538 research outputs found

    "Low-state" Black Hole Accretion in Nearby Galaxies

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    I summarize the main observational properties of low-luminosity AGNs in nearby galaxies to argue that they are the high-mass analogs of black hole X-ray binaries in the "low/hard" state. The principal characteristics of low-state AGNs can be accommodated with a scenario in which the central engine is comprised of three components: an optically thick, geometrically accretion disk with a truncated inner radius, a radiatively inefficient flow, and a compact jet.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales, ed. T. J. Maccarone, R. P. Fender, and L. C. Ho (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Influence of high gas production during thermophilic anaerobic digestion in pilot-scale and lab-scale reactors on survival of the thermotolerant pathogens Clostridium perfringens and Campylobacter jejuni in piggery wastewater

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    Safe reuse of animal wastes to capture energy and nutrients, through anaerobic digestion processes, is becoming an increasingly desirable solution to environmental pollution. Pathogen decay is the most important safety consideration and is in general, improved at elevated temperatures and longer hydraulic residence times. During routine sampling to assess pathogen decay in thermophilic digestion, an inversely proportional relationship between levels of Clostridium perfringens and gas production was observed. Further samples were collected from pilot-scale, bench-scale thermophilic reactors and batch scale vials to assess whether gas production (predominantly methane) could be a useful indicator of decay of the thermotolerant pathogens C. perfringens and Campylobacter jejuni. Pathogen levels did appear to be lower where gas production and levels of methanogens were higher. This was evident at each operating temperature (50, 57, 65 °C) in the pilot-scale thermophilic digesters, although higher temperatures also reduced the numbers of pathogens detected. When methane production was higher, either when feed rate was increased, or pH was lowered from 8.2 (piggery wastewater) to 6.5, lower numbers of pathogens were detected. Although a number of related factors are known to influence the amount and rate of methane production, it may be a useful indicator of the removal of the pathogens C. perfringens and C. jejuni

    Dynamics of Inner Galactic Disks: The Striking Case of M100

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    We investigate gas dynamics in the presence of a double inner Lindblad resonance within a barred disk galaxy. Using an example of a prominent spiral, M100, we reproduce the basic central morphology, including four dominant regions of star formation corresponding to the compression maxima in the gas. These active star forming sites delineate an inner boundary (so-called nuclear ring) of a rather broad oval detected in the near infrared. We find that inclusion of self-gravitational effects in the gas is necessary in order to understand its behavior in the vicinity of the resonances and its subsequent evolution. The self-gravity of the gas is also crucial to estimate the effect of a massive nuclear ring on periodic orbits in the stellar bar.Comment: 11 pages, postscript, compressed, uuencoded. Paper and 4 figures available at ftp://pa.uky.edu/shlosman/nobel or at http://www.pa.uky.edu/~shlosman/ . Invited talk at the Centennial Nobel Symposium on "Barred Galaxies and Circumnuclear Activity," A.Sandquist et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, in pres

    Termoreverzibilni mukoadhezivni in situ hidrogel za oftalmičku primjenu: dizajniranje i optimizacija koristeći kombinaciju polimera

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    The purpose of the study was to develop an optimized thermoreversible in situ gelling ophthalmic drug delivery system based on Pluronic F 127, containing moxifloxacin hydrochloride as a model drug. A 32 full factorial design was employed with two polymers Pluronic F 68 and Gelrite as independent variables used in combination with Pluronic F 127. Gelation temperature, gel strength, bioadhesion force, viscosity and in vitro drug release after 1 and 10 h were selected as dependent variables. Pluronic F 68 loading with Pluronic F 127 was found to have a significant effect on gelation temperature of the formulation and to be of importance for gel formation at temperatures 3336 ºC. Gelrite loading showed a positive effect on bioadhesion force and gel strength and was also found helpful in controling the release rate of the drug. The quadratic mathematical model developed is applicable to predicting formulations with desired gelation temperature, gel strength, bioadhesion force and drug release properties.Cilj rada bio je razvoj i optimizacija termoreverzibilnog sustava za isporuku lijekova koji gelira in situ. Sustav je napravljen na bazi Pluronic F 127, a sadrži moksifloksacin hidroklorid kao modelni lijek. U radu je primjenjeno 32 potpuno faktorijsko dizajniranje s dva polimera, Pluronic F 68 i Gelrite kao nezavisnim varijablama koji su kombinirani s Pluronic F 127. Kao zavisne varijable odabrane su temperatura geliranja, čvrstoća gela, jačina bioadhezije, viskoznost i in vitro oslobađanje lijeka nakon 1 i 10 h. Pronađeno je da Pluronic F 68 u kombinaciji s Pluronic F 127 ima značajan učinak na temperaturu geliranja u rasponu od 33 do 36 C. S druge strane, Gelrite ima povoljan učinak na jačinu bioadhezije, čvrstoću gela i oslobađanje lijeka. Razvijen je kvadratni matematički model pomoću kojeg se može predvidjeti temperatura geliranja, čvrstoća gela, jačina bioadhezije i oslobađanje ljekovite tvari

