunctions of
Sturm-Liouville problems and generalize in this sense the classical families of
Hermite, Laguerre and Jacobi. They also generalize the family of CPRS
orthogonal polynomials. We formulate the following conjecture: every
exceptional orthogonal polynomial system is related to a classical system by a
Darboux-Crum transformation. We give a proof of this conjecture for codimension
2 exceptional orthogonal polynomials (X2-OPs). As a by-product of this
analysis, we prove a Bochner-type theorem classifying all possible X2-OPS. The
classification includes all cases known to date plus some new examples of
X2-Laguerre and X2-Jacobi polynomials
Families of superintegrable Hamiltonians constructed from exceptional polynomials
We introduce a family of exactly-solvable two-dimensional Hamiltonians whose
wave functions are given in terms of Laguerre and exceptional Jacobi
polynomials. The Hamiltonians contain purely quantum terms which vanish in the
classical limit leaving only a previously known family of superintegrable
systems. Additional, higher-order integrals of motion are constructed from
ladder operators for the considered orthogonal polynomials proving the quantum
system to be superintegrable
Exceptional orthogonal polynomials and new exactly solvable potentials in quantum mechanics
In recent years, one of the most interesting developments in quantum
mechanics has been the construction of new exactly solvable potentials
connected with the appearance of families of exceptional orthogonal polynomials
(EOP) in mathematical physics. In contrast with families of (Jacobi, Laguerre
and Hermite) classical orthogonal polynomials, which start with a constant, the
EOP families begin with some polynomial of degree greater than or equal to one,
but still form complete, orthogonal sets with respect to some positive-definite
measure. We show how they may appear in the bound-state wavefunctions of some
rational extensions of well-known exactly solvable quantum potentials. Such
rational extensions are most easily constructed in the framework of
supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSYQM), where they give rise to a new class
of translationally shape invariant potentials. We review the most recent
results in this field, which use higher-order SUSYQM. We also comment on some
recent re-examinations of the shape invariance condition, which are independent
of the EOP construction problem.Comment: 21 pages, no figure; communication at the Symposium Symmetries in
Science XV, July 31-August 5, 2011, Bregenz, Austri