1,240 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic limits of crystallization and the prediction of glass formation tendency

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    We have calculated the T0 curves for several Al-rare-earth binary alloys to assess the importance of the transport-based resistance to crystallization in the overall glass formation process and the general effectiveness of thermodynamic prediction of glass-forming ability. Our results show that the experimentally observed glass-forming compositions for Al-(Ce, Gd, Ho, Nd, Y, Dy) alloys strongly correlate with the composition range bounded by the T0curves associated with the relevant crystalline phases. This indicates that sluggish material transport, together with the tendency for clustering and other types of ordering at medium-range scale, is a key factor governing glass formation in these systems

    Gutzwiller Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Approach for Correlated Materials

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    Rapid progress in noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) computing technology has led to the development of novel resource-efficient hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, such as the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE), that can address open challenges in quantum chemistry, physics and material science. Proof-of-principle quantum chemistry simulations for small molecules have been demonstrated on NISQ devices. While several approaches have been theoretically proposed for correlated materials, NISQ simulations of interacting periodic models on current quantum devices have not yet been demonstrated. Here, we develop a hybrid quantum-classical simulation framework for correlated electron systems based on the Gutzwiller variational embedding approach. We implement this framework on Rigetti quantum processing units (QPUs) and apply it to the periodic Anderson model, which describes a correlated heavy electron band hybridizing with non-interacting conduction electrons. Our simulation results quantitatively reproduce the known ground state quantum phase diagram including metallic, Kondo and Mott insulating phases. This is the first fully self-consistent hybrid quantum-classical simulation of an infinite correlated lattice model executed on QPUs, demonstrating that the Gutzwiller hybrid quantum-classical embedding framework is a powerful approach to simulate correlated materials on NISQ hardware. This benchmark study also puts forth a concrete pathway towards practical quantum advantage on NISQ devices.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cobalt based magnets: a choice of correlation parameters and the relativistic effects

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    The dependence of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) in MCo5 (M  =  Y, La, Ce, Gd) and CoPt on the Coulomb correlations and strength of spin orbit (SO) interaction within the GGA  +  U scheme is investigated. A range of parameters suitable for the satisfactory description of key magnetic properties is determined. We show that for a large variation of SO interaction the MAE in these materials can be well described by the traditional second order perturbation theory. We also show that in these materials the MAE can be both proportional and negatively proportional to the orbital moment anisotropy (OMA) of Co atoms. Dependence of relativistic effects on Coulomb correlations, applicability of the second order perturbation theory for the description of MAE, and effective screening of the SO interaction in these systems are discussed using a generalized virial theorem. Such determined sets of parameters of Coulomb correlations can be used in much needed large scale atomistic simulations

    Efficient Step-Merged Quantum Imaginary Time Evolution Algorithm for Quantum Chemistry

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    We develop a resource-efficient step-merged quantum imaginary time evolution approach (smQITE) to solve for the ground state of a Hamiltonian on quantum computers. This heuristic method features a fixed shallow quantum circuit depth along the state evolution path. We use this algorithm to determine the binding energy curves of a set of molecules, including H2, H4, H6, LiH, HF, H2O, and BeH2, and find highly accurate results. The required quantum resources of smQITE calculations can be further reduced by adopting the circuit form of the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) technique, such as the unitary coupled cluster ansatz. We demonstrate that smQITE achieves a similar computational accuracy as VQE at the same fixed-circuit ansatz, without requiring a generally complicated high-dimensional nonconvex optimization. Finally, smQITE calculations are carried out on Rigetti quantum processing units, demonstrating that the approach is readily applicable on current noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices

    Adaptive Variational Quantum Dynamics Simulations

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    We propose a general-purpose, self-adaptive approach to construct variational wavefunction ans\"atze for highly accurate quantum dynamics simulations based on McLachlan's variational principle. The key idea is to dynamically expand the variational ansatz along the time-evolution path such that the ``McLachlan distance'', which is a measure of the simulation accuracy, remains below a set threshold. We apply this adaptive variational quantum dynamics simulation (AVQDS) approach to the integrable Lieb-Schultz-Mattis spin chain and the nonintegrable mixed-field Ising model, where it captures both finite-rate and sudden post-quench dynamics with high fidelity. The AVQDS quantum circuits that prepare the time-evolved state are much shallower than those obtained from first-order Trotterization and contain up to two orders of magnitude fewer CNOT gate operations. We envision that a wide range of dynamical simulations of quantum many-body systems on near-term quantum computing devices will be made possible through the AVQDS framework.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure