21,431 research outputs found

    On Distinguishing Non-Standard Interactions from Radiative Corrections in Neutrino-Electron Scattering

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    We present a contribution of higher order to neutrino-electron scattering that is a charged-current counterpart of both the anomalous axial-vector triangle and possible non-standard interaction contributions. It arises in the standard model with massive neutrinos, and renormalizes the nondiagonal axial-vector form-factor at low energies. We show that, due to the small size of radiative corrections, the neutrino-electron scattering still provides a discovery potential for some of the non-standard neutrino interactions proposed in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, change in title and context of the consideration, results of radiative corrections unchange

    Gutzwiller density functional theory for correlated electron systems

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    We develop a new density functional theory (DFT) and formalism for correlated electron systems by taking as reference an interacting electron system that has a ground state wavefunction which obeys exactly the Gutzwiller approximation for all one particle operators. The solution of the many electron problem is mapped onto the self-consistent solution of a set of single particle Schroedinger equations analogous to standard DFT-LDA calculations.Comment: 4 page

    Higher-order components dictate higher-order dynamics in hypergraphs

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    The presence of the giant component is a necessary condition for the emergence of collective behavior in complex networked systems. Unlike networks, hypergraphs have an important native feature that components of hypergraphs might be of higher order, which could be defined in terms of the number of common nodes shared between hyperedges. Although the extensive higher-order component (HOC) could be witnessed ubiquitously in real-world hypergraphs, the role of the giant HOC in collective behavior on hypergraphs has yet to be elucidated. In this Letter, we demonstrate that the presence of the giant HOC fundamentally alters the outbreak patterns of higher-order contagion dynamics on real-world hypergraphs. Most crucially, the giant HOC is required for the higher-order contagion to invade globally from a single seed. We confirm it by using synthetic random hypergraphs containing adjustable and analytically calculable giant HOC.Comment: Main: 6 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary Material: 7 pages, 7 figure

    A supermassive binary black hole with triple disks

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    Hierarchical structure formation inevitably leads to the formation of supermassive binary black holes (BBHs) with a sub-parsec separation in galactic nuclei. However, to date there has been no unambiguous detection of such systems. In an effort to search for potential observational signatures of supermassive BBHs, we performed high-resolution smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of two black holes in a binary of moderate eccentricity surrounded by a circumbinary disk. Building on our previous work, which has shown that gas can periodically transfer from the circumbinary disk to the black holes when the binary is on an eccentric orbit, the current set of simulations focuses on the formation of the individual accretion disks, their evolution and mutual interaction, and the predicted radiative signature. The variation in mass transfer with orbital phase from the circumbinary disk induces periodic variations in the light curve of the two accretion disks at ultraviolet wavelengths, but not in the optical or near-infrared. Searches for this signal offer a promising method to detect supermassive BBHs.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 16 pages, 11 figures. High Resolution Version is Available at http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~kimitake/bbhs.htm

    Particle abundance in a thermal plasma: quantum kinetics vs. Boltzmann equation

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    We study the abundance of a particle species in a thermalized plasma by introducing a quantum kinetic description based on the non-equilibrium effective action. A stochastic interpretation of quantum kinetics in terms of a Langevin equation emerges naturally. We consider a particle species that is stable in the vacuum and interacts with \emph{heavier} particles that constitute a thermal bath in equilibrium and define of a fully renormalized single particle distribution function. The distribution function thermalizes on a time scale determined by the \emph{quasiparticle} relaxation rate. The equilibrium distribution function depends on the full spectral density and features off-shell contributions to the particle abundance. A model of a bosonic field Φ\Phi in interaction with two \emph{heavier} bosonic fields is studied. We find substantial departures from the Bose-Einstein result both in the high temperature and the low temperature but high momentum region. In the latter the abundance is exponentially suppressed but larger than the Bose-Einstein result. We obtain the Boltzmann equation in renormalized perturbation theory and highlight the origin of the differences. We argue that the corrections to the abundance of cold dark matter candidates are observationally negligible and that recombination erases any possible spectral distortions of the CMB. However we expect that the enhancement at high temperature may be important for baryogenesis.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures. Clarifying remarks. To appear in Physical Review

    Substrate orientation dependence of enhanced epitaxial regrowth of silicon

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    This work extends the study of dopant-enhanced epitaxial regrowth rate of amorphized Si from the to the and orientations of Si. Boron and phosphorus dopants are considered. The annealing temperatures are 500 and 550 °C. Phosphorus enhances the growth rates in all three orientations by a constant factor of 8.1±0.9. Boron produces a higher enhancement factor of 12.2±1.2, except in the case of . Implications of the results on various growth models are considered. The crystalline quality of regrown layers is improved in the doped samples

    Assessing the Quality of Regulatory Impact Analyses

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    This study provides the most comprehensive evaluation of the quality of recent economic analyses that agencies conduct before finalizing major regulations. We construct a new dataset that includes analyses of forty-eight major health, safety, and environmental regulations from mid-1996 to mid-1999. This dataset provides detailed information on a variety of issues, including an agency's treatment of benefits, costs, net benefits, discounting, and uncertainty. We use this dataset to assess the quality of recent economic analyses and to determine the extent to which they are consistent with President Clinton's Executive Order 12866 and the benefit-cost guidelines issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). We find that economic analyses prepared by regulatory agencies typically do not provide enough information to make decisions that will maximize the efficiency or effectiveness of a rule. Agencies quantified net benefits for only 29 percent of the rules. Agencies failed to discuss alternatives in 27 percent of the rules and quantified costs and benefits of alternatives in only 31 percent of the rules. Our findings strongly suggest that agencies generally failed to comply with the executive order and adhere to the OMB guidelines. We offer specific suggestions for improving the quality of analysis and the transparency of the regulatory process, including writing clear executive summaries, making analyses available on the Internet, providing more careful consideration of alternatives to a regulation, and estimating net benefits of a regulation when data on costs and benefits are provided.
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