    Induced circular dichroism of stereoregular vinyl polymers

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    Stereoregular vinyl polymers, poly(2-vinyl pyridine)s (P2VPs), were synthesized to examine the tacticity effect on the induced circular dichroism (ICD) via association with chiral acids. The ICD was found to be strongly dependent on the isotacticity of the P2VPs and the acidity of chiral acid in addition to its bulkiness

    Vertically Self-Gravitating ADAFs in the Presence of Toroidal Magnetic Field

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    Force due to the self-gravity of the disc in the vertical direction is considered to study its possible effects on the structure of a magnetized advection-dominated accretion disc. We present steady-sate self similar solutions for the dynamical structure of such a type of the accretion flows. Our solutions imply reduced thickness of the disc because of the self-gravity. It also imply that the thickness of the disc will increase by adding the magnetic field strength.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science

    Finding Faint Intermediate-mass Black Holes in the Radio Band

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    We discuss the prospects for detecting faint intermediate-mass black holes, such as those predicted to exist in the cores of globular clusters and dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We briefly summarize the difficulties of stellar dynamical searches, then show that recently discovered relations between black hole mass, X-ray luminosity and radio luminosity imply that in most cases, these black holes should be more easily detected in the radio than in the X-rays. Finally, we show upper limits from some radio observations of globular clusters, and discuss the possibility that the radio source in the core of the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy might be a 10,000100,000M\sim 10,000-100,000 M_\odot black hole.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, to appear in From X-ray Binaries to Quasars: Black Hole Accretion on All Mass Scales, ed. T. J. Maccarone, R. P. Fender, and L. C. Ho (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Application of Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis to Determine γ-ray-induced Double-strand Breaks in Yeast Chromosomal Molecules

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    The frequency of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) was determined in yeast cells exposed to γ-rays under anoxic conditions. Genomic DNA of treated cells was separated by pulsed field gel electrophoresis, and two different approaches for the evaluation of the gels were employed: (1) The DNA mass distribution profile obtained by electrophoresis was compared to computed profiles, and the number of DSB per unit length was then derived in terms of a fitting procedure; (2) hybridization of selected chromosomes was performed, and a comparison of the hybridization signals in treated and untreated samples was then used to derive the frequency of dsb

    Self-similar solutions of viscous and resistive ADAFs with thermal conduction

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    We have studied the effects of thermal conduction on the structure of viscous and resistive advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAFs). The importance of thermal conduction on hot accretion flow is confirmed by observations of hot gas that surrounds Sgr A^* and a few other nearby galactic nuclei. In this research, thermal conduction is studied by a saturated form of it, as is appropriated for weakly-collisional systems. It is assumed the viscosity and the magnetic diffusivity are due to turbulence and dissipation in the flow. The viscosity also is due to angular momentum transport. Here, the magnetic diffusivity and the kinematic viscosity are not constant and vary by position and α\alpha-prescription is used for them. The govern equations on system have been solved by the steady self-similar method. The solutions show the radial velocity is highly subsonic and the rotational velocity behaves sub-Keplerian. The rotational velocity for a specific value of the thermal conduction coefficient becomes zero. This amount of conductivity strongly depends on magnetic pressure fraction, magnetic Prandtl number, and viscosity parameter. Comparison of energy transport by thermal conduction with the other energy mechanisms implies that thermal conduction can be a significant energy mechanism in resistive and magnetized ADAFs. This property is confirmed by non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap&S